

A Study on the Thoughts of Gerda Lerner’s Feminist Historiography

【作者】 金利杰

【导师】 周巩固;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 格尔达·勒纳是美国女性主义史学的开创者之一。她搜集、整理、编辑了大量有价值的女性史研究资料,并在此基础上解构了女性及其他历史活动者的“他者”身份,批判了传统史学中历史分期标准的狭隘性,尝试将女性史研究引向“普遍史”的发展道路。本论文从史学史、思想史角度出发,系统阐述勒纳的女性主义史学思想。在分析、解读勒纳主要学术成果的基础上,对其学术观点、研究视角、研究方法做一番梳理与归纳,并指出其史学贡献、局限性及局限性产生的根源。本论文由绪论、正文和结论构成。绪论部分概述勒纳的经历,对本文的选题目的及意义、研究现状、研究思路与论文框架等进行阐述,并对美国女性史研究的发展阶段做出概述,阐明“女性主义史学”的概念。正文分为如下五章:第一章分析家庭与社会对勒纳女性主义意识的形成产生的影响,并对勒纳女性史研究进行四阶段的概述以便阐明她的史学思想与观念的发展历程。第二章从“女性权利的普遍失守”与“女性劣势地位存在的自身根源”两方面分析勒纳对女性沦为“他者”原因的观念。勒纳的研究成果表明:女性在经济上从属于男性,男神与女神、女祭司与男祭司的地位从平等转向不平等,法律将女性人为地置于劣势地位构成了“女性权利的普遍失守”;女性从属心理根深蒂固,对《圣经》的不彻底批判,难于争取教育平等,集体记忆的缺失形成了“女性劣势地位存在的自身根源”。第三章从三方面阐述勒纳女性主义史学的研究视角与方法:强调女性的历史贡献并对女性的“他者”身份进行批判;从历史认识客观性、分期标准、女性资料缺乏等方面对传统史学思想进行批判;以女性的历史经验与解放为标准,对女性统一的从属经验与差异的经验进行历史解释。第四章对勒纳的“普遍史”观念进行论述。勒纳首次提出女性史学分期理论;她要求在女性史研究获得充分发展的基础上,以两性的平等地位为标准,通过比较研究的方法,进行“普遍史”研究。第五章对勒纳史学思想进行评价与反思。她主张拓展研究视角、延伸观念、完善方法来写作史学边缘群体的历史。但是,她没有关注提高女性地位的经济因素,没有深入思考女性成为历史研究对象的根本原因以及女性追求平等权利的真正目标。结论部分是对以上论述的概括和总结,并就勒纳女性主义史学研究中存在的问题指出进一步的研究空间和研究方向。

【Abstract】 Gerda Lerner is one of the founders of the fileds of American feminist history. Lerner has played a key role in the development of women’s history curricula, including collecting, organizing, and editing numerous valuable documents. She conducted deep analysis on female and other historian’s roles, criticized the periodicalization of the traditional definition of historical period division, managed to merge women’s history into the general history.The purpose of the dissertation is trying to systematically elaborate Lerner’s historical thoughts on women’s history from the point of views of historiographical and intellectual histories. Through a thorough understanding of Lerner’s research and literature, the dissertation makes a systematical review and summarize of her academic and research viewpoints, methodologies. The paper will also discuss her contribution, limitation and its sources.The dissertation consists three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.The introduction summarizes Lerner’s backgrounds. It also overviews the purpose, the potential contribution, current research status, possible ways of analysis, and the structure of the paper.The main body of the dissertation contains five chapters:The first chapter analyzes how Lerner’s feminist consciousness took shape, including impacts from her family and social backgrounds that stimulated her reflections on the inequality. There were four stages in the development of Lerner’s research on women’s history, which helps indentify the evolution of her historical viewpoints.The second chapter addresses the historical causes of Lerner’s idea on women’s“otherness”from the angles of the“women’s rights generally fell”and the“inferior status of herself roots”. The former consists of three parts: the historical cause of women’s subordination to men in economy; the status of gods v.s. goddesses and priestesses v.s. priests shifted from equality to inequality; the law artificially placed women in an inferior position. The later falls into four parts: the deep-rooted of women’s subordinate psychology; the failure of criticism of the Bible by women; the failure of struggles for gender equality in education by women; the lack of collective memory in women.The third chapter investigates historical perspectives and methodologies of Lerner’s feminism. She emphasized the women’s contributions in the history and criticized the formation of the status of women’s“otherness”; in Lerner’s research, there is a gender perspective. Since Lerner would provide an objective, well-established theoretical principle for“placing women in history”, she criticized men’s history’s criterion of understanding and the theory of historical periodicalization and considered the lack of women’s information in research; Lerner, using the method named gender interpretation, extended her investigation objects from elite to general women.The fourth Chapter systematically discusses Lerner’s thought on“universal history”. There are two components in this chapter. One is to expound the development women’s history by stages, and the other is to explain the concept of Lerner’s“universal history”. The“Universal history”is a history of the dialectic and the tensions between the two cultures—male and female. Such a synthesis could be based on close comparative study of given periods in which the historical experience of men is compared with that of women.The fifth chapter evaluates and rethinks Lerner’s thoughts of her contributions lie in: investigating more the disadvantaged; understanding the universality and particularity of women’s history more comprehensively; proposing concepts and methodologies of“universal history”. But she neglected the economic factors in promoting women’s historical and social status; she also ignored one of the reasons that woman should be under research by historians—women are part of the human beings; she neglected the final goal that women and all human beings are pursuing.The conclusion summarizes the five chapters. This section also discusses the potential research areas that could be explored in future studies.


