

The Research of Accepting Theory in the Course of the Sinicization of Marxism

【作者】 刘岩

【导师】 李彩华;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,在全面建设小康社会的伟大实践中,虽然已经取得了巨大成就,但我们也能看到各种社会问题层出不穷,从社会各阶层对党的中国化马克思主义理论的反应上看,社会心态不时出现了淡漠的苗头,党的思想理论对实践主体的教育效果不理想的情况有所发生。通过对此社会现象深入挖掘,可以看出这一社会现象的实质是理论接受问题。由此引发了对理论接受问题的系统研究。着眼思想理论与社会实践的关系层面,党的思想理论与社会实践的关系是怎样的呢,党的马克思主义中国化,产生创造出思想理论,最终目的是要干什么,是不是让社会实践主体广泛地接受,进而指导和推动社会实践呢,理论接受问题是不是关键问题呢。经过对马克思主义中国化的历史进程梳理,可以看出存在的具体问题,在马克思主义中国化进程中,理论接受呈现不稳定的波动状态,出现时好时坏的接受效果,实践主体不能够稳定地接受科学的中国化马克思主义理论,不能够最大化地发挥中国化马克思主义理论的社会实效性,不能够始终如一地推动社会良性发展。问什么?导致问题的原因是什么,理论接受的规律到底是什么,如何才能促进更好的理论接受,这三个问题,是现实而又迫切的问题,需要我们作出客观的回答。为回答这三个问题,即寻找导致理论接受问题的成因,揭示理论接受的内在规律,提出促进理论接受的措施,有必要对马克思主义中国化进程中的理论接受情况做较细致的研究。选择接受作为视角,对马克思主义中国化的历史进程进行剖析,系统研究理论接受情况,是一项创新的研究。借助思想政治教育学中的接受理论作为思考方法,考察马克思主义中国化进程中,实践主体接受中国化马克思主义理论的情况,发现问题,分析成因,总结经验,采用了独到的研究方法,呈现了全新的研究内容。该研究是教育学与马克思主义理论之间的跨学科交叉研究,研究成果丰富了学科建设内容,为进一步促进学科建设,提供有益帮助。全文共分三部分。第一部分,引言。主要从研究缘起、研究目标与内容、研究思路与方法、研究的逻辑结构四个方面阐述了与该研究相关的基本内容。从课题的来源、研究价值、研究现状等方面阐述了该研究的选题。从研究的目标、研究的主要内容、研究的重难点等方面阐述了该研究的目标与内容。从研究中的思考理路和研究的具体方法等方面阐述了该研究的思路与方法。从基本概念的界定、基础理论依据、内在逻辑关系等方面阐述了该研究的逻辑结构。第二部分,正文,共六章内容。第一章中国化马克思主义理论接受情况概述,是理论接受问题成因分析前的铺垫。主要阐述接受历史阶段划分,马克思主义中国化进程中的理论接受大致轨迹,对各时期理论接受效果进行评定,在阶段划分和效果评定的基础上,提出理论接受存在的问题,确立本项研究的目标。第二章至第五章各个历史时期的理论接受情况分析,是理论接受过程、结果及成因的具体分析。根据接受对象确定的情况,对每一历史时期理论接受情况,从理论接受要素、理论接受过程及结果、导致结果的原因三方面,展开深入细致的分析。从当前学界普遍认同的观点,接受活动是一个动态系统这一观点出发,以系统论作为研究方法,厘清了各个历史时期不同的接受要素。以接受机理作为理论根据,缕清了各要素间相互作用的接受过程及形成的接受结果。对接受结果进行了成因分析,形成各个不同历史时期的分析结论。第六章马克思主义中国化进程中理论接受的经验启示,是对理论分析的总结与归纳。根据上文的理论分析,首先,回答第一章中提出的问题,阐述清楚了理论接受问题的成因。其次,阐述清楚了马克思主义中国化进程中,理论接受的内在规律,对理论接受的进程具有更加清晰的认识。再次,提出促进接受的经验启示,为开展更好地理论接受提供方法论帮助。至此完成研究目标。第三部分,结语。概括结论观点。概述马克思主义中国化进程中,界定的理论接受对象,理论接受进程中呈现的问题,概述不同历史阶段接受成因的分析性结论及总结论,概述理论接受的内在规律,总结促进接受的经验启示。

【Abstract】 At present, we could discover various society problems although we have gotten a lot of achievement in the great practice of complete building well-off society.There are some indifferent phenomena in society mood from the reaction that social stratums give attention to Chinese Communist Party’s theorys.The badness education effect ofen come into being about the CCP’s theorys.We can attention that this is a problem of accepting theory through we research the social phenomena deeply.So,we have a systemic study about this problem.In the relation between the ideology theorys and the society practice,how about the relation for PPC’s ideology theory and the society practice? What is the last purpose that the PPC have the sinicization of Marxism and create ideology theory? Would they let pratice subject to accepte widely in order to guidance and impulse the social practice?Is the accepting theory a key problem?We can discover that there are some problem through we sift the history of sinicization of Marxism.There are fluctuant state and in-and-out accepting effect in the course of sinicization of Marxism.The practice subjects couldn’t accept the scientific Chinese Marxism steadily and couldn’t give full play to actual effect of Chinese Marxism and couldn’t propel the society forward.Why? What is the reason? What is the rule of accepting theory? How to promote acceptance furthermore? The upwards problems are realistic and imperious and need be answered.therefore,The problem of accepting theory must be studyed deeply in the course of sinicization of Marxism.It is innovative study that the accepting is regarded as angle of view and analyzing the course of sinicization Marxism and studying the accepting theory.It is a original study means that the Accepting Theory is used from the Education and the Chinese Marxism is accepted by practice subjects in the course of sinicization Marxism and discover the problems and analyse reasons and sum up its experience.This is a intercrossing study between the Education and the Marxism.The study outcome give a useful help to constructing the subject.There are three parts:The first part: forewordIt is first chapter.This part expatiates basis content from the study origin and the study aim and study method and the study logic.It expatiates the subject choice from the study origin and the study value and the study actuality.It expatiates the study aim and the study content and the train of thought and the study method.It expatiates the logic from the basic concept and the basic theroy and the inner relation.The second part: textThis part is a preparatory work for analysis reason.It expatiates the accepting object mainly and expatiates the general track.It assesses the effect of acceptance in the different periods and opens out the problems of accepting theory on the basis of dividing up periods and assessing effect.It is the study aim that the problems are opened out.The part is concrete analysis from the second chapter to the fifths chapter that the accepting course and the accepting result and the reason.The analysis work is done by the theory that the accepting theory is a dynamic system in the science fields. Thus,we can recognize the different accepting elements between each history periods.we can get the conclusion of different periods that we analyse the accepting course and analysis result.It is sixth chapter. This chapter is summing-up of the accepting experiences in the course sinicization Marxism.According to the analysis before-mentioned,first,we could answer the problem which is opened out in the first chapter and expatiate the reason of accepting problem.Second,we expatiate the inner rules of accepting theory in the course sinicization Marxism.Thirdly,we bring forward the accepting experience for advancing accepting theory.The third part: epilogueThis part summarize the conclusion views including the accepting aim and the problems in accepting course and the reason of accepting problem and the inner rules of accepting theory and experience sumed up.


