

Study on Encouraging Learning Proses of Ancient China

【作者】 宋祥

【导师】 曹书杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 散文是一种最古老的文学样式,它以体裁的多样性、题材的广泛性、形式的灵活性、语言的形象性等诸多优势受到人们的青睐,成为记录和传承人类文化的主要载体。而劝学则是散文的古老主题之一,它既是一种思想主张,也是一种学术传统,更是一种民族心理,从“劝学”视角关注和研究“散文”不失为独特新颖的做法。我们把以劝学为主题或含有劝学内容的文章都称之为散文。这里的散文是最广义的散文,即除诗歌、戏剧、小说以外的一切文章。从篇幅看,既有上万言甚至十几万言的著作,也有几十字的小文章;从体裁看,有制、论、文、表、序、疏、议、奏、书、说、诏、状、策、铭、箴、记、赞、颂、赋、启、诫、词、帖、跋等诸多类别,几乎涵盖了所有的文章样式;从语言的韵律看,既有韵文,也有散体文;从体例看,既有整体的文章,也有语录式的文段。劝学文是纷繁复杂而又博大精深的,不仅内容丰富,而且体裁多样、数量巨大,仅笔者搜集到的劝学文就有数千篇之多,分布在各个时期。本文研究的散文时期是从先秦到清末的整个古代,具体时期的划分采用前人学者的五分法,按照先秦、两汉、魏晋南北朝、唐宋、元明清等五个时期。本文共分为七大部分:前言分五方面阐述,即选题的主要依据、劝学文研究概述、研究目的和意义、研究方法和思路和劝学文的界定等,其中研究概述部分主要从劝学思想的内涵、古代散文的内涵、古代散文的文体分类、古代散文的分期问题等几个视角进行综述,既介绍了这几个视角下相关研究的整体情况,也提出了自己的主张。第一章为中国古代劝学散文总论,对劝学文的内容和形式进行整体把握,分别论述了古代劝学文的思想根源和劝学文的文体分类两大问题。其中思想根源主要以子学思潮、经学思潮、理学思潮等学术思潮发展为脉络而阐述的,主要体现为“儒、释、道”三教地位的变化。劝学文的分类十分必要,可以按照不同标准进行不同的分类,这里按照其功用将其分为学令、学谏、学规、学记、学论、学说、学箴、学赞、学训、学函、学篇等十类,并结合具体的文章进行了分析和阐释。第二至六章为中国古代劝学文分论。力图勾勒出劝学文发展的整体脉络,同时揭示每个历史时期劝学文的总体特点,阐释具有代表性的劝学文章及其主张。第二章为先秦劝学文。先分析了劝学文的产生,从诸侯割据及社会转型、“士”阶层的产生、官学衰落及私学兴起、散文的勃兴等四大方面进行了阐释。然后对先秦劝学文总体概况进行了介绍,介绍了先秦劝学的文献概况、语言特点、表现手法、劝学主张等内容。后三节专门介绍代表性的劝学文《论语》《学记》《劝学》,分析其劝学主张,领会其表达艺术。第三章为两汉劝学文。先总体介绍汉代劝学文发展的概况,然后分别介绍了贾谊、扬雄、董仲舒、司马谈父子、刘向父子、王充、王符、徐干、班固、蔡邕等人的劝学文,多是从劝学思想和艺术表现两大方面加以阐释。第四章为魏晋南北朝劝学文。采用的仍是先总后分的结构,先对这个时期的劝学文作总体概述,提出了这一时期特色的地方,就是注重家庭教育。然后分节阐述了嵇康、傅玄、葛洪、颜之推、刘劭、周兴嗣、刘昼等多位学者的劝学文及其主张。第五章为唐宋劝学文。这是古代劝学文的鼎盛时期,劝学文的质量和数量较以往有长足提高。儒学发展、学校繁荣、科举实施、文学发展等诸多因素共同促进了劝学文的发展,这一时期成为阐释经典劝学文献的高峰,出现了州县学记等各种实用文体。本章主要对王通、韩愈、柳宗元、孔颖达、李翱、皮日休、林慎思、张弧、王安石、张载、程颢、程颐、朱熹、杨时、胡宏、陆九渊、叶适、王应麟等诸多学者的劝学文进行了介绍。第六章为元明清劝学文。元明清三代历史跨度较长,且处于封建社会的末世,劝学文不可避免地走向了衰微和灭亡。这一时期多为少数民族统治,民族矛盾尖锐,又受到西学的冲击,各时期的劝学文发展不够平衡。此章还介绍了元代的许衡、程端礼、王守仁、顾炎武、颜元、曾国藩、张之洞、王相、黄宗羲、王夫之、王筠、王国维等学者的劝学文章劝学文随着历史的脚步走到了今天,得到了不断的继承和创新。作为一种特殊的文学体式,劝学文博大精深且弥足珍贵,既承载着古代的哲学思想,也从多个视角体现了文学的发展和历史的进步,更对当今教育以无限启迪,激励中华学子不断前行。

