

A Study of Chinese Language Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools of Thailand

【作者】 潘素英

【导师】 吴应辉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以泰国中小学阶段汉语教学的课程大纲为研究对象,以泰国外语教学大纲的交际理论为基础,使用文献研究法、全球视野比较法和宏观综合分析法,就泰国中小学汉语课程大纲相关问题进行了横向和纵向的分析,最后制定了符合泰国汉语教学特点的汉语课程大纲。本选题首次站在国家的高度,对泰国中小学阶段汉语课程大纲进行研究,具有较强的理论意义和实践意义。本文首先对泰国汉语课程大纲的历史与现状进行系统的考察,对泰国汉语教学以及汉语课程的演变进行简要的梳理,并将泰国的汉语教学分为两个阶段:华校的汉语教学阶段和作为外语的汉语教学阶段。同时本文详细分析了泰国汉语教学历史上比较有影响的汉语课程大纲,主要包括:1928年制定并实施的针对泰国华校的汉语课程——“参照课程”,教育部制定的《1962年华校汉语课程》,《1978年课程(1990年改进版)》,《促进汉语教学,提高国家竞争力战略规划(2006-2010年)》,泰国《2008年基础教育核心课程》等,上述大纲对我们制定汉语课程大纲具有重要的借鉴意义。尤其是泰国教育部颁布实施的《泰国2008年基础教育核心课程》,其规定的“外语指标”是制定泰国基础教育汉语课程标准的重要依据。其次本文对泰国有关汉语教学和汉语课程大纲的政策和法规做了系统的介绍和深入的解析。在泰国中小学的教育政策方面,对相关政策进行了简单介绍,涉及到的条例主要有《2010年国家教育条例》、《2002-2016年泰国国家教育计划》、《国家经济及社会发展规划》、《促进汉语教学,提高国家竞争力战略规划(2006-2010年)》以及《2008年基础教育核心课程》等五个。这些教育政策对泰国汉语教学影响主要表现在:指明了泰国汉语教学的基本目标和原则;明确了泰国汉语教学的主要组织形式,管理方式,基本内容,培养方向等;全面贯彻以学生为中心的教学理念;进一步强调地方教育机构在教学中的主导地位;与泰国教育政策保持高度一致,促进了泰国汉语教学的多样性发展;促进中泰两国官方交往进一步加强,提升了泰国汉语教学在世界汉语传播中的地位。对及汉语课程的影响主要表现在为泰国中小学汉语课程的制定确定了规范,同时决定了以课时为基础的泰国中小学汉语课程大纲制定原则。在上述研究的基础上,本文提出了制定泰国中小学汉语课程大纲需要解决的两个问题。首先是汉语课程时间结构的问题。泰国《2008年基础教育核心课程》里规定的外语课时,是针对第一外语英语的,而作为中小学补充课程的汉语课,在泰国基础教育中的课程情况比较复杂,目前的做法是各校各自为政,没有统一的时间结构依据。针对这一问题,本文通过对目前开设汉语课的学校所进行的调查,得出大部分学校开设汉语课的课时数。然后将这一数据与《2008年基础教育核心课程》里规定的外语课基本课时进行比较,将泰国基础教育中小学一年级至三年级的汉语课程课时设定为每学年40课时,小学四年级至六年级为每学年80课时,初中一年级至三年级每学年80课时,高中汉语课为每学年80课时,高中文科汉语班为每学年240课时。以此作为本研究制定汉语课程大纲“汉语分项指标及核心学习内容”的主要课时依据。其次是学习者能力分级目标的问题。泰国《2008年基础教育核心课程》里的“学习者能力(分级目标)”部分分为四个等级,即小学三年级、小学六年级、初中三年级和高中三年级。每一个等级之下又分别设有10个分项目标。其中,第1到第8项目标是由泰国外语教学的四个目标引申和发展出来的,泰国基础教育中的所有外语教学都要符合这八项目标的内容。而第9项分项目标“语言技能及词汇量”和第10项分项目标“语法项目”,则是在前面八项分项目标的基础上,针对不同语言的特点提出的。目前这一分项目标以英语作为主要参考,这就需要我们在制定汉语课程大纲的时候,充分结合汉语的特点来设定每阶段的词汇量和核心语法项目。同时,在此过程中如何处理拼音和汉字,以及如何选择语法用例等实际问题也需要考虑。针对这一问题,本研究从语序和表达方式两个方面系统而深入的对比了汉语和泰语的异同,并以此作为划分语法项目难易的标准,确定了针对泰国学生的五个等级的语法项目分布情况。同时在编写大纲的分项指标和核心学习内容时加入对汉语拼音和汉字的要求,大纲中的例子也充分考虑汉语的交际特点。在针对上述问题提出解决对策的基础上,笔者提出制定泰国中小学汉语课程大纲应该遵守的四项主要原则:要符合国家教育要求,也就是以学生为中心的教育理念,尊重权利下方到地方教育机构的教育制度,充分考虑各级教育机构的自主性;要坚持从“功能意念”到“形式”的交际型大纲设计模式;要借鉴国际上的课程大纲制定成果,与国际接轨;要具有针对性和实用性。最后,笔者结合泰国中小学汉语教学的实际情况,制定出专门针对泰国中小学阶段汉语教学的课程大纲,称为“泰国中小学汉语课程大纲”。本大纲属于国家级的统一性教学大纲,对不同教育区和不同学校基础阶段的汉语教学具有指导意义。大纲包括两大部分,第一部分“说明”包括泰国中小学汉语课程大纲的目的、目标、标准以及分级目标;第二部分是泰国中小学汉语课程的分项指标和核心教学内容。本大纲的制定填补了泰国基础教育汉语课程大纲的空白,可以为泰国中小学组织汉语教学以及编写本土汉语教材提供依据,具有很强的实践价值和理论价值。

【Abstract】 The thesis takes the curriculum of the Chinese teaching in Thailand primary and secondary school stage as the research object. Based on the communication theory of Thailand’s foreign language Curriculum, with the application of literature research method, global vision comparative method, and macroscopic comprehensive analysis method, the thesis makes horizontal and vertical analysis on the problems related to the Chinese Curriculum of the Thai Primary and secondary school. Finally, the Chinese Curriculum has been formulated in accordance with the Chinese teaching characteristics in Thailand. The selected topic first stands in the state level and researches on the Chinese Curriculum in Thai Primary and secondary school. It has strong theoretical and practical significance.The thesis first makes systematic investigation on the history and current situation of the Chinese Curriculum in Thailand and summarizes the Chinese teaching in Thailand and evolution of Chinese curriculum briefly. Besides, the Chinese teaching in Thailand has been divided into two stages, namely the stage of Chinese teaching in Chinese school and the stage of Chinese teaching as the foreign language. Meanwhile, the thesis analyzes the Chinese Curriculum with great effect in the history of Chinese teaching in Thailand in details, primarily including in 1928, "reference curriculum"—the Chinese curriculum was formulated and implemented for the Chinese school in Thailand; Chinese curriculum for Chinese school in 1962; Curriculum in 1978 (recession in 