

A Study of Thai Historical Development of and Standards for Native Chinese Language Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools


【导师】 吴应辉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以泰国中小学本土汉语教师的发展历史和中小学本土汉语教师标准制定为研究对象,通过运用全球视野比较法、宏观综合分析法、个案调查法以及文献研究法对其历时发展进行了深入考察,进而对泰国中小学本土汉语教师的标准进行了探讨。此前虽在个别文献中提及泰国本土教师问题,但从政策层面对泰国汉语教师的发展问题进行探讨的学术成果尚未见到。本选题站在国家顶层设计的角度对泰国中小学本土汉语教师的标准进行探讨,在学术界尚属首例,不仅对泰国其他国家制定国别汉语教师标准具有理论意义,同时对于泰国的本土汉语师资队伍建设也具有较强的应用价值。本文首先对泰国中小学汉语教师的发展进行了历时研究,纵观泰国整个华文教师发展过程,其实就是泰国中小学汉语师资本土化的过程。在泰国汉语教学史上,从最初的无要求阶段,到师资本土化的萌芽阶段,从要求较为宽松到强制本土化,泰国政府主要出于政治原因,无意识地开始了对汉语教师的本土化要求。而到了20世纪末本世纪初,随着中国经济的持续快速发展,泰中政治经贸交往的日益频繁,促进汉语教学被提升到了泰国提高国家竞争力的战略高度来认识,成为国家战略之一。提高汉语教师素质,培养优秀本土化教师,也早已列入泰国教育部的重要日程。可以说,泰国中小学汉语教师发展的未来已经明确,那就是师资的科学本土化之路。但师资本土化并不意味着不再需要甚至拒绝输入式教师的帮助,而是要开创出适合泰国的一套本土汉语师资队伍建设之路,与母语者教师携手合作、取长补短,共同推进泰国汉语教学发展。在上述研究的基础上,本文对泰国教师标准及外语教师标准的情况进行了分析。通过对泰国教师标准发展历史和现状的分析,以及对现行的泰国外语教师标准、“通用教师标准”和其他外语教师标准的考察,作者提出,在制定本土汉语教师标准时,应该充分考虑到以下原则:第一,遵循“儿童中心论”的原则;第二,重视教师“专业知识”的全面性;第三,强调教师专业发展意识;第四,顺应国家教育政策。此外,本文还就制定泰国中小学本土汉语教师标准时需要考虑的五大因素展开了探讨。首先,从政策制定的概念出发,以“泰国2006-2010年促进汉语教学,提高国家竞争力战略规划”为例,分析了从国家层面对汉语教学、教师发展和教师标准的制定进行政策性指导所产生的深刻意义,指出国家汉语政策应重视汉语教师标准的制定、加大汉语教师的培养力度并关注汉语教师职业水平的发展。其次,通过分析泰国教育体制及汉语课程设置的基本情况,指出泰国中小学的汉语教学在多个层面上虽有较大差别,但从中小学汉语师资的特点来看,二者仍有很多共同之处,且对专业素质的要求基本相同,因此主张暂时没有必要对这两个层次的汉语教师标准分别进行制定。再次,在以学生、同事、教学设备、社区等几方面为要素的工作环境中,作者发现环境因素与汉语教师的工作状况有着很大关系,因此在制定本土汉语教师标准时应予以充分考虑。第四,研究发现,泰国汉语教学媒介资源的整体使用情况并不理想,这在很大程度上制约了教学质量的提高和教师的综合发展。在制定教师标准时,应该把这一客观因素考虑在内,促进教师充分掌握和利用媒介资源。作者最后指出,由于汉语国际地位的不断提升,泰国汉语教师标准的制定应该因势利导,促进教师在个人能力、职业素养等各方面与之相适应。在充分考虑到国家政策的制定、教育体制与课程设置、汉语教师的工作环境、汉语教学的媒介资源和汉语的国际地位这几个主要因素后,泰国中小学本土汉语教师标准的制定才能做到主观与客观的统一,宏观与微观的结合,最终构建出全面可行的职业规范。本文最后阐述了“泰国中小学本土汉语教师标准”的主要内容,详述了“汉语交际技能、汉语语言学知识、中国文化知识、汉语作为外语教学的理论与方法、语言测试与评估、现代教育技术、对汉语地位的正确认识及态度、了解泰国华语社区、遵循泰国教师标准”九大标准。从基础知识、专业知识、教学技能、教师基本素质四个方面对“标准”进行解构,首次提出了制定本土汉语教师标准应遵循“顺应国家汉语政策”、“符合国家教师标准”、“适应本土教育模式”、“突出汉语教学特点”、“树立国际合作交流意识”等五项基本原则。

