

A Study of the Information Technology Service Quality Evaluation

【作者】 周力

【导师】 杨保安;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 随着经济和信息全球化的高速发展,和信息技术的发展,信息技术的社会化分工日益明确。IT服务在企业中的重要性不断增强。由于该领域利润丰厚且市场前景广阔,使得IT服务项目成为国内外各类IT公司的必争之地。调查研究表明,顾客对服务质量的评价已经成为IT外包服务商们关注的焦点。现今IT外包服务商所面临的主要问题有:一是服务质量存在差距。不能满足客户企业需求或对可能出现的潜在风险认识不足,削弱了客户对该业务的接受程度和新需求;二是服务效果的衡量。无论是服务商还是客户对服务的效果都难以用适度的标准来衡量。同时工T服务项目本身有种类繁多、业务复杂程度高、失败率高等特点,这些都影响着IT服务商业务水平的评估和提升。IT行业普遍采用工TIL或其他标准来进行工T服务的管理,但对工T服务的质量情况没有统一的评价方法。因此,构建一个合理的IT外包服务质量评价体系,将服务商角度的IT服务管理和关注客户满意角度的IT服务质量评估相结合是至关重要的。本文的研究主要是以管理学理论、顾客感知理论等为主要基础,综合IT外包服务使用者和工T运维行业专家的意见,以成熟的服务评价方法SERVQUAL模型和IT外包服务特征和IT运维服务特征为核心,构建IT服务质量综合评价指标体系。通过运用问卷调查,样本基本情况分析、因子分析、信度效度检验等统计学方法对原有指标体系进行修正,最终确定了面向工T外包的服务质量评价体系,和面向ERP的IT运维服务质量评价体系。面向IT外包的服务质量评价体系包含可靠性、前瞻性、回应性、移情性和有形性的五个维度十八项指标的评价体系。然后应用熵值法客观地确定指标权重,利用D-S证据理论从权重和各个指标的基本支持度中提取评价信息,逐层计算各层指标的基本概率分配函数,客观地对当前IT外包服务水平的综合情况进行评价。同时结合IT服务质量评价领域较常用的模糊综合评价方法的研究结论,进一步讨论D-S证据理论在工T外包服务评价领域的适用性问题。面向ERP的丁T运维服务质量评价体系的构建,兼顾了ITIL标准的KPI。该评价指标体系包含及时性、可靠性、相应性、移情性和信任性五个维度,共27个指标。研究结果表明目前国内IT外包服务质量水平处于表现较好(略高于一般水平)。前瞻性方面“e23:具备先进的业务水平应对信息技术的迅猛发展”获得顾客评价最差;有形性方面“e52:TT服务人员外表举止谈吐都专业得体”获得顾客的评价最差;移情性方面“e41:主动对您的服务需求进行询问和了解”获得顾客的评价最差;可靠性方面“e15:IT服务过程中产生的文档和数据妥善安全的保存”获得顾客的评价最差。针对评价结果,本文给出一些改进服务水平的措施和建议。本文的创新性体现在以下方面:将工T服务质量评价细分为面向IT外包的服务质量评价与面向IT内部运维的服务质量评价,以实证分析的研究范式,分别构建了两个IT服务质量评价体系;尝试引入成熟的SERVQUAL模型,提出关注客户感知的IT服务质量评价体系;将熵值法与D-S证据推理的方法相结合,用于工T服务质量评价的评价信息综合过程中,这个方法的好处是基于客观的调查数据,消除了研究者的主观偏好对研究结果的干预;同时在信息综合的过程中获得对各层指标的信度函数。对各层指标的状况,有全面的认识;D-S证据推理方法对问卷数据的要求降低了,而且允许后期补充调查的数据作为证据,重新融合计算,减少了调研的成本。本文提出的两个工T服务质量评价体系,为IT服务行业的管理者提供了管理分析工具。本文采用的研究方法:“熵值法+DS证据推理”的方法组合未见报道。该方法可供其他研究者借鉴。

