

The Plant Print Identification and Pharmacology for Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plants of Changbai Mountain

【作者】 卢川

【导师】 陆静梅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 植物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以植纹专利技术为基础,制作了58科92属236种植纹标准样品,并对其植纹类型进行了研究。其植纹特征可归纳为:无规则型、不定型、平列型、横列型、十字交叉型、平列不等型、辐射型、以及单子叶植物表皮具长细胞、短细胞,气孔的保卫细胞哑铃型;表皮不具长、短细胞,气孔的保卫细胞呈半月型;表皮具长、短细胞,气孔保卫细胞呈半月型和以鸭跖草(Commelina communis Linn.)和鹿药(Smilacina japonica A. Gray)等为代表的特殊单子叶植纹类型。通过对长白山药用植物进行的表皮附属物类型的鉴定、植纹的气孔复体类型和叶片表皮细胞垂周壁的镶嵌类型研究,结果证明,在系统演化过程中,植物宏观与微观具有相对同步演化的特征。采用相关性分析、回归估计等统计学原理,选取长白山植物叶表皮细胞垂周壁镶嵌类型具代表性的植物:浅裂剪秋萝(Lychnis cognata Maxim),长刺酸模(Rumex trisetifer Stokes),泽兰(Eupatorium japonicum Thunb.),万年蒿(Artemisia gmelinii Web.et Stechm.),人参(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer),山尖子(Parasenecio hastatus (Linn.) H. Koyama)为研究对象,进行统计分析。实验结果表明,采用量化的植纹特征各种数据的平均值、各植纹特征间的相关性分析和最优线性回归方程等三种方式,对植物表观植纹进行鉴定,具有很高的精确性和可靠性。运用距离分析、聚类分析等统计学原理,对长白山6种单子叶药用植物:野稗(Echinochloa crusgali (Linn.) Beauv.)、溪荪(Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn)、鸭跖草(Commelina communis Linn.)、宽叶香蒲(Typha latifolia Linn.)、轮叶百合(Lilium distichum Nakai et Kamibayashi)、鹿药(Smilacina japonica A. Gray)进行分析研究。分别从6种植物表观植纹鉴定的数字化,以及通过讨论量化的各植纹特征数据样本在欧氏空间的距离,验证植物的系统演化规律。并依据样本在欧氏空间的距离分析其亲缘关系。文中对四种蓼属植物:箭叶蓼(Polygonum sieboldii Meisn)、水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper Linn.)、叉分蓼(Polygonum divaricatum Linn.)、春蓼(Polygonum perricaria)进行了比较生态解剖,其结果证明:叉分蓼叶片主脉,在机械组织内部,形成了6枚异形维管束,上下相对,左右相对,形成了猴脸样的结构,这种结构如果抛开叶片不计,成了一个内始式外向成熟的茎的结构,不同生长环境的同属植物,其结构出现了明显的差异,证明了,植物与环境的辩证统一关系。因此,春蓼的个体发育,重复了系统发育。即植物由茎演化成叶的系统演化规律。叉分蓼的叶子主脉特殊的异形维管束,揭示了个体发育重复了系统发育的演化规律。阴生环境的箭叶蓼、水蓼、叉分蓼三种植物的最大特点为:叶片较薄,颜色为墨绿。这是因为箭叶蓼、水蓼、叉分蓼生长在原始森林的里面,枝繁叶茂的高大乔木遮盖了原始森林的光线,使其难以捕捉光合作用必要的光照强度。因此,叶片当中的叶绿体长轴面垂直于叶片上表皮,使其叶片颜色呈深绿色,提高了阴生环境的光合作用功能。验证了旱生植物茎的结构特点。形成了车轮辐样的通气组织。该通气组织为单一的胞间层溶解而裂生形成,是通过打破二氧化碳和氧的吸收和释放量间平衡而形成的。当旱生植物吸收一个二氧化碳分子时,就释放一个氧分子。但是,由于二氧化碳与水的结合力强,导致了细胞间隙形成了真空,将氧吸入通气组织内,满足了在干旱板结土壤中,春蓼根的用氧之需,使其能够进行正常的生长代谢。观察了重楼皂苷(RPS)在人类乳腺癌细胞的细胞凋亡过程中的作用。结果表明RPS有抵制癌症的潜能。本文研究了RPS对MCF-7人乳腺癌细胞株的增殖抑制作用,通过流式细胞术检测了经RPS处理后细胞的凋亡情况及线粒体膜电位的变化,并进一步通过对凋亡相关调控蛋白(Bax, Bcl-2, Caspase-3/9, cleaved Caspase-3/9, PARP, cleaved PARP和细胞色素C)的表达进行检测,探讨了RPS抑制肿瘤生长的可能机制及信号通路。

