

A Study on the Development of Teaching Chinese as Second Language in Malaysian Universities

【作者】 YAP TENG TENG(叶婷婷)

【导师】 吴应辉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文首次将马来西亚汉语作为二语教学与华文教育区别开来进行单独有系统的研究,以“马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展”为研究对象。通过运用全球视野比较法、宏观综合分析法、扎根理论法并采用五类研究技术,包括文献资料、专家访谈、实地考察、问卷调查和描述统计重点对马来西亚办学历史最长和最具影响力的四所高校汉语作为二语教学历时发展进行了深入考察;进而对马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展状况和影响因素进行深入研究。此前虽在个别文献中提及马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学的偏误分析、习得问题和课堂教学,但从汉语国际传播视角及宏观层面对马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学的发展问题进行探讨的学术成果尚未见到。本选题从国家顶层设计的高度对马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学的发展进行探讨,在学术界尚属首例,不仅对马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展及本土化汉语传播具有理论意义,同时对于其他国家国别化汉语教学也具有较强的借鉴价值。本文首先理清马来西亚汉语作为二语教学和华文教育的基本概念异同,进而首次对前者做了界定和定位,并对马来西亚汉语教学的发展进行了历时研究。本文也对马来西亚的高校汉语作为二语教学现状,主要针对培养目标、课程设置、教学目标、教学对象、教材使用、师资队伍、教学模式及考试测评等八个方面进行了认真梳理和深入分析。同时,也通过对汉语教学对象进行问卷调查以探讨汉语语言观。此外,本文也对泰国、韩国和美国的高校汉语教学快发展进行探讨并从中借鉴经验。研究发现,马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学长期以来不被重视,处于灰色地带。高校汉语作为二语教学在马来西亚面对多元民族和多元语言的现实,要达到平衡且快速有效发展并非易事。再加上马来西亚族群政治、经济、文化、教育等多方面的影响,整个汉语作为二语教学发展历程更是充满变数与挑战。在上述研究的基础上,本文对影响马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展的因素进行了分析。在对马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学全面研究之后,本文提炼出“族群语言角力论”,用于解释马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展的最大阻力根源。本文指出,要发展马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学,务必先正视族群语言角力的存在。唯有消融族群语言角力抗争,马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学,甚至国内汉语作为二语教学才能迈向更辽阔的发展空间,为马来西亚汉语教学的发展史写下光辉的另一页。基于马来西亚特殊国情,笔者提出“三合一汉语传播模式”作为对策建议。三合一汉语传播模式主要是由马来西亚政府政策、当地华教团体及中国大陆汉语国际传播机构组成。第一方:马来西亚政府,是最具有掌控权的一方,扮演着掌舵者的角色。第二方:马来西来华教团体,是当地最具有汉语教学资源的一方,扮演着主管者的角色。第三方:中国大陆国际汉语传播机构,是最具有汉语权威的一方,扮演着辅助者的角色。笔者提出,整合马来西亚汉语教学资源,关键在于政府和华社两方都愿意跨前一步,以国家利益、族群和谐为大方向:同时,深化中马在汉语教学领域的合作,结合成汉语国际传播的三方统一战线,创造三赢局面。基于以上理论研究,本文也为构建马来西亚高校汉语作为二语教学发展提出了一个全新的发展构想。笔者提出,高校汉语作为二语教学的发展必须以族群和谐为前提,国家利益为根本,应“立足本土、放眼全球”,马来西亚高校应该把汉语作为二语教学提升为一门学科(TCSL)来建设与运行。通过TCSL汉语专业学科建设,进而积极培养本土专业师资队伍。另外,笔者认为,马来西亚高校各相关院系的汉语作为二语教学当务之急是要明确培养目标、优化课程设置、加强师资力量、制定教学大纲、编写本土化教材以及建立评估体系,从头抓起,着眼长远,促进高校汉语作为二语教学长期可持续发展。

