

Researches on Education of Socialist Core Values of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 高地

【导师】 郑德荣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 党的十七届六中全会指出,社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,决定中国特色社会主义的发展方向。新时期,党和国家把社会主义核心价值体系建设提到了前所未有的战略高度。立足价值观的视角,中国共产党九十多年的发展历程,既是党在中国革命和建设实践中对社会主义核心价值观认识不断深化的过程,也是党以社会主义核心价值观为指导思想和根本内容武装全党,教育群众,从而为革命与建设提供源源不断的精神支撑与动力支持的过程。站在新的历史起点上,党的社会主义核心价值观教育需要进一步总结历史经验,把握教育规律,坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为主导,进行有效探索与创新。新时期,尤其是自党的十六届六中全会提出“建设社会主义核心价值体系”的战略任务以来,社会主义核心价值观教育的理论与实践得以充分开展。然而,相关学界在形成大量研究成果的同时却也显现一些不足。其中重要的一点就是现有研究更多地着眼于“现实的视角”来探讨社会主义核心价值观教育问题,鲜有从“历史的视角”进行探讨的相关研究。坚持唯物史观,需要我们在研究任何事物时都要考查它的历史起源和它的前提。研究社会主义核心价值观教育亦应如此。基于上述认识,本文以“社会主义核心价值观教育”为主要研究对象,以“中国共产党的理论与实践发展”为基本研究视角,力图回答以下两个基本问题:中国共产党关于社会主义核心价值观的理论体系和教育体系是否形成,发展轨迹与主要内容如何?立足历史,着眼当下与未来,如何适应教育环境与对象的新变化,加强与改进党的社会主义核心价值观教育?针对这两个问题,论文以唯物史观和唯物辩证法为主要研究方法,同时综合运用文献研究、多学科交叉等具体研究方法,形成了“厘清核心概念——探究发生逻辑——理析经验规律——提出改进策略”的分析思路。论文的基本结论有三:第一,历经九十多年的探索与实践,党的社会主义核心价值观教育已经形成结构合理、内容丰富,符合中国国情并具有鲜明中国特色的科学体系,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的最新理论成果。第二,党的社会主义核心价值观教育科学体系的形成与发展包括两条主线,即党关于社会主义核心价值观的理论体系、教育体系的形成与发展,其中,理论体系是根本,教育体系是关键,二者辩证统一,相互促进,共同构成社会主义核心价值观教育的科学体系。第三,新时期党的社会主义核心价值观教育要做到既一脉相承又与时俱进,在充分继承优良传统与宝贵经验的基础上,根据党情国情世情的新变化、教育环境与对象的新变化,对核心价值观教育的内容、载体、教育者等关键要素进行改进与完善,同时也要更加注重从主体接受的视角把握教育规律,增进教育效果。按照以上研究思路,本文逻辑结构主要包括四个部分共六章。第一部分为论文的第一章,主要阐述了社会主义核心价值观教育相关概念的基本内涵。重点厘清了什么是价值、价值观、核心价值观、社会主义核心价值观等问题。指出阶级性与人民性的统一、民族性与世界性的统一、现实性与超越性的统一是社会主义核心价值观的基本特征;党的社会主义核心价值观教育是党的思想政治教育的本质体现与核心内容,具有推动社会发展与推动个体发展两方面的基本功能。第二部分为论文的第二、三章,重在探究党关于社会主义核心价值观的科学体系的形成与发展。指出,历经九十多年的探索与实践,党的社会主义核心价值观教育已经形成结构合理、内容丰富,具有中国特色的科学体系,第二、三章分别从理论体系和教育体系这两条主线展开论述。第三部分为论文的第四章,侧重总结提炼中国共产党社会主义核心价值观教育的经验规律。本章内容从历史经验、基本规律、现实启示三部分展开,尝试在历史梳理的基础上对党的社会主义核心价值观教育进行总结提升。第四部分为论文的第五、六章,侧重研究探讨新时期社会主义核心价值观教育中的几个关键性问题。指出应注重受教育者主体接受的视角,进一步把握社会主义核心价值观教育的接受问题及规律;应以社会主义核心价值体系为主导,从教育内容、教育载体、教育者等多个维度加强和改进新时期社会主义核心价值观教育。