【Abstract】 This study researches plant print standard samples of 236 species, 92 genera, 58 families which are based on plant print patent technique. The plant print can be classified in different styles: no-rule type, and monocotyledon with long or short cell and dumbbell pore guard cell or without long or short cell and half-moon pore guard cell, and long or short epidermis cell with half-moon pore guard cell, and special monocotyledon plant print type, such as Commelina communis Linn. and Smilacina japonica A. Gray.After the epidermis subsidiary-type, pore compound-type and lamina epidermis cell anticlinal wall-type of Changbai mountain medicinal plant have been tested, the result shows that plants have synchronism evolution characteristics in macroscopic and microcosmic system.Using correlation analysis and regression estimation, we selected some representative plants in epidermis cell anticlinal wall-type, such as Lychnis cognata Maxim, Rumex trisetifer Stokes, Eupatorium japonicum Thunb., Artemisia gmelinii Web.et Stechm., Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, Parasenecio hastatus (Linn.) H. Koyama., to do the statistical analysis. The result shows high accuracy and reliability in plants’apparent plant print identification.Using clustering analysis, we detected six monocotyledons medicinal plants of Changbai Mountain: Echinochloa crusgali (Linn.) Beauv., Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn, Commelina communis Linn., Typha latifolia Linn., Lilium distichum Nakai et Kamibayashi, and Smilacina japonica A. Gray. To prove system evolution law of the plant, we identified apparent plant print digitally, quantified plant print data sample distance in Euclidean space, and analyzed the paternity in plants.In this study, there’re four species of Polygonales plants: Polygonum sieboldii Meisn, Polygonum hydropiper Linn., Polygonum divaricatum Linn., Polygonum perricaria. That have been dissected and compared. The result shows that inside the mechanical tissue of Polygonum divaricatum Linn., there are six symmetrical abnormity vascular bundles, which look like monkey’s face. Regardless of the lamina, it became an inner-beginning mature structure. The same genera plants have different structures in different growing environment, which proved that plant and environment have a dialectical unity relationship. The individual development of Polygonum perricaria repeated the system development. It is the system evolution law of plant stems evolution into leaves. Unusual vascular bundles of Polygonum divaricatum Linn., show the evolution law that individual development repeats the system development.The main feature of shade environment Polygonum sieboldii Meisn, Polygonum hydropiper Linn., Polygonum divaricatum Linn., is thin and dark green lamina. It is because that they grow in the primeval forest, where thrived tall trees cover the light, making it hard to catch necessary light intensity for photosynthesis. So chloroplast macropinacoid perpendicular to leaf epidermis, dark green lamina improved the capability of plant photosynthesis in shade environment.This study also investigates the relationship between the induction of MCF-7 human breast cancer cell apoptosis by Rhizoma Paridis saponins (RPS) and the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. We treated MCF-7 cells with RPS at various concentrations and examined the inhibitory effect of RPS on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells using the MTT assay, the change in MMP using JC-1 staining, and the expression levels of related proteins using western blot. The results showed that the inhibitory effect of RPS against the growth of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells might be related to the apoptosis induced caspase family and the caspase-3-dependent pathway. The results suggest that RPS has the potential to be a valuable anticancer agent.


