

Study on Characteristics of Chemical Components and Smoking Quality of Tobacco Leaf and Their Relations in Hongda Variety

【作者】 张锦韬

【导师】 周冀衡; 李文璧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 烟草科学与工程技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 大理州是我国烤烟种植的最适宜区之一,红大特色优质烟叶已具备年产100万担的能力,且质量稳定,深受全国主要骨干品牌的青睐。本研究以云南大理品种比较试验、品种示范试验、统一栽培法试验和生产大田大面积取样烟叶为材料,测定了烟叶常规化学成分、香气前体物、中性挥发性香气物及对烟叶感官评吸,通过比较分析和方差分析研究了云南大理红大品种的化学成分和感官评吸质量特征,运用隶属函数模型与指数和法构建化学成分可用性指数对红大与其他品种的化学成分可用性进行了评价,采用基于欧氏距离的相似性分析方法研究了红大品种不同化学成分与K326、云烟85、云烟87等品种的相似性,采用典型相关分析研究了云南大理红大品种化学成分与感官评吸质量的关系。主要研究结论如下:1红大烟叶常规化学成分特征云南大理红大常规化学成分的特点是总糖含量相对较低(与其他品种对比),钾含量相对较高;红大化学成分协调性指标的特点是两糖比相对较高。2红大烟叶主要香气前体物特征云南大理红大品种质体色素特点是叶黄素、β-胡萝卜素、类胡萝卜素总量要高于其他品种;红大品种多酚类物质特点是多酚类物质含量高,特别是芸香苷含量高;红大品种非挥发性有机酸组分特点是草酸、苹果酸、非挥发性有机酸含量高,而柠檬酸含量不高;红大品种高级脂肪酸组分特点是棕榈酸、硬脂酸、亚油酸含量高,高级脂肪酸饱和度也高;红大品种异戊酸和β-甲基戊酸含量高。3红大烟叶部分中性挥发性香气物特征云南大理红大品种烟叶的西柏烷类物质含量与云烟85差异不大,但极显著的高于K326和云烟87品种;红大品种相对于其他品种芳香族氨基酸降解产物要低;红大品种的美拉德反应物总量虽高于云烟85,但低于云烟87和K326;红大品种的新植二烯和类胡萝卜素降解产物总量都要高于其他品种,特别是氧化紫罗兰醇含量显著高于其他品种。4红大烟叶感官评吸质量特征云南大理红大品种烟叶在香气特性、烟气特性、口感特性、工业适用性、感官评吸质量等方面都优于K326、云烟85、云烟87等品种。具体表现为:香气质分值高、香气量分值高,透发性分值高,杂气分值高;细腻性分值高,成团性分值高;干燥度分值高,干净程度分值高,回甜度分值高;工业适用性分值高;评吸总分值高。因此,初步认为大理红大品种烤烟感官评吸质量的特点是:具有典型清香型风格,香气质好,香气量足,香气细腻圆润,回甜感强,浓度中等,杂气较轻,刺激性小,烟气透发性强、成团性好,余味舒适干净,工业可用性强。5红大烟叶化学成分与其他品种的相似性云南大理红大品种烟叶中的总氮、钾氯比、β-胡萝卜素、苹果酸、降茄二酮、对二甲苯、呋哺酮、5-hydroxyl-3-methyl-1-indanone、巨豆三烯酮C、紫罗兰醇与K326品种具有高度相似性;氯、糖碱比、油酸、西柏三烯二醇1、西柏三烯二醇2、西柏三烯二醇3、环戊二烯、异长叶烯、糠醛、3-羟基香叶酮、氧化紫罗兰醇与云烟85品种具有高度相似性;还原糖、烟碱、氮碱比、钾氯比、糖碱比、油酸、茄酮、2-乙酰基吡咯、吲哚、3-羟基香叶酮、3-甲基呋喃酮、新植二烯、巨豆三烯酮D、二氢大马酮、紫罗兰醇、3-氧化二氢.紫罗兰醇与云烟87品种具有高度相似性。6红大烟叶化学组分的特征物初步筛选了红大品种的化学组分的特征物:两糖比、总挥发酸、总挥发碱、叶黄素、草酸、芸香苷、柠檬酸、棕榈酸、苯乙醇、4-乙烯基-2-甲氧基苯酚、糠醇、3-乙基-2-甲基-吡咯-2,5-二酮、法尼基丙酮、5-庚烯-2-酮、3-羟基火马酮。其中,在红大品种中柏对较高的有:两糖比、总挥发酸、叶黄素、草酸、芸香苷、棕榈睃、糠醇;相对较低的有:总挥发碱、柠檬酸、苯乙醇、4-乙烯基-2-甲氧基苯酚、3-乙基-2-甲基-吡咯-2,5-二酮、法尼基丙酮、5-庚烯-2-酮、3-羟基大马酮。7红大烟叶化学成分与感官评吸质量的关系红大品种烟叶中的烟碱与香气量呈正相关,与杂气分值呈负相关。红大烟叶的香气前体物β-胡萝卜素、芸香苷、草酸、亚油酸含量高,而苹果酸、油酸含量低时,感官评吸的透发性好、刺激性小(刺激性分值高)、回甜度好,但浓度、成团性、干净程度相对要差。西柏烷类中性香气物氧化石竹烯与杂气分值呈正相关,亚油酸甲酯与杂气分值呈负相关。芳香族降解产物3-羟基庚酸、吲哚与香气量、浓度呈负相关。美拉德反应物3-乙基-2-甲基-吡咯-2,5-二酮、3-羟基香叶酮与香气量呈正相关,与浓度的呈负相关;3-甲基呋喃酮与香气量呈负相关,与浓度呈正相关。质体色素降解产物巨豆三烯酮B与浓度呈正相关;3-羟基大马酮与浓度呈负相关。