1990); Thailand’s Promotion of Chinese Language Education, Strategy for Improving the Country’s Competitiveness (2006-201O) formulated by Ministry of Education; Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008 of Thailand, etc. The above outlines have important significance of reference for us to formulate the Chinese Curriculum. Specially, focusing on the Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008 of Thailand released and implemented by the Ministry of Education in Thailand, its provision of "foreign language learning indicator" is the important evidence to formulate the Chinese curriculum standard of the basic education in Thailand.Second, the thesis makes systematic introduction and in-depth analysis of the Thai policies, laws and regulations related to the Chinese teaching and Chinese Curriculum. Focusing on the educational policy of Thailand Primary and secondary school, relevant policies are introduced briefly by the thesis. The major regulations referred to include National education regulations in 2010; National education plan in Thailand during 2002-2016; National economy and social development plan; Thailand’s Promotion of Chinese Language Education, Strategy for Improving the Country’s Competitiveness (2006-2010) and Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008. These educational policies affect the Chinese teaching in Thailand, which is primarily reflected in the following aspects. It points out the basic purpose and principle of Chinese teaching in Thailand; confirms the major organizational pattern, management pattern, basic content and orientation of cultivation of Chinese teaching in Thailand; implements the teaching idea that centralizes the students comprehensively; further emphasizes the predominance of the local educational institution in education; keeps highly accordance with the educational policy in Thailand; promotes the diverse development of Chinese teaching in Thailand; promotes the further improvement of the official communication between China and Thailand; improves the status of Chinese teaching in Thailand in the global Chinese spread. The influence on the Chinese curriculum is primarily reflected on that standard has been confirmed for the formulation of Chinese curriculum of Thai Primary and secondary school. Meanwhile, it determines the formulation principle of Chinese Curriculum in Thailand Primary and secondary schoolbased on class hour.Based on the research above, the thesis puts forward two problems that should be solved in the formulation of the Chinese Curriculum in Thailand Primary and secondary school. First is the time structure of the Chinese curriculum. The class hour of foreign language that is provided in Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008 in Thailand focuses on the first foreign language, namely English. As the supplementary curriculum of Primary and secondary school, Chinese curriculum owns complicated condition in Thai basic education. At present, the method is that each school implements its own policy without united evidence of time structure. Aiming at this problem, through the investigation made to the schools that set Chinese curriculum now, the thesis achieves the learning time of Chinese curriculum set by most schools. Then, the data is compared with the minimal learning time structure of the foreign language curriculum regulated in Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008. The learning time of Chinese curriculum for Grade 1 to 3 is settled as 40 hours each academic year; that of Grade 4 to 6 is 80 hours each academic year; that of Grade 1 to 3 in lower secondary school is 80 hours each academic year; that of Grades 4 to 6 in upper secondary school is 80 hours each academic year; that of liberal-art Chinese class in upper secondary school is 240 hours each academic year. This is taken as the major evidence of