

Study on Adjustment of China’s Rural Infrastructure Configuration

【作者】 李志军

【导师】 刘继生;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 2007年中央一号文件明确提出:“农业丰则基础强,农民富则国家盛,农村稳则社会安。”将“三农”问题与国家强盛和社会安定紧密联系起来,要求积极发展现代农业,扎实推进新农村建设,全面落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会。随着中央一系列支持农村发展的政策的出台,国家财力大幅度向农业、农村和农民倾斜,有力提高了农业综合生产能力,促进了农民增收,开创了社会主义新农村建设的新局面。然而,长期以来所形成的城乡二元结构,城乡之间发展的不平衡仍然十分明显,农村地区的道路交通、给水排水、电力通讯、供热燃气、环境卫生等基础设施建设水平低下,国家对农村的投入增长与整体经济发展速度不匹配,资金投入不足、布局不合理,远不能满足现代农业和农村发展的需要。农村基础设施是发展农业生产的物质载体,是提高农业综合生产力、建立现代农业的基础,是农村居民生产生活的基本保障,是农民最愿意、最迫切需要解决而又能做成的事情。因此,探讨农业基础设施合理配置问题对解决“三农”问题、推动社会主义新农村建设和构建“和谐社会”具有较强的理论价值和现实意义。本文根据国内外农村基础设施配置相关研究,从中国农村基础设施建设的现状出发,分析中国农村基础设施配置的影响因素和变化机制,找出中国农村基础设施配置存在问题和形成原因,综合评价了中国农村基础设施配置水平,在借鉴国外农村基础设施建设经验和做法的基础上,提出优化农村基础设施配置的对策。按照论文逻辑关系与结构,论文分为七章。第一章绪论。介绍了论文的研究背景、目的和意义,对国内外研究动态作了较为全面、客观的综述,提出了本文的研究思路与方法。第二章农村基础设施配置理论与机理分析。对农村基础设施的范围进行了界定,阐述了农村基础设施的内涵及其配置优化的相关理论,分析了农村基础设施配置水平的影响因素,探讨了农村基础设施优化配置的机理。第三章中国农村基础设施建设现状分析。以中国农村基础设施中道路交通、给排水、能源和环境卫生等数据为基础,结合农村基础设施实地调查,从建制镇、乡、村庄三个尺度对全国省域农村基础设施配置建设情况进行对比分析,归纳总结出中国不同地域农村基础设施配置的特点。第四章中国农村基础设施配置水平省域差异测度。在分析中国农村基础设施建设现状的基础上,采用层次分析法,以建制镇、乡、村三个尺度综合评价中国省域农村基础设施配置水平,分析省域农村基础设施建设的空间分异特征。通过综合评价,反映了中国及省域农村基础设施配置发展整体情况。针对不同省域农村基础设施配置特征,采用不平衡指数,选择农村人口数、农村面积、农村地区生产总值、社会固定资产投资和农村固定资产投资等5项指标,分析了省域农村基础设施建设投入的不平衡性。第五章北京市密云县农村基础设施配置优化实证研究。根据中国农村基础设施配置理论和评价方法,以北京市密云县为例,分析了该县建制镇、乡、村庄三个层次农村基础设施配置的现状,结合密云县总体发展规划,验证分析了农村基础设施优化配置的一般规律和发展途径。第六章农村基础设施配置优化对策。通过中国农村基础设施建设配置理论研究、综合评价和实证分析,结合我国农村经济社会发展现状,提出了积极推进多尺度下建制镇、乡、村庄空间布局规划建设方法;健全完善农村基础设施规划建设技术标准体系;加强农村基础设施共建共享配置研究;加强农村基础设施配置优化的投融资管理;加强农村基础设施配置集成关键技术示范研究;加强农村基础设施运营管理;强化政府和市场在农村基础设施配置中的重要作用等优化对策。第七章为结论、创新和展望部分。论述本研究的基本结论,陈述研究创新点,找出本研究的不足之处,展望本研究未来的发展方向。

