

Human Capital Operation Question Research in China’s Northeast Area

【作者】 韩淑梅

【导师】 金兆怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文从当前人力资本理论研究的新条件和新背景入手,梳理了人力资本理论研究发展的脉络,指出其理论创新的必要性,并对区域人力资本运营的基本理论进行了研究探讨。在理论分析的基础上,对东北地区人力资本运营问题进行了实证研究,阐明人力资本运营对东北地区区域经济发展的影响,分析探讨了东北地区人力资本运营的现状及存在的障碍因素,并相应地提出了东北地区人力资本运营的总体思路、战略构想和对策措施。论文具体研究内容包括以下五个部分:第一部分为理论综述部分,主要回顾了国内外关于人力资本理论、人力资本运营理论的研究进展,特别是对东北地区人力资本运营相关问题的研究予以更多的关注,并且对国内外关于人力资本问题的理论研究与实证研究成果进行了归纳、分析和评述,并针对一些问题提出了相应的看法。第二部分为论文研究的切入点部分,主要立足于区域人力资本问题展开研究,对区域人力资本运营的相关基础理论进行了研究和探讨。首先对本文研究涉及到的相关基本概念——资本、人力资本、人力资源、人力资本运营与资本运营进行了剖析,在此基础上对区域人力资本运营的基本理论进行了研究分析,阐释了区域人力资本的含义和特征,指出区域人力资本差异是区域人力资本运营产生的原因,并且进一步对区域人力资本运营的主体、客体以及区域人力资本的运营模式问题进行了系统的研究探讨,阐明了区域人力资本运营与区域经济发展的关系,提出了区域人力资本运营绩效评价的指标构成。第三部分为论文的实证研究部分,以区域人力资本运营的基本理论分析为基础,对我国东北地区的人力资本运营问题进行了深入分析。论文首先从东北地区人力资本运营的现状及与国内发达地区差异比较研究入手,阐释了东北地区人力资本运营的主体现状、客体现状、环境现状,进而分析了人力资本运营对东北地区区域经济发展的影响;其次论文分别从区域经济发展水平、区域社会环境、区域自然环境和文化传统三个方面,论述了东北地区人力资本运营的障碍因素,并对成因进行了分析。第四部分为论文的对策研究部分,在对东北地区人力资本运营实证分析的基础上,以通过促进东北地区人力资本运营,推动东北地区经济社会发展和区域经济一体化为目标,提出了东北地区人力资本运营的总体思路、战略构想,并且分别针对东北地区人力资本运营的环境建设、运营的主体和客体建设方面提出了具体的对策建议。第五部分为论文的总结部分,对论文的理论与实证研究结论进行了概括、总结,对论文的创新点进行了归纳,对有待于深化的问题进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 The dissertation carries out its research according to the new background and condition of current human capital theory, combs out research and development sequence of human capital theory, , points out necesarry of theoretical innovation, and starts a new discussion of regional human capital operation theory . Based on the theoretical analysis of the human capital issues, the writer starts an empirical study in China’s northeast area, clarifies the effection between economic development and northeast human capital operation, analyzes the status of the human capital operation and the exited barrier factors, and proposes the general idea of the human capital operation, strategic conception and specific countermeasure step in China’s northeast area..The dissertation includes the following five components in detail:The first chapter is summary of the theory, it mainly reviews the theory of human capital theory at domestic and abroad, and research development of human capital operation, especially focuses on the northeast human capital study issues, and summarized the result of theoretical research and empirical research results are summarized, gives out author’s corresponding opinions according to some issues.The second chapter is the entry point part of the paper, mainly based on issues of regional human capital, human capital operation of the regional basic theories related to the research and discussion. Firstly, this paper relates to the basic concepts - capital, human capital, human resources, human capital operation and capital operation. These concepts were analyzed in this part. Based on basic theory of human capital operation, the writer carries out research and analysis, explains the implication and charaters of the region human capital, refers to the regional human capital diference is the causes of regional human capital operation, and carries out further discussion about regional human capital subject, object and operation mode of regional human capital, and proposes performance evaluation indexes constitution of the regional human capital operation.The third chapter is the part of empirical research. Based on basic theory analysis of regional human capital operation, the writer carries out deep analysis of the basic theory on the human capital of China’s northeast operation. Firstly,the writer starts research about the differences between status of norther area human capital operation and domestic developed area , gives comparative study . The author explains the subject status, object status, status of the environment of human capital operation in northeast area as well, then analyzes the northeast regional economic development impact through human capital operation; secondly, the writer seperately discusses the barrier factors through the regional economic development level, regional social environment, the regional natural environment and cultural heritage of three aspects, and gives out causes analysis.The fourth chapter is the part of the strategy. Based on the basis of evidence, through the human capital operation in northeast area, in order to turn target into truth about promoting economic and social development in China’s northeast area and regional economic integration, the writer proposes general idea of the human capital, strategic conception about northeast area, and seperately gives out countermeasure suggestions according to environment construction of human capital operation, the subject and object of operation in China’s northest area..The fifth chapter is the part of conculsion. The writer makes a summary and conclusion for theoretical and empirical research of the dissertation, and sums up the innovation of the dissertation, and carries out discussion about the issues which need to be deeply debated.


