

A Study on the University Governance in Korea

【作者】 索丰

【导师】 孙启林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 大学治理是国内外高等教育界关注较多的一个问题。在全球化、国际化、市场化的背景下,在新公共管理主义等思潮的影响下,各国政府纷纷由全能型政府向能效型政府转变,政府逐渐从公共部门中解脱出来,重视市场在公共部门中的作用。大学作为国家公共政策的重要组成部分,也受到这一宏观环境的影响。二战后,韩国是后发现代型国家中高等教育发展最快的国家之一,对西方治理理论及其在大学中的实践也关注较多,尤其是20世纪90年代后的高等教育改革带有非常明显的新公共管理主义的色彩,把原来集中于中央政府的权力下放到大学,注重引入市场竞争机制,提供以需求者为中心的教育。尽管韩国的大学由于长期受国家权威主义的影响,受政府的管制较多,大学自治程度到目前为止依然不高,但韩国为了提高大学的竞争力,在促进大学各利益相关者责权利的平衡过程中,积累了一定的成功经验和失败教训,是值得研究和借鉴的。本论文主要针对韩国国家层次的大学治理(外部治理)与大学内部的治理进行研究,在国家层次的大学治理与大学内部治理中,主要涉及到三个主要的参与者,即政府、大学自身及市场因素。国家的大学治理主要是解决政府与大学的关系问题,大学内部治理则更多地集中于大学内部事务,而市场作为国家规制的一种手段以及大学为了获得更多的财政支持而采取的措施,在两个层次的大学治理中都发挥了重要的作用。因此,本论文以伯顿·克拉克的协调三角模型为基本的分析框架,在国家层次的大学治理方面探讨国家(政府)、市场对大学的影响。在大学内部治理方面,着重探讨大学内部的决策过程,即韩国大学理事会、校长、大学评议会、教授会等不同利益群体之间的职责分配和相互作用。本论文包括引论在内共分为六个部分。引论部分由选题缘由、国内外研究现状、概念界定、研究内容、研究思路、研究方法与研究价值等组成。第一章为大学治理的理论基础,在对已有的治理理论进行梳理的基础上,确定本论文中对治理及大学治理内涵的界定,为本论文提供研究的理论基础。第二章为韩国大学治理理念的变迁研究,主要探讨不同阶段大学治理理念是如何变化的,随之带来的政府政策的变化对大学的治理又产生了什么样的影响。治理理念直接决定着大学的治理结构,这一部分也为下几章对韩国大学外部、内部治理结构的研究提供了基础。第三章、第四章、第五章为对韩国大学外部、内部治理结构的研究。第三章从政府的管制与大学的自治的矛盾冲突来分析政府对大学的影响;第四章从市场(包括所有政府之外的影响力量)对大学产生影响的途径及其效果来分析市场对大学的影响;第五章从大学内部行政权力与学术权力的冲突入手,分析大学内部决策的过程及其效果。第六章是对韩国大学治理的反思,以前几章的研究为基础,总结韩国大学治理的特点,并结合韩国的社会发展模式的特点,探讨在国家主导的市场经济背景下,为了提高大学的整体水平,应该如何重构大学、政府及市场之间的关系。

【Abstract】 University governance has increasingly become a concern in the field of higher education worldwide. Against the background of globalization, internationalization and marketization, also with the influential ideologies, such as New Public Managerialism, governments began to make the transition from full-service governments to efficient ones, which make the governments released from the public sectors gradually and place emphasis on the market’s role in the public services. As an important part of state public policy, university has also been affected by this macro-environment.After the Second World War, Korea is one of the countries in which higher education experienced fast expansion. Korea has paid close attention to the western theory and practice of governance in universities, and especially the 1990s’higher education reform with evident color of New Public Managerialism, has decentralized the central government’s power to the universities, emphasizing the introduction of competitive market mechanisms and providing demander-centered education. Although Korean universities have been influenced by state authoritarianism for a long time and controlled by government much, and the degree of the autonomy is not high, Korea has obtained some successful experiences and failing lessons in the process of balancing the stakeholders’responsibilities, power and interests in the universities in order to enhance competitiveness of the universities.This dissertation is concerned essentially with the university governance at the national-level (external governance) and the university’s internal governance. The national-level university governance and university’s internal governance refer mainly three primary participants: government, university and market factors. The national-level university governance aims to resolve the problem related to the relationship between government and the universities, while university’s internal governance pays more attention to university’s internal matters. As a means of state regulation and a measure by which university can gain more financial supports, market plays an important role in both levels of university governance. Thus, this dissertation uses Burton Clark’s famous Triangle model as the basic analysis framework. As regards the aspect of national-level university governance, this dissertation examines state (government) and market’s influence on the university. On the other hand, university’s internal governance aims to probe into the process of decision-making inside the university, which explores the responsibilities and interactions among different interest groups, such as university board, headmaster, university senate and faculty meeting. This dissertation contains six parts including an introduction. The introduction consists of the statement of the problem, review of the literature, key concepts, content of the study, the research methods and the significance of this study. The first chapter provides the rationale basis of university governance. According to the existing governance theories, this chapter defines the conception of governance and university governance in this dissertation. The second chapter examines the ideological transformation of Korean university governance. It mainly probes into how university governance ideas transform in different stages, as well as the influence of government policies’change on university governance. Governance idea determines the university’s governance structure directly. This chapter also supplies the basis for the following chapters which discuss Korean university’s external and internal governance structures. The third, fourth and fifth chapters focus on Korean university’s external and internal governance structure. The third chapter analyzes the influence of government on university from the conflict between the government’s control and university’s autonomy; the fourth chapter analyzes the influence of market on university from the way and effect of the market (including all the impact forces except government) influencing the university; the fifth chapter analyzes the process of decision-making inside the university and its effect. The sixth chapter offers the reflection of Korean university governance. This final chapter summarizes the features of Korean university governance, and at the same time, in accordance with the characteristics of Korean social developmental model, explores how to reconstruct the relationship of university, government and market so as to enhance the quality of universities in the context of state-directed market economy.

【关键词】 韩国大学治理政府市场
【Key words】 KoreaUniversity governanceGovernmentMarket
  • 【分类号】G649.312.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1090
  • 攻读期成果