class hour for the research to formulate the "Chinese learning indicator and core study content" of the Chinese Curriculum. Second is the classification purpose of the learners’capacity. In the "capacity of learners (classification purpose)" in Basic Education Core Curriculum A.D.2008 in Thailand, it is divided into four levels, namely Grade 3 in primary school, Grade 6 in primary school, Grade 3 in lower Secondary school, and Grade 6 in upper secondary school. Under each level, there are ten subentry purposes. Thereto, the 1st to 8th purposes are extended and developed from the four purposes of foreign language teaching in Thailand. In the basic education of Thailand, all the foreign language teaching should comply with the content of the eight purposes. The 9th subentry purpose "linguistic skill and vocabulary" and 10th subentry purpose "grammar project" are based on the previous eight subentry purposes and put forward based on the characteristics of different language. At present. The subentry purpose takes English as the major reference, which requires us to integrate the characteristics of Chinese sufficiently to set the vocabulary of core grammar project of each stage when formulating the Chinese Curriculum. Meanwhile, in this process, it should also be considered that how to process the spelling and Chinese characters and how to select examples of grammar as well as other practical problems. Aiming at this problem, the research compares the differences and similarities between Chinese and Thai systematically and profoundly in two aspects, namely the word order and way of expression. In addition, it is taken as the standard to classify the difficult and easy grammar project. Distribution condition of five-level grammar project has been confirmed focusing on the Thai students. At the same time, when formulating the subentry index and the core study content of the outline, the requirement of the Chinese spelling and Chinese characters is added. The examples in the outline also consider the communication characteristics of Chinese sufficiently. Based on putting forward countermeasures of the problems above, the author formulates the four major principles that should be complied with when formulating the Chinese Curriculum of Thai Primary and secondary school. Comply with the requirement of national education, namely the educational idea that centralizes students, respect educational system with the distribution of the right to local educational institution, consider the autonomy of the educational institution in each level sufficiently; stick to the communication-typed outline design model from the "function-notion" to "Fonn"; refer to the achievement of international fonnulation of curriculum outline, and act on international convention; have pertinence and practical applicability.Finally, combining the actual situation of Chinese teaching in Thai Primary and secondary school, the author works out the curriculum outline especially for Chinese teaching in Thai Primary and secondary school, referred to as "Chinese Curriculum of Thai Primary and secondary school". This outline belongs to national unity syllabus, which is instructive to Chinese teaching in different school stages and different educational areas. There are two parts in this outline. The first part "instruction" contains the purpose, target, standard and subentry purpose of Chinese Curriculum in Thai Primary and secondary school; the second part focuses on the subentry index and core teaching content of the Chinese curriculum in Thai Primary and secondary school. The formulation of the outline fills the vacancy of the Chinese Curriculum of the Thai basic education. It may provide evidence for the Thailand Primary and secondary schoolto organize Chinese teaching and compile local Chinese teaching materials, which has strong practical and theoretical value.