【Abstract】 The sixth plenary session of the seventeenth central committee pointed out that the socialistic core value system which can determine the direction of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the soul of rejuvenating the country. The party and the state have upgraded the socialist core value system to an unprecedented strategic level in the new era. Based on the values of the angle, 90 years of development history of the Chinese Communist is a process in which the Party increasingly understood the socialist core value system during Chinese revolution and construction practice. Also it is a process that the party provided a steady stream of spiritual and motivation support to the revolution and construction by arming the entire party and educating the masses by using the socialist core values as the guiding ideology and basic contents. At a new historical starting point, the education of party’s socialist core values needs further historical experience to grasp the education law and adhere to the socialist core value system as a leading term. Thus we can lead to effective exploration and innovation.In the new times, especially we proposed the strategic task of construction of the social core value system at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth CPC Central Committee, the theory and the practice of the socialist core value education has been fully developed. While there is a great deal of research about the education of the socialist core value from the practical perspective, quite few are from the historical perspective. Sticking the materialism of history requires us to explore the historical roots and the precondition. So does the research in education of the socialist core value.This thesis deals with the study of the education about the socialist core value based on the above understanding. It is from the perspective of the development of the theory and the practice of the Communist Party. It tries to figure out the two basic questions: whether the Communist Party’s educational and theoretical system about the socialist core value has formed; how are the developing trace and the main content, based on the history, standing on the present, and looking forward to the future, how do we adjust to the change of the educational environment and subject and strengthen the party’s education of the socialist core value? Focus on these tow questions, the thesis is based on the main research methods of materialism of history and the dialectician of materialism, and combines the documentary research and cross-disciplines some other research methods, with the analyzing strategies of clarifying the core conception-exploring the logic-analyzing the experienced regulation-raising the modified strategy.The basic conclusions of this thesis are three: Firstly, after experiencing ninety years’exploration and practice, our socialist core value education has formed a scientific system of Chinese characteristic which has a reasonable structure, fruitful content, and conforms to China’s national conditions. It is a very important part of socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristic. It is the newest theoretical achievement Marxism’s Chinese characterization, vulgarization, modernization.Secondly, our party’s socialist core value education system’s formation and development are followed by two main lines that is, the formation and development of the theoretical and educational system of the socialist core value among which the theoretical system is the foundation, the education system is the key, with these two in dialectical unity and mutual promotion, contributing to the scientific system.Thirdly, the socialist core value education in the new times should keep in succession with the tradition and keep pace with the times. It should base on fully inheriting the fine traditions and valuable experience, and refine and improve the content, the medium, the educators of the education system according to the new change of national conditions and world conditions and that of the educational environment and educating targets. At the same time, we should pay more attention to grasp the education regulations, and improve the educational effects from the accepting of educational body. This thesis includes four parts divided in six chapters according to the above research strategy.The first part, as the first chapter of this paper, mainly expounds the general connotation of some socialist core values related to education. It clarifies some terms like what values, the core values, socialist core values are. Then it points out that the unity of different classes and people, the unity of the nationality and internationalism, the unity of reality and the transcendence are the basic characteristics of the socialist core values; The education of the party’s socialist core values embodies the nature and the core content of the party’s ideological and political education, which has the two basic functions of promoting the development of society and individual development.The second part of the paper includes the second and the third chapter, focusing on the inquiry about the development and formation of socialist core values. It points out that ninety years of exploration and practice make the education of socialist core values a china-specific scientific system. Chapter 2 and 3 discussed it respectively from the aspects of education system and theory system.The third part of the thesis is the fourth chapter, which summarized the experience and discipline of the education of communist party of China on socialist core values. This chapter developed the whole thesis from three parts, historical experience, the basic rule, and realistic enlightenments. It tries out to get a summary and promotion of the education of socialist core values on the basis of the understanding of history.The fifth and sixth chapter is the forth part of the thesis, which emphasize on the study of several key problems about socialist core values in new times. It refers to that it is important to pay attention to the subject of educates in the view of the subject acceptance and it is essential to further grasp the problems about the understanding and acceptance of the socialist core values education; Under the leadership of socialist core value system, we should develop and modify the education of socialist core values from the various aspects, education content, education carrier, and the aspect of educators.


