

Modern Market Economy of Cooperative Employment Relationshiop in China

【作者】 崔驰

【导师】 金喜在;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 应用经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国传统劳动关系研究当前主要停留在法学、政治学角度上,其研究重点是如何通过集体谈判、政治利益表达等方法提高劳动者的谈判地位等。本文构建了与传统劳动关系分析完全不同的研究体系,可能会被传统劳动关系学者定义为“异类”研究。但这与本文的研究目标有关,通过本研究欲使更多的中国人民享受到改革开放经济快速发展的成果并达到共同富裕的目标。本文分析了传统劳动关系以法律、政治等分析手段解决劳动关系的不足,即传统劳动关系研究至多只能保障弱势群体,并不能使得更多的中国人分享到经济快速发展的成果,也不能有效的统一分配问题中效率与公平之间的关系。本文试图挑战“企业租金的分配”问题,将研究重点放在劳动关系中分配机制的设计上,即研究如何通过合作机制与经济制度的建立保证劳动合作过程中的机会公平,限制机会主义行为,统一分配中的公平性与效率性问题。为此,本文从个人利益、企业与市场关系的微观的角度上,分别研究了通过企业规章、制度,工会(集体谈判)以及国家法律等传统方式对企业权威的限制作用以及不足之处。欲想彻底地解决劳动关系与分配问题,我们需要找到一条适合当今全球一体化以及中国国情的方法。本文指出,包括目前中国学者所强调的集体谈判制度也并非是合作机制的全部含义,其活动往往是通过法律、政治手段加强某一利益集团的谈判力,可能违背了市场经济规律。中国改革开放三十多年的经验告诉我们,试图脱离市场的方法解决劳动关系与分配问题都将是低效率的,并且也不一定是公平的。的确,当今中国所出现的很多劳动关系不和谐现象是中国市场价格机制的缺陷所致,但正是因为中国市场机制存在着这种缺陷,需要我们更加细致地分析市场价格机制,分析为什么市场价格机制发出的价格信号失灵,而不是将所有的问题都一味的推给政府或单纯强调需要通过“政府干预”来解决问题。事实上经济规律问题只能通过经济手段来解决。大禹治水功绩在于疏导,在于治水机制上的设计。通过政治手段、“政府干预”等方法正如堵洪水一样,至多只能短期有效,不能从根本上解决我国收入分配以及劳动关系问题。为此,本文分析了市场价格机制运作的原理,从中找出中国市场价格机制的问题所在,并提出超越集体谈判制度的第三方合作机制,它的作用在于完善市场价格机制,推进中国企业人力资源管理良好的发展。因此,在完善的市场价格机制下,公平与效率并不是二选一的关系,而是公平与效率能够同时达到。

【Abstract】 The researches of traditional employment relationship in China remain in views of law or political, they emphasize the functions of collective bargaining and the importance of different interest groups who express their views to improve the status of negotiations. We build a theory quite different from traditional industry relations, and this theory may be viewed as weird research by traditional scholars. This is relevant to the objectives of this study, we want to make more Chinese to enjoy the fruits of rapid economic development and to achieve the goal of common prosperity through this study.We analyse the shortage of researching industrial relations in traditional ways, it only can protect to disadvantaged minority at most. In traditional ways, we can’t make more Chinese to share the fruits of rapid economic development and can’t uniform the relationship between efficiency and fairness in distribution. We focus on how to establish the economic cooperation mechanism and attempt to challenge the most difficult problems of distribution in a fair way. To achieve that, we should ensure the process of cooperation opportunities in the market and limit opportunistic behavior. Therefore, we will research in the micro-view of personal and enterprise’s interests. We will study some traditional ways to limit managers’ authority by firm’s rules or regulations, trade unions (collective bargaining) and national laws and we analyse the shortcomings of these traditional ways.If we want to completely solve the problems of employment relationship and distribution, we need to find a suitable method for Chinese condtions in impact of the economic globalization. We pointed out that the collective bargaining system, which emphasized by Chinese scholars, is not the full meaning of the cooperative mechanism. They are strengthening the negotiation power of a certain interest group through legal or their political activities, these kinds of activities may be against the rules of market. Three decades of experience from China’s reform and opening-up tells us that it is inefficient if we try to solve distribution problem out of the market, and it isn’t fair either. It is true that there are lots of disharmony phenomenons due to defects of the price mechanism in China, but precisely because of the existence of market defects, we need a more detailed analysis of the market price mechanism. We should analyse what causes the market price mechanism failure, rather than we blindly push all the problems to the government and stress the importance of "government intervention".In a perfect market mechanism, the fairness and efficiency is not one out of two, but they can be achieved simultaneously. Therefore, we analyse the principle of the operation of market price mechanism, to find out the problem of market. We proposed a Cooperative Mechanisms system instead of the third-party mechanism in collective bargaining views, it will be to improve the operation of market price mechanism, and promote human resource management in firm in a good way.


