

Social and Cultural Changes of Hezhe

【作者】 杨光

【导师】 高乐才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要从赫哲族社会文化所包含的物质文化、制度文化、精神文化三个方面如何变迁、变迁的原因及在变迁过程中所遇到的曲折进行深入剖析,进而对赫哲族社会文化的未来前景做客观的展望。在论述上首先介绍了赫哲族的基本概况,其中分析了赫哲族所处地理位置的特殊性,进而探讨了地理环境对赫哲族传统文化的影响。赫哲族所在的三江平原地势平坦便于赫哲族与汉族等其他少数民族的直接接触、交往与融合,从而使赫哲族文化上受到外来民族的影响加深;另一方面丰厚的自然资源和地广人稀使赫哲族有着广阔的生存发展的空间,到处是天然的渔场和猎场,野兽成群。富饶的物质资源使赫哲族不用培植农物就可以直接从自然界汲取食粮,在传统文化上凸显其“天人合一”之特点。由于赫哲族是典型的渔猎民族,因此其文化上打下了深刻的渔猎烙印。随着社会的进步,赫哲族生产工具的改进、技术水平的提高;在社会生产力得到发展的同时,生产关系必然发生了变革,私有化、商品化产生。在这种情况下原有的社会制度也渐趋瓦解,随之赫哲族的物质生产、生活习俗、精神信仰、民族文学、民间技艺等方面也随之相应地发生改变,这种变迁的过程是逐渐而复杂的。它是技术、社会、政治、经济组织及其行为准则发生与以往不同的变化,包括文化内容和文化结构发生变化的过程。尤其是步入近代由于内外因素的促使,“贡貂皮、赏乌林”政策的实施,民族的融合,沙俄对其家园的不断侵扰以及清王朝对其征调和编旗使赫哲族原居地不断地改变。这一切外来文化都逐渐地与赫哲族传统文化渗透、碰撞、接触、吸收和整合,被赫哲族所认可并最终成为变迁后赫哲族社会文化的一部分。赫哲族社会文化的变迁不是某一方面的变迁,而是在传统社会文化其中包含的个别因素中受到来自各方面的改变,而不断地作用于赫哲族社会文化中的各个环节,从而逐渐引起无论是在物质、制度还是精神文化方面整体的变迁。社会文化的变迁包括一切社会文化的改变,赫哲族社会文化变迁的过程中也并不是一帆风顺的,其中也包括曲折。由于在伪满时期日伪对赫哲族实行的殖民统治使其民族面临着灭绝,赫哲族的文化也处于着濒危之状态。直到赫哲族解放,党和人民对其在生产、生活的扶持下,社会文化才有了进一步的发展。随着世界一体化趋势的加强,在新世纪的舞台上赫哲族社会文化同样受到来自各方面的冲击,一部分赫哲族传统文化已经处于衰落的境地,这已经引起了社会各界的关注。在当今的社会中,人们越来越认识到:赫哲族的社会文化变迁是时代发展的必然,而只有保护和传承赫哲族优秀的传统文化,才能迎接新的历史挑战。

【Abstract】 This article mainly from Hezhe national minority socity culture which includes three aspects of material culture、spiritual culture and institutional culture and analyze them how to chang、the rease and the tortuosity in the process of the vicissitude.And thus on the future prospects of social and cultural Hezhe to do an objective outlook.First ,introduce the basic profiles of Hezhe, which analyzes the special geographical location of Hezhe.And then, discuss geographical environment play a influence on the Hezhe national minority culture vicissitude.Hezhe located in the Sanjiang Plain which provides an advantageous for Hezhe with Han and other ethnic groups to direct contacts、communication and integration, thus causes the Hezhe national minority culture to receive external national the influence deepening; On the other hand, the rich natural resource and the vast territory with a sparse population enable the Hezhe national minority to have the broad survival development space, everywhere is the natural hunting ground, the wild animal in groups.The bountiful physical resources cause the Hezhe national minority not to need to cultivate agriculture and can derive the food directly from the nature,the character of“the beauty to unite”is highlighted in Hezhe national minority’s traditional culture.Because the Hezhe national minority is the typical hunting and fishing nationality, so whether it is in material culture and spiritual culture and institutional culture are laid on a deep imprint of fishing and hunting culture,so that, the hunting and fishing are the entirety of the Hezhe national minority lives.With the changing times and social development, the Hezhe national minority traditional culture receives from the various aspects unceasing influence.More importantly as a result of Hezhe national minority production tool’s improvement, technical level enhancement, while the promotion of social productive forces, the productive relations have had the transformation inevitably, the privatization, the commercialized production. In this case the original social system also tended to be disintegrates,which decided the Hezhe national minority’s society physical production, life custom, spiritual belief, national literature, folk technique also correspondingly change along with it, this process of vicissitude was gradual but complex.Into the modern times, because inside and outside factor urge, the external culture unceasingly with the Hezhe national minority traditional culture collision, the contact, the absorption and the integration, is approved enventully by the Hezhe national minority nationality and identity, and after the changs become a part of Hezhe national minority socialculture.The Hezhe national minority society culture’s vicissitude is not one hand vicissitude, but in traditional society culture contains the individual factor receives from various aspects change, and affects unceasingly in the Hezhe national minority society culture each link, thus causes chang material、institutional and spiritual culture of Hezhe national minority.But in the vicissitude is not problem-free, because in the Japanese and Puppet time Hezhe person is facing extinction, Hezhe national minority’s culture also suffers being in imminent danger the condition.until the Hezhe national minority is liberated,under the supporting their production and life of the party and the people, their socirty life had the very big improvement,and social culture had the further development.With the world integration’s tendency, the Hezhe national minority society culture receives similarly in the new century’s stage from various aspects impact, facing the Hezhe national minority traditional culture’s decline,only the protection and heritage of Hezhe traditional culture, can seek the recent development in the vicissitude, meet the new historical challenge.

【关键词】 赫哲族文化社会变迁文化变迁
【Key words】 HezheCultureSocial changeCultural vicissitude

