

The Study on Village Community of the Western Europe

【作者】 陈立军

【导师】 侯建新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 村庄共同体作为西欧社会的基层组织,是西欧乡村社会中存在时间最长、也是最为基本的组织形式,它在西欧中世纪社会发展过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。通过对西欧村庄共同体的历时性研究,有利于我们对中世纪的西欧乡村社会得出全面的认识。同时,通过对西欧村庄共同体的详细解读,也让我们更加清楚的认识到,尽管它产生于西欧的中世纪,但它对近现代西方的民主政治以及社区组织都产生了深远的影响。本文在明确了西欧村庄共同体的基本特征后指出,这种公共组织是以村庄为基础,并拥有自己独立的管理机构和管理人员以及行为规范的自治单位。它的基本内涵表现为对公共权利的肯定,这种公共权利包含两层含义:即附着于土地上的权利以及参与公共事务的权利。其中,土地上的公共权利是参与公共事务的基础,而对公共事务的参与又是拥有土地上公共权利的保障。在庄园解体后,村庄共同体承担起了管理乡村生活的职责,村民大会取代了庄园法庭,成为了村庄共同体的真正权力核心,同时,共同体成员在共同反对领主的斗争中,进一步地加强了内部的团结。而随着西欧农民个体力量的普遍增长,农民内部的分化以及民族国家的崛起,西欧的村庄共同体最终走向了衰落。全文共分为三大部分:第一部分为引言,主要是在总结国内外研究状况的基础上,阐明本文的研究价值和意义,并指出论文的整体框架结构以及所使用的研究方法,从而为全文的论述奠定了学术背景。第二部分是论文的主体部分,共由七章组成。第一章在分析国内外学者的观点的基础上,提出了村庄共同体的基本特征和基本内涵,进而阐述了村庄共同体的形成以及公地制度与村庄共同体之间的关系。第二章重点论述庄园时代的村庄共同体。首先在明确了村庄与庄园关系的基础上,通过对村官、庄园法庭以及十户联保制等组织的分析,进一步明确了村庄共同体的内部结构。第三章论述了村庄共同体所具有的法人、治安、征税以及服军役等职能,从而阐明了村庄共同体在庄园时代的乡村生活中所起到的重要作用。第四章重点论述了村庄共同体的村规。通过对村规的制定、村规的内容以及村规监督员的详细论述,阐明了村规在中世纪西欧乡村生活中的重要作用,并指出了村规中所蕴含的民主因素和自治因素。第五章主要论述了庄园解体后,村庄共同体在西欧社会发展中的重要作用,指出村庄共同体并没有随着庄园的解体而衰落,而是继续在乡村生活中扮演着组织者的角色。第六章重点论述了村庄共同体的衰落。通过分析村民公共权利的丧失,阐明了村庄共同体衰落的标志以及内在原因。第七章则论述了现代西欧乡村治理中所蕴含的共同体因素。通过对现代西欧乡村的管理机构及其职能的考察,指出了村庄共同体对现代西欧乡村治理的重要影响。第三部分是余论。重点论述了村庄共同体对西欧社会所产生的深远影响。

【Abstract】 The village community which was the longest and the most basic forms of organization in Western society was considered as a primary organizations at the same time it played a very important role in development of medieval society in Western Europe. Through the diachronic studying on the village community in Western Europe, will help us reach a comprehensive understanding of rural society in Western Europe of the Middle Ages. Meanwhile, by detailed explanation of the village community of Western European, we have a better understanding that is, although village Community generated in Western Europe of the Middle Ages, but it have had a profound impact on modern Western democratic political and community organizationsAfter defined the basic characteristics of the village community in Western Europe, the paper pointed out, this public organization was the village-based, and had their own independent administration and management of personnel and norms of self-government units. Performance of its basic connotation of certain public rights, which included two meanings of public rights: the rights attached to land and participation in public affairs. The public participation rights of land is a foundation in public affairs, at the same time participation in public affairs is the right to own land on the protection of the public. After the disintegration of the manor, the village community to assume responsibility for managing rural life, village meeting took place of Manor Court, became the real power in the core of the village community, while members of the Community in the common struggle against the feudal lords, and further strengthen the internal unity. With the power of Western Europe, the general growth of individual farmers, farmers within the division and the rise of nation-state, prompted the village community of Western Europe towards the end of the decline.The thesis is divided into three parts: The first part is an introduction, mainly in the summary of the situation on the basis of domestic and foreign research to clarify the value and significance of this study, and pointed out the overall framework of the thesis structure and research methods used, so as to full text of the paper laid the academic background. The second part is the main part of the paper which was formed by seven chapters. The first chapter, on the basis of analysis of domestic and foreign scholars’views put forward the basic characteristics of the village community and the basic content, and then described the formation of the village community and the relationship between the public land system and the village community. The second chapter focuses on the era of the village community estate. First, on the basis of a clear relationship between the village and estate, through analysis of the village official, manor courts, and frankpledge, to further clarify the internal structure of the village community. The third chapter discusses the village community has the legal, security, taxation and military service and other functions, which sets out the village community in the manor in the era of rural life play an important role. ChapterⅣfocuses on the village by-laws of the village community. Through the description of village by-laws, its content and wardern in detail that village by-laws had expounded played important role of the village life in the Middle Ages of Western Europe, and pointed out the democratic and autonomous factors. ChapterⅤdiscussed after the dissolution of the manor, the social development of village community’s influential role in Western Europe, pointed out that the village community did not decline with the disintegration of the manor, but continued to play in village life organizer role. ChapterⅥfocuses on the decline of the village community. Through analyzed the forfeit of villagers public right, had expounded the village community declines symbol as well as immanent cause. ChapterⅦdiscussed the governance of modern Western European country factors inherent in the community. Through to the modern Western Europe village’s management structure and the function inspection, has pointed out the village community to the modern Western Europe village government material effect.The third part is more than theory. Focused on the village community of modern Western society have far-reaching influences.