【Abstract】 It is putted forward in the Number One Document issued by the Chinese Central Government: Strong agricultural constitutes the precondition of a strong national condition, rich farmers can bring one country’s prosperity, and the stability in rural areas is key for social stability. Thus, the three problems (agriculture, farmers, and rural areas) are closely connected with the national prosperity and social stability. Consequently, we should make vigorous efforts to advance modern agriculture, make firmly progress in the construction of new countryside, fully implement the thoughts of Scientific Outlook of Development and ultimately establish a harmonious society. with favorable agricultural policies, our country is allocating more national financial resources to agriculture, farmers, and rural areas, thus it can greatly enhanc the comprehensive agricultural productivity, increase farmers’income, and creat a new stage in the construction of new socialist countryside. However, modern agriculture and rural development have been hampered by the following factors: the long-existing dual structure between urban and rural areas, the poor rural infrastructure (such as transportation, watering system, electricity, communication, gas and heating supplies, and environmental and hygiene conditions), insufficient investment, and the Irrational layout. the conditions of rural infrastructure can not meet with the devolopment need of the modern agriculture and countryside. Therefore, there are strong theoretical and practical significance in researching rural infrastructure space configuration.Based on the previous researches of rural infrastructure configuration at home and abroad, the present study starts with the current condition of China’s rural infrastructure, making an analysis of the factors and evolution mechanism of China’s rural infrastructure configuration; finding the problems and reasons in China’s rural infrastructure configuration, offering a general evaluation of the quality of China’s rural infrastructure configuration; and giving some suggestions about how to improve China’s rural infrastructure, based on some the international experiences.The study is composed of seven chapters.The first chapter: Introduction. It’s a brief account of research background, purpose, and significance, the literature review of the relevant domestic and international researches, and the research design and methodology.The second chapter: Theory and Analysis of Adjustment of Rural Infrastructure Configuration. The chapter gives a definition of rural infrastructure, its contents, and relevant theories, presents an analysis of the factors affecting the effectiveness of rural infrastructure configuration, and displays an exploration of the mechanism in rural infrastructure configuration.The third chapter: Analysis of Current Condition of China’s Rural Infrastructure. It gives a present analysis to our county’s rural infrastructure based on the data about rural transportation, watering system, energy, environment and hygiene. It also reports the survey of rural infrastructure, especially the comparative analysis of the China’s rural infrastructure at different towns and villages, and summarizes the characteristics of China’s rural infrastructure at different regions.The fourth chapter: Comprehensive Analysis of China’s rural infrastructure Configuration at Different Provinces. Based on the current condition of China’s rural infrastructure, the chapter makes a layer-based analysis of the China’s rural infrastructure configuration at villages and towns and its spatial disparity in different provinces. The comprehensive analysis reflects the overall situation of China’s rural infrastructure configuration in different provinces. Specifically, the uneven investment in China’s rural infrastructure is investigated by means of Unbalance Index, containing the following 5 dimensions: rural population, rural area, rural gross production value, social fixed asset investment, and rural fixed asset investment.The fifth chapter: Optimization of Rural Infrastructure Configuration in Mi Yun County in Beijing: An Empirical Study. Based on the configuration theory of China’s rural infrastructure and its assessment, the chapter makes a case study of Mi Yun County in Beijing, exploring the current conditions of rural infrastructure at villages and towns in Mi Yun county. Analysising the overall development strategy of Mi Yun County and also testifing the general law and approaches in optimizing the rural infrastructure.The sixth chapter: Optimization of Rural Infrastructure Configuration: Solutions and Analysis. Based on the foregoing theoretical and empirical analysis and evaluation of the optimization of the China’s rural infrastructure configuration, and coupled with the contemporary rural economic and social conditions in China, the chapter comes to the following modes of optimization: the multi-layer spatial layout at towns and counties; establishment and improvement of technological standard system governing the designing of rural infrastructure; the mechanism of joint efforts in establishing and utilizing the rural infrastructure; investment and financing management of rural infrastructure configuration; exemplary case of integrated key technologies in rural infrastructure configuration; management supervision of rural infrastructure; essential role played by the government and market in the establishment of rural infrastructure.The seventh chapter: Conclusion, Innovations, and Prospective Researches. The chapter is a summarization of the fundamental conclusions, major innovations, inadequacies, and the possible follow-up researches.


