

【作者】 贺莉

【导师】 高凤兰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 随着中俄两国战略伙伴关系的确立和双边交流合作的迅速扩大,俄语在政治、经济、文化等领域的作用日益巨大,社会对俄语人才的需求日趋旺盛,俄语专业迎来了空前的发展机遇。新形势下,俄语人才培养面临新的挑战。学生在俄语学习过程中普遍存在入门困难、费时低效、缺乏兴趣、惰于思考等现象。归根到底就是不会学习,不会有效地和自主地学习。当代教育者和心理学家已经达成共识,学生掌握有效的学习策略是学会学习的一个重要标志。因此,如何深入有效地开展俄语学习策略的理论与实证研究,通过教师与教学指导学生掌握学习策略,提高俄语学习的效率,显得十分重要和紧迫。我国学者对学习策略的研究起步较晚,始于20世纪80年代。分析国内现有学习策略研究的文献发现,其研究存在严重的偏科现象,对英语、数学等学科的学习策略研究较多,对俄语学习策略的研究极少,还处于起步阶段。造成这一后果的重要原因就是我国俄语教育者一直以来偏重于对俄语语言本体的研究,忽视对俄语学习过程和学习者主体的研究,更忽视对学生学习策略的研究和指导。因此,目前迫切需要构建符合现阶段俄语学习特点和俄语学习者特点的学习策略理论体系,并以此为指导进行实证研究,为学习策略研究向多学科、多领域纵深发展奠定基础。本研究结合国内外已有的研究成果,立足于建构主义理论,结合俄语学习的特点探讨新背景下俄语学习策略系统的理论架构,以俄语专业大学生为研究对象,通过开放式问卷调查和探索性因素分析,初步构建俄语学习策略调查量表,对其进行验证性因素分析和信度、效度检验后证明量表真实有效。利用本量表实施问卷调查,并结合访谈、课堂观察、个案分析等研究方法,分析大学生俄语学习策略的运用情况及其与学习成绩的相关关系。根据分析结果选定实验组学生进行为期半年的学习策略训练,结果表明:实施策略训练有助于促进学习成绩的提高,有助于学生学习策略水平和自主学习能力的提高。最后对实验结果进行分析、总结,对俄语教学提出针对性的建议,为俄语教师的科学有效教学提供指导。本论文共分为六章。第一章对学习策略的国内外研究现状进行梳理,分析存在的问题,探讨未来学习策略研究的发展趋势;第二章在建构主义理论和二语习得理论基础上初步构建俄语学习策略的理论框架;第三章通过开放式问卷调查和因子分析,成功构建俄语学习策略的理论系统,包括:记忆策略、认知策略、元认知策略、资源(环境)管理策略、情感策略和交际策略等六个分策略。经效度和信度检验,俄语学习策略总量表和分量表均达到满意的水平。随后,运用编制的俄语学习策略调查表对吉林省内6所高校俄语专业737名学生进行学习策略水平的调查分析。结果表明:吉林省俄语专业大学生学习策略运用的水平一般;从校际差异角度分析,重点高校俄语专业大学生比一般院校学生在俄语学习过程中更频繁地使用各种学习策略;非师范院校学生比师范院校学生更频繁地使用各种学习策略,明显表现在认知策略和交际策略方面;普通院校大学生比民办院校学生更频繁地使用各种学习策略,明显表现在记忆策略和元认知策略方面;从性别角度分析,男女大学生只在认知策略和记忆策略维度上表现出显著差异,男生比女生更频繁地使用这两种策略;从年级角度分析,学习策略的水平随着年级的升高而呈现先上升再下降的趋势,在大三年级的时候水平最低;从成绩差异角度分析,高分组学生的俄语学习策略水平高于低分组学生,明显表现在元认知策略和认知策略方面。第四章通过对俄语学习策略的使用水平与学习成绩进行相关分析和回归分析。结果表明,元认知策略、情感策略和资源(环境)管理策略的运用直接影响着学习成绩的高低;第五章根据调查分析的结果,选定策略水平较低的一所民办高校的两个班级作为研究对象,对其中一个班级27名学生进行为其半年融入教学的策略训练。结果显示:实验组学生在一定程度上掌握了所训练的学习策略,提高了俄语听力和词汇学习的技能,也提高了学习的自我计划、自我管理和自我评估的元认知能力,自主学习能力明显提高,学业成绩也明显提高;从训练的效果看,男生较女生明显,中等生较优等生和差等生显著。第六章根据前文调查分析和实验的结果进行讨论并针对俄语教学提出参考性的建议。