【Abstract】 For a diachronic study of Thailand’s domestic Chinese teachers, this paper resorts to a comprehensive means which is mostly embodied by globally-based comparison, analysis by synthesis, case study and literature research. It probes further into the historical development of Thailand’s native teachers of Chinese in primary and secondary schools and the establishment of a standard for them. The academic study on the construction of a standard for this type of teachers in Thailand which is generated by a concern with a nation’s political strategy has not been found other than this one even though a limited number of studies has been made in terms of the local teachers. As a pioneering study in this field, the author’s programmatic research holds a stance at the country’s summit design targeting at the Chinese teacher’s standard which is expected to cast theoretical significance to nationalized formation of teacher’s standard, not only in Thailand, but also in other countries, and to bring about pragmatic value in improving the overall strength of the teachers.In the first place, this paper presents a diachronic study of the development of Thailand’s native teachers in primary and secondary schools. As a matter of fact, the development of the whole nation’s Chinese teacher is crystallized by the localization of Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools in Thailand. In the past, there was no requirement for the domestic development of Chinese teachers in the country. When it came to the early stage of the localization of teaching forces, the government navigated its development from unrestricted nature to the compelled. Out of political considerations, Thailand’s government initiated its demand with or without purposes for the Chinese teacher’s localized development. In the turn between the end of the 20th and 21st centuries, seeing that China’s fast and stable boost of economy in addition to growth of the two countries’political and trade relations, the government upgrades the importance of Chinese teaching in Thailand and makes it part of the nation’s strategic development. The improvement of Chinese teachers’capabilities and bringing about more qualified teachers are enlisted as vital components in the Education Ministry’s work agenda. It should be clarified that to improve teachers domestically does not indicate the refusal of inward introduction of Chinese teachers; instead, a union of domestic development of Chinese teachers and input native speakers of Chinese shall construct an ideal path for Chinese teaching in Thailand with joint efforts and complementarities.On such a ground, an analysis on Thailand’s standards for teachers and foreign language teachers has been made. By comparing the past and the present situations and surveying the general standard for teachers, standard for foreign language teachers and teachers of other foreign languages, the author puts forward four principles for the standard establishment, which are principle of Children-centered theory, realization of the teacher’s all-round construction of specialized knowledge, emphasis on the teacher’s awareness of improvement in specialty, and adjustment to national educational policies.Besides, the author discusses five major elements to be considered before establishing the Chinese teacher’s standard at primary and secondary schools. Firstly, starting from the elaboration of "policy", the author points out the profound meaning of regulating teacher’s standard from the altitude of national strategy by citing the example of "A Strategic Plan for Thailand’s Promotion of Chinese Teaching from 2006 to 2010 for the Interests of National Competitiveness". A further point is made that a national policy on Chinese teaching should attach importance to the standard’s formulation, the nurturing of Chinese teachers as well as their professional progress. Secondly, after studying the education system and the setting of Chinese classes in Thailand, the author indicates that although Chinese teachings differ a lot in primary and secondary schools in many aspects, the two types of teaching resemble quite much in basic ground and requirements for professionalism. Therefore, the author suggests that differentiated treatment for the teacher’s standard be unnecessary. Thirdly, taking into consideration such factors as student, colleague, teaching hardware, community, the author finds a close relation between environmental factors and the teacher’s work condition, which should be involved in the standard’s establishment. Fourthly, the research proves that medium resources have not been perfectly utilized in the process of Chinese teaching in Thailand, which forges a restriction on the enhancement of teaching quality and the teacher’s comprehensive development. When a standard is to be made for the teacher, objective factors of this kind must not be excluded; instead, they shall be necessities employed by teachers. Last but not least, the international status of the Chinese language will also be influential to Thailand’s formulation of Chinese teacher’s standard so as to take advantage of time and global situation. If all the above-mentioned aspects are fully taken into consideration, the formulation of Chinese teacher’s standard can be created in a unity of subjectivity and objectivity, macroscopic development and micrographic treatment.The last part of this paper specifies the content of "Standard for Thailand Primary and Secondary Teachers of Chinese" and manifests nine principles, namely, communication skills in Chinese, knowledge of Chinese linguistics, knowledge of Chinese culture, theories and methods about Chinese as a foreign language, language test and evaluation, modern educational technology, recognition of and attitude toward Chinese status, knowledge of Chinese communities in Thailand, obedience to the teacher’s standard in Thailand. The author deconstructs the standard from four aspects which are fundamental knowledge, professional knowledge, teaching capability and teacher’s qualities. Five fundamentals about the establishment of localized standard for Chinese teachers have been raised for the first time; they are obedience to national policy on Chinese, compliance with national standard for teachers, adjustment to local educational mode, outlining characteristics of Chinese teaching, and forming an outlook of international cooperation and communication.

【关键词】 泰国本土汉语教师标准
【Key words】 Thailandnativeteachers of Chinese languagestandards