【Abstract】 Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali, one of suitable region for tobacco growth, had provided quality tobacco material for many important industrial companies for many years, especially, the yield of Hong-Da variety has amounted to 50000 tons. Coming from four field tests, the research of material was tested in conventional chemicals, pre-fragrance material, volatile normal fragrance material and smoke panel test. Data analysis is mainly about function models, similar analysis method. Typical relevant methods were used in evaluating Hong-Da variety discriminative chemical material characteristics with other three varieties and the relation between smoke panel test and chemical material. The results are as follow:1 Conventional chemical material characteristics in Hong-Da varietyComparing to other three varieties, the Hong-Da variety has the characteristics of lower total sugar content, higher K icon content and higher proportion of total sugar/ reducing sugar.2 Pre-fragrance material characteristics in Hong-Da varietyThe pre-fragrance material content keeps higher level in phytoxanthin,β-carotene, carotenoid, polyphenol type material, rutin, oxalic acid, malic acid, non- volatile organic acid, cetylic acid, octadecanoic acid, linoleic acid, higher fatty acid saturation, common valeric acid andβ-methyl pentanoic acid, but lower in citric acid content, comparing to other three varieties.3 Volatile normal fragrance material characteristcs in Hong-Da varietyCompare to the products degraded by cembrane, there is little difference between HongDa variety and Yun85 variety, but the content of products is degraded by cembrane in HongDa variety. For instance, sibyl three ene glycol 1-3 is higher than the variety of K326 and Yun87. In HongDa variety, the degraded material content of aromatic amino acid is lower than other varieties, because of lower content in the material of benzil alcohol, phenethyl alcohol, benzaldehyde,2-acetyl pyrrole etc. The Maillard reaction products content in HongDa variety is higher than Yun85, but lower than Yun87 and K326 varieties. The degraded material content of neophytadiene and neophytadiene in HongDa variety is higher than other varieties, especially the content of ionol. 4 Smoke panel test quality characteristics in HongDa varietyThe smoke panel test quality of HongDa variety is superior to the other three varieties in fragrance, smoke, taste and industrial usability characteristics. From this research point of view, smoke panel test quality characteristics of HongDa variety in DaLi region are as follows:typical delicate fragrance, good fragrant quality, abundant fragrant density, fine and smooth fragrant, feeling sweet after finishing smoking, secondary level smoke concentration, less bad smoke, less prick feeling, good smoke diffusiveness, good smoke clustering, remaining taste cleaning and good industral usability.5 Similarity analysis to other varieties in chemical materialBy analyzing, there is similarity between HongDa and Yun87 variety in the following chemical materials:reducing sugar, nicotine, total nitrogen/nicotine, K/Cl, total sugar/nicotine, oleic acid, solanone,2-acetyl pyrrole, benzpyrole,3-hydroxy Geranyl acetone,3-methyfuranone, neophytadien, megastigmatrieone D,2-hydroxyl damascon, ionol and 3- oxidize dihydrogen ionol. Comparing to Yun85 variety, the similarity in chemical material is mainly about:total nitrogen, K/Cl,β- carotene, malic acid, norsolanadione, p-xylene, furanone,5-hydroxyl-3-methyl-1-indanone, megastigmatrieone C and ionol. Generally speaking, the chemical material of Cl, total sugar/nicotine, oleic acid, sibyl three ene glycol 1-3, cyclopentadiene, isolongifolene, phenyl acetaldehyde, 2,4-heptadienal, furfural,3-hydroxy Geranyl acetone and oxidize ionol has similarity to Yun85 variety.6 Chemical component characteristics of HongDa varietyBy screening from hundreds chemical material, the characteristics of HongDa variety is the higher chemical material content in total sugar/reducing sugar, volatile total organic acids, lutein, rutin, oxalic acid, cetylic acid, furfural, and the lower chemical material content in total volatile alkali, citric acid, phenyl ethyl alcohol,2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol, nicky acetone,3-ethyl-2-methyl-pyrrole-2,5-dione,5-hepten-2-cone and 3- hydroxyl damascon.7 The relationship between chemical component and smoke panel test in HongDa varietyThe canonical correlation analysis results show that nicotine is positive correlation to fragrant concentration and negative correlation to bad smoke concentration. Higher content ofβ-carotene, rutin, oxalic acid, linoleic acid and lower content of malic acid, oleic acid positive to smoking feeling such as the index of smoke peameation, prick feeling, sweet ect., but negative to remaining taste clean smoke slustering and smoke concentration. The relationship of bad smoke and oxide caryophyllene is positive correlation, with negative relationship to methyl linoleate.3-hydroxyl heptanoic acid and indole are negative to smoke concentration.3-ethyl-2-methyl-pyrrole-2,5-dione and 3-hydroxy Geranyl acetone are positive to fragrant concentration but negative to smoke concentration, on the contrary, is the 3-methyfuranone to fragrant and smoke concentration. The degraded material of plastid pigment, for example, megastigmatrieone B is positive correlation to smoke concentration while 3- oxhydryl damascon is negative correlation to smoke concentration.


