

Astudy on Teachers’classroom Teaching Decision-making

【作者】 魏薇

【导师】 陈旭远;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 人们的工作和生活中每天都需要做决策。上至国家宏观政策的制定,下至个人日常的决定,无一不需要我们做出正确的判断和选择。作为课程实施灵魂人物的教师,在专业领域更需要决策。新课改不断拓展着教师的专业自主,实现着教师角色的重新定位,且“教学的变动性、多样性无不要求教师是决策者而不再是一个执行者”。因此专家们断言:“教学是一个需要教师不断做出思考与决策的历程”,“任何教学行为都是决策的结果,教师最基本的教学技巧就是决策”,“有效教学基本等同于合理的教学决策”(William, shavelson, Clark&Peterson)。有研究指出,教师需要在课程的设计、实施和评价前后三个阶段做出一系列的决策,实施阶段即课堂教学过程中的决策是最为变化莫测和考验教学机智的。因为课堂是一个复杂多变的“动态场”,充斥着大量的不确定因素,课堂教学也不是一个按部就班的线性过程,学生又是一个个鲜活的不断变化、发展的个体。因而作为课堂教学主体之一的教师就时刻面临着决策,教师的决策某种程度上也决定了课堂教学的方向、形式和效果。课堂是教师专业发展之所,课堂教学是学生成长之源,如何更好的去关注教师在课堂教学中所做的决策,剖析教师课堂教学决策的实质,认真倾听教师决策时的心声即成为一个重要的研究议题。本研究立足于教师课堂教学决策问题,选取一所全日制的A小学为个案,以具体的语文学科教师为研究对象进行全程地跟踪与深入地考察。研究者走进现场、扎根田野,“成为”他们中的“普通一员”,力图展现并解释课堂教学过程中教师们鲜活的决策行为和决策想法,揭示并总结教师课堂教学决策的基本状况及影响因素,并在此基础上形成研究结论与建议。作为一项质的研究,本研究以质化研究为取向,以个案研究为策略,综合运用参与式观察、深度访谈、出声思维、文件分析等多种研究方法,通过不同方法的相互佐证赋予研究以效度与意义。本论文包括八个部分:第一章导论部分论述了研究背景、研究问题、研究目的和意义;第二章文献综述梳理并探讨了相关研究概况;第三章详细说明研究的基本思路、方法体系和研究过程;第四章、第五章、第六章、第七章分别从个案学校语文教师课堂教学决策实施的背景情况、基本类型、基本过程与影响因素四个方面阐述研究发现并形成研究结论;在上述基础上,第八章进一步做出总结并提出相关建议。研究具体表明:第一,通过考察个案学校不同层面、不同水平的语文教师,真实展现了教师课堂教学决策的基本状况。在这个解释与分析的图景中:一方面说明了A校语文学科教学实施的背景情况,这是课堂教学决策的整体环境和运作根基;另一方面总结了个案学校语文教师课堂教学决策的基本类型。研究资料表明,课堂教学决策可划分成四种不同的类型,分别是:忠于预设的执行类、基于预设的调整类、超越预设的生成类和预设之外的突发类。第二,本研究不止于揭示个案学校的研究对象们在决策什么,还力求“深入教师头脑中”,倾听他们“内心的声音”,探寻并发现了语文教师课堂教学决策运行的基本过程。通过呈现这个基本运行过程试图说明,教师们为什么决策,如何进行决策,依据什么决策?即具体剖析了教师课堂教学决策基本运作过程中所包括的五个基本要素,归纳出其运行过程为四个基本步骤的循环往复,提出实际的运行过程中教师某种程度上受到五种准则的规限。本研究认为,教师课堂教学决策不仅是洋溢着个性特征与主体风格的具体行为表现,决策行为背后还交织着教师的思考历程与思维过程。更为重要的是,教师课堂教学决策是一名教师基于经验和观念,融合知识、情感、智慧等诸多因素所做出的价值判断和价值选择。第三,本研究发现其实课堂教学决策是多种复杂因素相互作用共同产生的结果,影响与制约教师进行决策的因素可分为四个方面:有关于学生的影响因素、有关于教学自身的影响因素、有关于教师的影响因素和有关于环境的影响因素。这四个方面构成一个动态的影响因素圈,其中的一种因素或者几种综合因素在教师瞬间做判断时对其产生影响。最后,在综合分析研究结果的基础上,形成了本研究的基本结论。另建议从激发教师的专业自觉意识;积极践行教师的深度反思;提升教师的“哲学观念”;唤醒和促进教师的批判意识与批判思维;创设良性环境与科学引领体系五个方面着手进行相关改善。

