

The Study on Bird Resources and Avian Ecological Conservation in the Lower Reaches of the Yalu River

【作者】 高明

【导师】 殷秀琴;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 鸭绿江下游鸟类资源丰富,总计353种隶属于18目63科,其中冬候鸟69种,夏侯鸟78种,夏侯鸟兼越冬鸟类8种,留鸟49种;43种鸟类兼有2种居留期;II级保护鸟类48种,I级保护鸟类11种;濒危10种,易危12种,极危1种。迁徙鸟类新纪录种16种:暗绿背鸬鹚Phalacrocorax capillatus、白眼潜鸭Aythya nyroca、小青脚鹬Tringa guttifer、勺嘴鹬Eurynorhynchus pygmeus、阔嘴鹬Limicola falcinellus、流苏鹬Philomachus pugnax、灰辦蹼鹬Phalaropus fulicarius、白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis、丝光椋鸟Sturnus sericeus、紫翅椋鸟Sturnus vulgaris、灰林银鸥Larus heuglini、黄腿银鸥Larus cachinnans。北极鸥Larus hyperboreus、小鸥Larus minutus、遗鸥Larus relictus黄腹鹨Anthus rubescens。繁殖鸟类新纪录种4种:中白鹭Egretta intermedia、棕扇尾莺Cisticola juncidis、鸳鸯Aix galericulata、攀雀Remiz consobrinus。滩涂水鸟迁徙春秋季节差异明显。春季鸟类遇见种类多,迁徙期集中,而秋季较少,迁徙期散漫。鸭绿江下游共发现有鹭类集群繁殖地3处,2009年总计巢数3,540个,估计出飞幼鸟10,620只;北井子镇范家山为最新发现鹭类集群繁殖地。自北向南可以分为三个鸟类分布区:北部低山区、中部丘陵区及南部滨海平原区。鸭绿江是许多鸟类南北迁徙的重要通道,其中的江心洲是鸟类停歇重要的的脚踏石。鸭绿江口湿地国家级自然保护区(大洋河入海口)是豆雁、小白额雁、赤麻鸭等重要的的越冬地,总计约1,600只越冬群,以现场脱粒的水稻田作为理想的取食场所。鸭绿江下游河道及河口滩涂是33种游禽和涉禽的重要越冬地,共计越冬水禽约7千只。鸭绿江口芦苇沼泽湿地有包括黑嘴鸥、斑背大尾莺等濒危鸟类在内的繁殖鸟类14种;4年共观察到斑背大尾莺雄鸟243只,并观测证实了苇塘的生产管理灌溉、收割、火烧等对斑背大尾莺的繁殖有重要影响,草本总盖度在17.7%程度上影响巢高度;在5月16日之前,进行浅灌(<8厘米),保留芦苇-拂子茅、细叶灯心草、苔草等枯草斑块,将有利于该种群的扩大。苇田深翻后也吸引了大量的涉禽;苇塘深灌除草可以提高芦苇产量,但却大大降低了鸟类的多样性,导致纯芦苇群落中只有东方大苇莺的繁殖。人工湿地可以吸引大量的涉禽及某些繁殖鸟类,穿越湿地的公路可以对多种鸟类产生鸟撞伤害。鸭绿江下游鸟类保护应采取时段保护、地段保护、生境保护、特殊种类保护,做好保护宣传,实施生态恢复,重视工程建设(填海造陆、风力发电等)的生态评价。对于迁徙鸟类而言,河口范围内的滩涂、江心洲、水库、河流以及周边植被应该注意保护和破坏后的恢复;对于冬候鸟而言,应加强林缘灌丛、沟谷及水体防护林带的建设,扩大常绿针叶树种的造林面积;而对于繁殖鸟类特别是濒危鸟类而言,鸭绿江口芦苇沼泽湿地是其主要的繁殖斑块,既要保证足够大的面积,也要保留其赖以生存的典型芦苇—杂草生境。湿地边缘的公路可以设立警示标牌、限速标志,以及安装一定高度的隔离网,保证芦苇湿地繁殖鸟类的取食、飞行的通道安全。保护区冬季由于人为投毒大量的雁鸭类水鸟被杀死,急需执法保护。

【Abstract】 The bird resources were rich in the lower reaches of the Yalu River, and belong to 18 orders, 63 families and 353 species, among which 49 was resident birds, 69 was winter birds, 78 was summer birds including 8 species winter here; 48 species were protected in the second class, and 11 are in the first class; 11 were EN, 12 were VU, 1 were CR according to the IUCN list. 16 species were new recorder in the area during migration: Phalacrocorax capillatus, Aythya nyroca, Tringa guttifer, Eurynorhynchus pygmeus, Limicola falcinellus, Philomachus pugnax, Phalaropus fulicarius, Pycnonotus sinensis, Sturnus sericeus, Sturnus vulgaris, Larus heuglini, Larus cachinnans, Larus hyperboreus, Larus minutus, Larus relictus, Anthus rubescens, and 4 species were new recorder of breeding birds in the lower reaches of Yalu river: Egretta intermedia, Remiz consobrinus, Cisticola juncidis and Aix galericulata.There were differences of migration of some water birds between spring and autumn, numbers of encountering migrating birds each day were more in spring than in autumn, and so as the degree of concentration in migrating period.There were 3 egrets breeding sites in the lower reaches of the Yalu river, and total number of nests was 3,540, estimated nest productivity was 10,620 nestlings; Fajia Shan hills was the new breeding site for egrets from 2005.3 eco-geography regions existed from north to south in the lower reaches of the Yalu River: northern low-relief terrain, central hills, southern coastal plain. The Yalu River was an important corridor for bird migration, all the channel islets were foot-stone for migrating birds just as the Mandarin Duck selected Mongniu shao as a breeding patch.We found Tadorna ferruginea, Anser fabalis and Anser albifrons wintering in the Yalu River Nature Reserve, ricefield was the important feeding ground, and more than 14 bird species, such as Larus saundersi and Megalurus pryeri breeding here. We also found 243 individuls of the male Japanese marsh warbler breeding in the reedmarsh in 4 years, and the reedfield management methods such as reed cutting, irrigation, grass burning all influence the breeding of the warbler. Cover of total grasses accounted for 17.7% of the changes in nest height. Irrigation before 16 May with less than 8cm water depth would benefit the expandation of the breeding population in the dry grass patch of reed- Calamagrostis epigejos, Juncus gracillimus, or Scirpus planiculmis community. The reedfield with shallow water after turning up attracted the wading bird; grass cutting may increase the output of the reed, but decrease the diversity of the breeding bird with only Acrocephalus orientalis breed in the reedmarsh.Artificial wtlands may attract some species of wading and/or beeding birds, but motor vehicles may also killed the breeding birds when fly over the road.Conservation plan should be put into practice in period, region, habitat, and bird species including making propaganda of protection, placing importance of restoration and ecological assessment of engineering construction. To migrating birds, the intertidal flat, Channel islets, reservoir, including the plant all around should be protected and restored; to winter birds, shrub around the forest, forest of stream valley and river should be plantsd including the evergreen coniferous forest such as Korean pine; to breeding birds, such as endangered birds Japanese marsh warbler and Saunder’s gull, enough big patch and reed-grass should be protected. The breeding birds could be protected when fly over the road through erecting warning signboard, speed limit signboard and isolation network along the road. Many geese and ducks were killed by human with poisonous drugs in winter in 2009, so they were in instant need of protection by wild animal protection law.