【Abstract】 With the establishment of strategic partnership and rapid expansion of the communication and cooperation between China and Russia, Russian became more and more important in politics, economics, culture, and some other fields. The requirement for the talents who learn Russian is more and more urgent, Russian major is welcoming an unprecedented opportunities for development. Under the new situation, training of Russian talents face new challenge. In the process of Russian learning, most students have many problems, such as difficult to introduce, low efficiency, lacking of interest, and lazy to think. To summarize, the problem is they don’t know how to study. Contemporary educators and psychologists have reach to an agreement, to grasp an effective learning strategy is an important mark for how to study. Therefore, how to promote Theory and Empirical Research of Russian Learning Strategy effectively, raise the effectiveness of learning Russian seem very significant and urgent.Chinese scholars have started the research of learning strategies late since the 1980s. By analyzing the domestic present documents of the leaning strategies, we’ve found that they had a serious leaning branch, which was embodies in more researches on English and Math and less original research on Russian.One important reason is that the educators of Russian are always emphasizing the research of the Russian itself while ignoring of studying the whole process of Russian, even giving guides to the students. So, we need to construct the complete system of learning strategies that is adapted for the present Russian studying style and the learners’characters, and we can make empirical research based on this system to lay foundation for the development of multi-subjects and yields on the learning strategies in depth and scope.The study connecting the existing research results at home and abroad is based on the constructivist theory. It is combined with the characteristics of the new Russian study in the theoretical framework of Russian learning strategic system. The study aims at Russian college students and progresses through open-minded questionnaires and exploration factor analysis. In this way, it initially builds out the Russian Learning Strategies Inventory, which is proved to be a real and effective way after its confirmatory factor analysis and reliability and scale validity examination. The study then uses the scale implementation of the survey, combined with interviews, classroom observation, case studies and other research methods to analyze the Russian college students’ use of learning strategies and their relationship with academic achievement. According to the analysis, the students in experimental group are selected for a six-month training in learning strategies. The results show that training will help promote the implementation of strategies to improve academic achievement, students’ level of learning strategies and independent learning capabilities. Finally, the experimental results are analyzed and summarized. At the same time targeted recommendations are made for Russian teaching and guidance are provided for the effective and scientific teaching of Russian teachers.This paper is divided into 6 chapters.Chapter 1 trims the current situation of learning strategy at home and abroad, analysis’s the existing problems, and discusses the tendency of learning strategy research;Chapter 2 builds the structure of Russian learning strategy theory based on the Constructivism theory and The second language acquisition theory;Chapter3, Through the open questionnaire survey and the factor analysis, construct the learning strategies Russian theoretical system successfully, including: memory strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and resources (environment) management strategies, emotional strategy and six key measurement of the communication strategies, the validity and reliability test, Russian learning strategies and total table subscales. Those have already achieved a satisfactory level;Uses graphs to analysis the 737 Russian major students in 6 colleges of Jilin Province. The outcome indicates: the use level of learning strategy for Russian major college students in Jilin Province is low; for the difference of universities, the students in key universities use more strategies than general colleges students; the students who are not in normal universities use more strategies than normal colleges students, and it represents in acknowledging and communicating strategies. Ordinary university students more frequently use all kinds of learning strategies than private college students, which are clearly indicated in memory strategy and met cognitive strategies; From the gender perspective, the male and female undergraduates in cognitive strategies and only memory strategy dimension borrows remarkable difference, and boys more frequently use these two kinds of strategies than girls; From the grade analysis, learning strategy level with the rise of grade which appear to be a trend of rising and then downward again and especially the junior students reach the minimum; Results from the grade difference showed that high group of Russian students’learning strategies levels are higher than low-mark groups, and these are clearly presented in met cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies;Chapter 4, through the use level of Russian learning strategy and learning result of correlation analysis and regression analysis, the results demonstrates, the use of metacognitive strategy, emotional strategy and resources strategy influence the results of learning directly;Chapter 5, according to results of the researching and analysis, we chose two classes , which are of certain private university as the objects of the study, with lower strategy level. Put 27 students of one class for 6 months into the teaching of strategy training, we get some finding: students’learning strategy level could be improved by training, which manifest that students’plan and purpose, the learning process of self-monitoring ability, time management and after learning activities, the reflect evaluation capacity has been strengthened, and good to choose their own learning strategies to promote learning efficiency. On the other hand, with analysis of the impact on academic performance, the data shows that student achievement , of some experimental classes, have been improved, strategy training makes great progress in promoting student achievement in Russian. Among them, for the students on the medium level , the strategy training plays a significant role in promoting learning; strategy training, for students who have different gender, has the equal role in promoting, but more obvious for the boys in promoting . Chapter 6, discuss according to the previous research and experimental results, and present some advice on the Russian teaching.