【Abstract】 People need to make a lot of decisions in everyday’s work and life. From the establishment of national macroscopic policy to individual’s decision in daily work, we all need to make the right judgments and choices. Teachers, as the soul of educational reform and curriculum implementation, need to make decisions in their professional areas. The new curriculum reform has expanded teachers’professional autonomy and made a redefinition of teachers’role, "the change and diversity of teaching requires all teachers to be a decision maker, but not a performer." Therefore, the experts asserted, "teaching is a process which needs teachers to make thinking and decisions constantly ", "any teaching behavior is the result of decision-making, teachers’most fundamental teaching skill is decision-making" and "effective teaching is basically the same as the reasonable teaching decision-making." (William, shavelson, Clark&Peterson)Some researches have shown that teachers need to make a series of decisions in curriculum design, curriculum practice and curriculum reflection before and after the three stages, at the stage of the decision-making in the process of teacher classroom teaching is the most unpredictable and will be a test to teachers’spot wit. Because the classroom is a complex of "Field", which is filled with a large number of uncertainties, classroom teaching is not a linear process step by step, and students are the individuals who develop and change continuously. As one teaching subject in a classroom, teachers face the decision-making all the time, and teachers’decision-making also determines the direction, form and effect of classroom teaching. The classroom is a field for teachers’ professional development, classroom teaching is the source of students’growth, so how to focus on teachers’decision-making in a classroom, analyze the essence of teacher classroom teaching decision-making, listen carefully to the voices of teachers’decision-making, has become an important research subject.This research based on the question of teacher classroom teaching decision-making, selected a primary school "A" as a case, took the Chinese teachers as the research objects and carried on the entire process tracking and in-depth inspection. The author entered into the scene, rooted in the field, and has " become" one of the "ordinary member", tried to show and explain teachers’bright decision-making behavior and decision-making activities, reveal and summarize the basic condition and influence factors of teachers’classroom teaching decision-making, and based on this to make conclusions and suggestions. As a qualitative research, the author took the qualitative research as a basic approach, the case study as a strategy, used participant observation, depth interview, thinking aloud, document analysis and other research methods, through the corroborations among different methods to give a validity and significance for this research.This dissertation consists of eight parts:Chapter One is an introduction which clarifies the research background, research questions, research purpose and research significance; Chapter Two is the literature review which discusses the relevant research results; Chapter Three defines the basic ideas, methods system and research process of this research; From the basic condition, base type, basic process and influential factors, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six and Chapter Seven elaborate the research findings and form conclusions; Chapter Eight sums up the main points of this research and puts forward the related proposals. The research indicated:First, by examining the Chinese teachers at different levels in the case school, this research really showed the basic status of teacher classroom teaching decision-making. With the explanation and analysis, this dissertation showed the background of Chinese subject teaching implementation in "A" school, which is the overall classroom environment and main foundation for the run of teacher classroom teaching decision-making; On the other hand, it presented the basic type of Chinese teacher teaching decision-making in the case school. The research results showed the teacher classroom teaching decision-making can be divided into four different types, which are:implementation class with being loyal to the presupposition, adjustment class based on the presupposition, generation class beyond the presupposition, unexpected class out of the presupposition.Second, this research not only revealed what the research objects’ decision-making are in the case school, but also strived to know what they are thinking in their mind and listen to their "inner voice", finding the basic process of Chinese teacher classroom teaching decision-making in the case school. The basic process told us why the teachers made some decisions, how to make decisions, what decision-making based on? It put forward four basic elements for classroom teaching decision-making, concluded that its movement process was the recycle of four basic links, and analyzed five bases when teachers made some rational decision-making. We consider that teacher classroom teaching decision-making is not only the specific performance of personality and style, but also the expression of teachers’thinking process. More importantly, teacher classroom teaching decision-making is a kind of value judgment and value choice, which a teacher based on his experience and ideas and blended the knowledge, emotions, skills, and many other factors to make.Third, this research found classroom teaching decision-making is the result of interaction among varieties of complex factors, and the factors which affects and restricts teachers’ classroom teaching decision-making can be divided into four aspects, namely:the influence factors from teachers, students, environment and teaching itself. These four factors form a dynamic influence factors circle, when teachers make decisions instantly one of them or several factors will have the influence.Finally, on the basis of comprehensive analysis to the results, this dissertation formed the basic conclusions and made the related suggestions.