【Abstract】 Prose is one of the oldest literature patterns in China.Its genre is diverse,its subject is broad,its form is flexible and its language is also very visual.Because of these advantages,proses gradually become people’s favorite literature pattern.People use it to record and transmit the culture of human as the main medium.Meanwhile“encouraging learning”becomes one of the oldest themes of proses.It’s a kind of ideas opinion,an academic tradition and also a kind of national psychology. Studying proses from the view of“encouraging learning”is an unique and new way .Some articles just contain some content of encouraging learning,and some of them have the theme of encouraging learning.We call all these kind of articles“prose”.That means we use the most broad definition of prose in the thesis.It includes all the articles except poems,dramas and novels.The prose ,if classified from the length, includes writings which have thousands of words or even more than hundred thousand of words and short articles that just have dozens of words;If judged from genre,the prose includes essays of introductions,opinions, doctrines, advices, proverbs, commandments,postscripts and so on,almost includes all of the article styles;If classified from the rhythm of language,the prose includes verses and essays;The prose also includes the entire artiles and just some paragraphs of recorded utterances if judged from the layout.The proses of encouraging learning is very complicated, extensive and profound,not only has colourful content but also has various genres and immense quantities.There are more than thousands of encouraging learning proses which distribute in diferent periods on the base of writer’s collection.We will study the proses from the period before the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty.We take the predecessors’opionions and divide the period into five parts,they are the period before the Qin Dynasty, the Two Han Dynasties, The Wei and Jin Dynasties,the Tang Dynasty and the Yuan,Ming,Qing Dynasties.This thesis has seven parts.The preface includes five aspects,main basis of choosing the study theme,survey of encouraging proses study, aims and meanings of the study, methods and thinking line of the study,the definition of prose etc.Among these facets, the survey part summarizes the proses study from five views,which are the implication of encouraging learning,the connotation of ancient proses ,the genres classification and the periodization of ancient proses.We introduce the survey situation and also propose our own opinions.The first chapter is the pandect of encouraging learning proses in ancient China.It discribes the whole situation of encouraging learning proses from content and form.Then explores two questions about encouraging learning proses,one is the ideological roots,the other is the genre classification.We disscuss the ideological roots in the development order of thoughts of the ancitent philosophers,the Confucianism and the idealist philosophy.The roots mainly lie in the status changes of the Confucianism,the Buddhism and the Taoist.As for the genre of encouraging learning proses,we use the opionions from Yao Nai who is a scholar in Qing Dynasty and classify the proses into thirteen genres,like Disscussion&Argument,Tablet Records,Praising & Blessing,Introductions& Postscript etc.We also analyse them with some good examples in detail.From chapter two to chapter six we disscuss the encouraging learning proses more specificly.Try to draw its development line.Meanwhile disclose its overall features and demonstrate the typical proses and their opinions in every period.Chapter two is all about encouraging learning proses before the Qin Dynasty.First we analyse its production reasons from four aspects, the feudal princes occupancy and social transformation,the emergence of Bachelor Stratum, decline of official schools and rising of private schools,the surge of proses.Then we introduce the overview situation of encouraging learning proses before the Qin Dynasty,including its literatures survey,language features,expression arts,propositons of encouraging learning etc.We especially introduce the typical proses , like‘The Analects of Confucius’,‘The Book of Learning’,‘Encouraging Learning’,try to analyse their propositons and expression arts in the last three sections.Chapter three is about encouraging learning proses in Two Han Dynasties.First we discribe the general development situation of encouraging learning proses in this period.Then introduce some famous people’s proses like Jia Yi,Yang Xiong,Dong Zhongshu,Si Matan and his son,Liu Xiang and his son,Wang Chong,Wang Fu,Xu Gan,Ban Gu,Cai Yiong and so on.We maily analyse their proses from ideas of encouraging learning and expression arts.Chapter four is about encouraging learning proses in Wei and Jin Dynasties.We still use the general-to-specific analysis structure.First we also sumarize the survey of encouraging learning proses during this period.Point out that people take family education very important in this stage.Then introduce some known people’s works,like Ji Kang,Fu Xuan,Ge Hong,Yan Zhitui,Liu Shao,Zhou Xingsi,Liu Zhou etc.We mainly talk about their proses and propositons of encouraging learning.Chapert five is about encouraging learning proses in Tang and Song Dynasties.This is a period of great prosperity for ancient proses.The quantity and quality get highly promoted during this time.There are many reasons that accelerate the development of encouraging learning proses,such as the development of Confucianism,the prospering of schools,the implement of imperial examination,the development of literature etc.All of them make this period become the peak of interpreting the classical literatures of encouraging learning proses.And some practicable literary forms are produced during this stage, like the learning records of state and county.In this chapter we mainly introduce encouraging learning proses which are written by very famous people,such as Wang Tong,Han Yu,Liu Zongyuan,Kong Yinda,Li Ao,Pi Rixiu,Lin Shensi,Zhang Hu,Wang Anshi,Zhang Zai,Cheng Hao,Cheng Yi,Zhu Xi,Yang Shi,Hu Hong,Lu Jiuyuan,Ye Shi,Wang Yinglin and so on.Chapter six is about encouraging learning proses in Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties.This period has a longer historical span and it’s in the late of fedual society.So the encouraging learning proses unavoidably decline and die out gradually.During this period,China is separately dominated by minorities. The national contradictions are very acute and China is affected by the western natural and social sciences. The development of encouraging learning proses is not balanced enough during different stages.In this chapter we mainly introduce the proses from scholars whose names are Xu Heng, Cheng Duanli, Wang Shouren, Gu Yanwu, Yan Yuan, Zeng Gguofan, Zhang Zhidong. Wang Xiang, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi, Wang Yun, Wang Guowei etc.Encouraging learning proses are still developing nowadays just following the wheels of history.It is inherited very well and also innovated very creatively.As a special literature genre, encouraging learning proses are extensive,profound and valuable.It includes the ancient philosophical thoughts,also embodies the development of literature and promotion of history from diverse angles.It inspires the current education immeasurably and encourages Chinese students march on continuously.

【关键词】 古代散文劝学教育
【Key words】 ancient Chinaencouraging learningproseeducation