【Abstract】 This is the first time a scientific study was conducted separately on "The Teaching Chinese as a Second Language" instead of "Chinese Education" in Malaysia, and "A Study on the Development of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Malaysian Universities" was the focus of current research. Through the application of Global Perspective Comparative Methods, Macro-comprehensive Analysis, Grounded Theory as research design with five research techniques included literature reviews, expert interviews, observation, survey and statistical analysis, to thoroughly examine the four oldest and most influential universities in Malaysia regarding their status in teaching Chinese as a second language. This research conducted an in depth study pertaining the development and affecting factors for "The Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Malaysian Universities".Literature reviews revealed that there were studies on error analysis, acquisition problems and classroom teaching regarding teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities. However, research findings based on global Chinese language dissemination perspective and macro-comprehensive analysis is not yet to be seen. This research is to investigate the development of teaching Chinese as a second language from national point of view. This is also the first attempt in academic studies. Thus, this study has significant meaning on theory development for the teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities and also local Chinese language dissemination, and worth to be referred by other countries as well. Firstly, this research clarified the similarities and differences of the basic concept regarding "The Teaching Chinese as a Second Language" and "Chinese Education" in Malaysia. Studies also being carried out based on timeline on the Chinese teaching in Malaysia. This study also focused on the analysis of current situation of teaching Chinese as second language in Malaysian universities mainly on eight aspects consisted of training objectives, curriculum, teaching objectives, teaching target, teaching materials, teachers, models of instruction, and evaluation. Besides, this study also investigated and referred the experiences of rapid spreading of Chinese teaching in higher education in Thailand, Korea and United States. The findings revealed that teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities has long been neglected, as if in a gray area. Teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities face the diverse ethnic and multi-language phenomenon Thus, to achieve balance development is not an easy task. Furthermore, the impacts of racial politics, economics, culture, and education have caused the development of teaching Chinese as a second language full of uncertainties and challenges.Based on the above findings, this research analyzed the factors affecting the development of teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysia. After thoroughly studied the teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysia universities, an Ethno-language Dilemma theory was extracted as the main obstacle to the development of teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities. This study also pointed out, in order to develop teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities, the existing of ethno-language dilemma must be seriously taken into consideration. The elimination of ethno-language dilemma is the only way for teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian universities, even local Chinese teaching as a second language to move towards an expansive development future, and write a glorious moment in the history of Chinese language teaching in Malaysia.In this regard, based on special circumstances in the context of Malaysia, researcher proposed a Three-in-One Chinese Spreading Model as countermeasures. Three-in-One Chinese Spreading Model is mainly formed by the Malaysian government policy, the local Chinese community and Chinese international spreading institutions in China’s mainland. First Party: The Malaysian Government, the party with the most control over, playing the role of the helm. Second Party:Malaysian Chinese community, the party with the most local Chinese teaching resources, playing the role of director. Third Party:China International Chinese Spreading Institutions, the most authoritative party in Chinese teaching, playing a supporting role. Researcher proposed that in order to integrate the Malaysian Chinese language teaching resources, the key lies in both the government and the Chinese community who should step forward for the national interest, ethnic harmony as the main direction; at the same time, deepen cooperation in the field of Chinese language teaching between China and Malaysia, as to form an international Chinese language spreading three-party united front, and to create a win-win situation.Based on the above theory, this article has put forward a new vision of development in constructing the teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysian Universities. Researcher has suggested that teaching Chinese as a second language development in higher institutions must be based on the premise of ethnic harmony, national interest as fundamental, and should be "based on the local, but with global perspective". Thus, Malaysian universities should upgrade the teaching of Chinese as a second language, and further construct and operate the discipline called Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL). TCSL Chinese professional disciplines should responsible to train local Chinese professional teachers. In addition, researcher believe that the relevant departments of the universities in Malaysia Chinese as second language teaching is imperative to clarify the training objectives, optimizing the curriculum, enhancing teachers strengths, develop curricula, write localized textbooks and establish assessment system. Start from beginning, focusing the future; promote the teaching Chinese as a second language in higher institutions into a long-term sustainable development.


