

A Study of the Soviet Union’s Transformation Policy on Germany (1945-1949)

【作者】 李凤艳

【导师】 于群;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 德国在20世纪上半叶先后两次发动世界大战,给人类带来了空前惨重的灾难。如何根除德国军国主义传统,消除其侵略性,使其不再威胁世界的和平与安宁,成为国际社会探索的重大问题。第二次世界大战后期,苏美英三国首脑就采取新方式解决这一问题达成了共识,即对德国的政治、经济和国民思想进行全面改造,并形成了指导这种改造的所谓“四化”原则,即“非纳粹化”、“非军事化”、“非集中化”和“民主化”。战后,在苏美英法四国对德国实行分区占领并对其进行改造过程中,现实利益冲突与价值观念对立相互交织,致使苏联与美英法之间关系恶化并爆发冷战,而冷战又促使各占领方调整对德改造政策,这些因素复杂互动导致德国分裂并各自走上不同的发展道路,从而对德国、对战后国际关系发展进程都产生了深远影响。本文利用俄罗斯近年解密的大量原始档案并借鉴相关研究成果,试图厘清苏联对德国改造政策形成、实施与调整的轨迹及其与冷战的互动关系,探究苏联对德国进行改造所追求的目标、遵循的价值理念和行为模式,考察这种改造对德国及国际关系发展进程产生的影响。由于国际关系史上,一国或多国在战争中取得胜利后,以维护世界和平和自身安全的名义,对战败国进行改造,这种事例并不鲜见,在当今国际社会中,人类仍在进行着这样的实践,揭示苏联对德国改造政策的本质及其产生的影响,也可为各国决策者提供历史参照。本文在综合运用史学、国际政治学和社会学相关理论基础上,通过对俄罗斯解密档案进行细致的梳理分析,最终试图说明以下问题:(1)维护本国及欧洲国家安全是苏联对德国进行改造所追求的核心目标,为实现这一目标,除了传统的割地、赔偿、驻军监管外,还采取了以本国的价值理念对德国国家制度和国民思想进行改造这一新型手段。但因目标与手段难以相互兼容,改造产生了多重后果;(2)苏联对德国改造目标的设定及手段的选择与冷战的爆发互为因果,相互激荡,是导致德国分裂并走上不同发展之路的根源;(3)苏联对德国的改造,对于推动德国走上和平发展之路功不可没,同时也使东部德国走上了畸形化发展之路。

【Abstract】 In the first half of the 20th century, two successive world wars which were launched by Germany brought an unprecedented calamity on the human being. So, for the purpose of preventing Germany from threatening the world peace and tranquility further, how to eradicate German militarism tradition and its aggressiveness has become a problem which remains to be explored and solved by the international community. In the later part of the Second World War, the chief of state from three powers---Soviet union, United States and Great Britain, reached a consensus on solving the problem in a new way, namely they carry out overall transformation on German politics, economics and national thought and meanwhile it formed four principles consisting of Denazification, Demilitarization, Decartelization and Democratization, known as four Ds. After war, Germany was occupied and divided into different zones separately by the four powers---the Soviet Union, the United States, the Great Britain and France for the purpose of transforming it, and in this process, realistic interest and values conflict which were intertwined aggravated the relation between the Soviet Union and the United States. As a result, the cold war broke up. In turn, the cold war determined the adjustment of transformation policy from different sides. Ultimately, the interaction of all these factors lead to the disruption of Germany which split into two parts and different parts took different path of development. As a result, all these exerted a great influence on Germany and the development course of the postwar international relations.This paper which takes advantage of abundant original files decrypted by Russia and draws lessons from relevant research achievements, on the one hand, tries to specify the relation between the course of the formation, adoption and adjustment of the Soviet Union’s transformation policy on Germany and the cold war, on the other hand, tries to research into the pursued goal, followed ideas and behavior pattern of the Soviet Union’s transformation on Germany. In the meantime, this paper also tries to survey this kind of transformation’s influence on Germany and historical development course of the international relations. In view of the fact that in the history of international relations, the examples that one or more countries, in the name of maintaining world peace and their own safety, transformed the defeated nations are not rarely seen. In today’s international community, the human beings are still making such practice; meanwhile the revelation of the essence and influence of Soviet Union’s transformation policy can provide the historical reference for the policy maker in different countries.On the basis of using historiography, international politics and sociology, this paper, through the detailed analysis of Russian decrypted files, ultimately attempts to illustrate the following questions: (1) The maintenance of European and its own security is the essential target pursued by the Soviet Union’s transformation on Germany and the means of achieving this target does not only include the traditional way such as territory cession, indemnity claim and garrison supervision but also a new way, that is to carry out the transformation on German state system and thought of common people by means of adopting their own state value and behavior pattern. The purpose is to win the respect, identification and get safety through expanding the influence. However, the transformation brought about multiple consequences in the end because of the incompatibility between the target and means. (2) The target setting, the means choice of the Soviet Union’s transformation on Germany and the outbreak of Cold War influence on each other and form a vicious circle, which is the basic reason that Germany split into two parts and different parts took different path of development. (3) The fact that Soviet Union carries out the transformation in the German Soviet occupying region does not only succeed in driving Germany into the way of peaceful development, but in the meantime drive the eastern Germany into the way of lopsided development.


