

Study on the Mechanism and Evaluation Model of Protective Development of the Scenic and Historic Areas in China

【作者】 李如生

【导师】 李诚固;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以可持续发展理论、利益相关者理论、旅游地理学理论以及景观生态学理论等为理论基础,重点阐述了风景名胜区保护性开发的机制,构建了风景名胜区保护性开发的指标体系及模糊评价模型,并以黔东南苗族侗族自治州风景名胜区为实证对象,研究探讨了其保护性开发的机制。论文除引言和结论部分外,正文共分五章。第一章,论述了风景名胜区的相关理论。着重对与风景名胜区保护性开发相关的理论进行简要综述,包括可持续发展理论、利益相关者理论、、旅游地理学理论、景观生态学理论以及LAC理论等。第二章,提出了风景名胜区保护性开发机制的概念框架,论述了风景名胜区保护性开发的中观和微观作用机理。认为风景名胜区保护性开发的中观作用机制,实际上就是怎样看待在一定外在环境条件(特定类型、特定时期、特定容量、特定制度)下,风景名胜区的保护与开发的关系,关注点是人与自然的关系、人与环境的关系。从风景名胜资源保护和旅游开发两方面,分别定义两个函数,一个是资源保护度函数,一个是旅游开发度函数,保护度函数是指风景名胜区内所有有利于风景名胜资源和生态环境保护的各类主体行为变量函数的集合,相应地,开发度函数是指风景名胜区内所有有利于风景资源利用和开发的各类主体行为变量函数的集合。这两个函数的组合变化关系,决定了一个风景名胜区最终的保护性开发状态。风景名胜区保护性开发的微观作用机制,实际上就是如何看待风景名胜资源开发过程中,不同利益相关者之间的关系,这样的关系对于风景名胜资源的保护有什么样的促进或阻碍作用,关注点是人与人的关系。风景名胜区的利益主体主要包括管理者(国家风景名胜区的主管部门、风景名胜区管委会、地方政府部门及相关事业单位等)、旅游经营者、社区居民、旅游者四大类。从保护与开发角度来看,每一类群体均有保护意识和开发/利用意识,只是保护程度和开发程度的强弱有所不同。风景名胜资源的保护性开发机制,应该是使各类主体的保护倾向度最大化,开发利用度合理化,防止对资源的过度掠夺和开采。第三章,探讨了风景名胜区保护性开发的状态评价指标体系,应该以风景名胜区可持续旅游发展的整体目标为基准,能够描述现阶段风景名胜区保护与开发的现状、能够评估风景名胜区保护性开发的功能协调程度,根据指标体系的功能要求和各个功能之间的逻辑关系,本章分别构建了风景名胜区保护度和开发度评价指标体系,基本涉及资源保护、生态环境、经济协调、社会协调、服务设施和管理教育等主要系统,从风景名胜区保护与开发程度对客体的影响、风景名胜区各类主体对风景区保护与开发的主观意识与客观行为、风景名胜区保护与开发的政策环境等方面反映风景名胜区的保护性开发状态。在指标体系层次结构的基础上,借鉴现代综合评价的方法原理,构建了二级模糊综合评价模型,该模型能够在一定程度上解决风景名胜区保护性开发的状态评价及综合排序。第四章,以黔东南苗族侗族自治州风景名胜区为例,探讨了其保护性开发存在的主要问题和一般作用机制,并对其保护性开发状态进行了评价,根据评价结果,提出了相应的对策。第五章,着重从实现风景名胜区保护性开发的重要制度和措施方面,提出一些对策建议。认为风景名胜区保护性开发应该着重从完善法律法规保障、差别化管理体制保障、要素保障体系、监督检查机制等方面加强制度保障;从完善风景名胜区保护性开发的规划技术规范体系、规划协调机制和专家评审机制等方面加强规划保障;从培养旅游者、经营者、管理者等风景名胜区各利益主体的生态环境和名胜资源保护意识等方面加强宣传教育。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the sustainable development theory, stakeholder analysis theory, tourism geography and landscape ecology, taking the famous scenery of east Guizhou as an example, this paper elaborates the protective development mechanism of the Scenic and Historic Areas in China, and constructs an integrative index system. According to the fuzzy mathematics method, qualitative calculation model of two-level hieratchical structure is constructed. The following five chapters are the main contents.ChaperⅠsummarizes relative theories about the mechanism of protective development. They are the sustainable development theory, stakeholder analysis theory, tourism geography, landscape ecology, and LAC theory.ChapterⅡprovides a conceptual model of the mechanism of protective development from the middle and microscope aspect. From the middle scope aspect, it is actually the question of how to deal with relationship between man and nature/environment. We can thus define two functions, one is the protection function, which contains all the factors that are favorable to the protection of the Scenic and Historic Areas, and one is the development function, which contains all the factors that are favorable to the development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. The interactions between these two functions will deternine the final status of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. From the microscope aspect, it is actually the problem of how to deal with relationship between man and man. Stakeholder identification and stakehold salience are the two core questions. In China, the stakeholders of the Scenic and Historic Areas are the government, the managers and employees of the private sectors, the local people and the tourists. Actually, each group has the consciousness to protect the famous site resources and the environment, and they also have the consciousness to make use of the famous site resources. The only difference is that the degree of protection and development of each group is different. Thus the mechanism is to maximize the protection tendency of each group and try to let them make a reasonable use of the site resources.ChapterⅢtries to construct a comprehensive index system to evaluate the status of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. Based on the principles of hierarchy, representativeness, operability and completeness, indices are selected from different aspects of site resources protection, environment protection, economic coordinace, social coordinance and management/education. According to the fuzzy mathematics method, qualitative calculation model of two-level hieratchical structure is constructed. Among them, the first-level model focuses on a specific evaluation index. It calculates the membership degree of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas in evalution index set, and sorts the calculation results. It calculates the membership degree of region to protective development in the whole evaluation index system and sorts the calculation results. Determination of evaluation index weight at each level is introduced from the angels of Analytic Hierarchy Process and information entrop method. Result shows that this model can be applied in quantitative and comprehensive measurement on protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas.ChapterⅣtakes the famous scenery of east Guizhou as an example, analyzing the general protective development mechanism of the Scenic and Historic Areas.ChapterⅤprovides some measurements of protective development from the aspect of policy. Institutions and policies should be focused on the aspect of law improvement, management improvement, technology and finance guarantee, and supervision mechanism. Attention of the technical specification of planning also should be paid. Publicity and education to tourists, managers of private sectors and government officials also should be enforced.

  • 【分类号】F592;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1120
  • 攻读期成果