【Abstract】 With economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, social division of information technology workforce is becoming increasingly clear. IT services in the enterprise’s growing importance. As the lucrative field of market prospects and makes all kinds of IT services into domestic and foreign IT companies. Research shows that customer service quality evaluation has become the focus of attention of the IT outsourcing service providers. IT outsourcing service providers today face major problems:First, the quality of service, can not meet customer business needs or possible lack of knowledge of potential risks, reduced customer acceptance of the business and new demand; second, service effectiveness. Whether it is service provider or customer service results are difficult to use appropriate standards. IT services while the project itself has a wide range of business complexity of the high failure rate, etc., which affect the level of IT service provider business assessment and improvement. ITIL or other commonly used standard for IT service management, but the quality of IT services is no uniform method of evaluation. Therefore, build a reasonable IT outsourcing service quality evaluation system, the service provider point of view of IT service management and focus on customer satisfaction point of view of the combination of IT service quality assessment is essential.This study mainly based on management theory, customer perception theory as the main basis of comprehensive IT outsourcing services, operation and maintenance of users and IT industry experts, to mature SERVQUAL model of service evaluation and characteristics of IT outsourcing services and IT operations and maintenance characteristics as the core service, quality of IT services to build comprehensive evaluation index system. Through the use of questionnaires, the sample data analysis, factor analysis, reliability and validity testing and other statistical methods to amend the original index system, and ultimately determine the quality of service for IT outsourcing evaluation system, and IT operations and maintenance for ERP service quality evaluation system.IT outsourcing services for the quality evaluation system include reliability, forward-looking, responsiveness, empathy and tangibility of the five dimensions of eighteen indicators of evaluation system. Then apply the entropy method to objectively determine the index weights, using D-S evidence theory and the various indicators from the weight of the basic support in the evaluation of information extracted, layer by layer calculate the basic indicators of the probability distribution of each layer function, an objective of the current level of IT outsourcing services comprehensive evaluation of the situation. Combined with the field of IT service quality evaluation is more commonly used method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of research findings, further discussion of D-S evidence theory in the field of IT outsourcing services to evaluate the applicability of the problem.The IT service quality evaluation system for ERP operation and maintenance include timeliness, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and trust of the five dimensions of 27 indicators.The results show that the domestic IT outsourcing service quality levels in the better performance (slightly higher than normal level).In Forward-looking aspect, "e23:the level of advanced information technology to meet the needs of business with rapid development " get the worst customer comment s; In Tangibility aspect,"e52:IT services, professional staff looks are decent conversation manners" to obtain the customer’s evaluation of the worst; In Empathy aspect, in terms of "e41:take the initiative to ask your service needs and understanding" to obtain the customer’ s evaluation of the worst; In Reliability, "e15:IT services generated in the process of documentation and data to properly secure the preservation of "get the customer’s evaluation of the worst. For the evaluation results, this paper presents a number of measures to improve the level of service quality.The innovation in the paper is reflected in the following areas:evaluation of the quality of IT services segment of quality evaluation of IT outsourcing services and quality evaluation of internal IT service for operation and maintenance, research framework for empirical analysis, were used to construct the two IT service quality evaluation system; attempt to introduce mature SERVQUAL model, a focus on customer perception, to IT service quality evaluation system; the entropy and DS evidence reasoning method combined for IT service quality evaluation process of comprehensive evaluation of the information. The advantage is, based on an objective survey data, eliminating the subjective preferences of the researcher’s intervention; while the information obtained in the course of a comprehensive of the basic support function of each layer indicators, the status of each layer of indicators gets a comprehensive understanding, DS evidence reasoning method to lower the questionnaire data, and allow the latter part of the survey data as supplementary evidence, re-integration of the calculation, reducing research costs.In this paper, two IT service quality evaluation systems provide management analysis tools for the IT services industry managers. This approach of the study, the combination of methods "entropy+DS evidence reasoning" is not been reported. This method is available to other researchers to use.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F719;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1054
  • 攻读期成果

