

The Study of Connectivism and Organization of Teaching, Learning from Its Prospective

【作者】 刘菊

【导师】 钟绍春;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 上个世纪90年代中期以来,互联网技术的快速发展为人们营造了四通八达、内容丰富的网络学习环境,既大大拓展了人们获取信息的途径,又为人们学习活动的展开提供了强有力的技术支持。可以说,网络化学习的到来,给学习者和教育者带来的变化是有史以来最为深刻和显著的。但是从学习理论研究的角度来看,在应对这场变化之时,无论是强调“刺激—反应”之间联结加强的行为主义,还是将人类的认知过程类比为计算机信息处理过程的认知主义,抑或是认为学习者通过新旧经验的相互作用,主动地建构起个性化认知结构的建构主义,都或多或少地在阐释人类的网络学习机制之时不同程度地存在着理论上的缺陷。加拿大学者西门思(Siemens)经过长期的研究与实践,对网络时代学习的社会行为机制进行了综合分析和高度抽象,指出以往传统的学习理论研究都因为更多地“将学习视为发生在学习个体内部的心理活动”,即视学习为将外在于个体的知识经验转化为学习者自身经验的过程,所以在面对网络学习环境中“多个角色同时参与,于互动协商中丰富、拓展、甚至重新建构知识”的高级学习形式时,无法给出令人信服的解释,由此他提出了关联主义(Connectivism)学习理论,主张用一种全新的视角看待网络时代的学习。另外,我们知道,行为主义、认知主义和建构主义等学习理论均创建于网络化程度较低、学习的技术含量尚不高的时期,在人们的生活、交流与学习方式已逐渐被技术重组的现实情境下,描述学习原理与过程的学习理论理应反映基本的社会和技术环境。本研究尝试着从整体的视角考查整个学习组织内部知识的演变机制,并尽可能地在学习原理的描述中将影响较大的技术性内容纳入进来。关联主义作为2005年底才在国际上出现的一种较为时新的学习理论,目前国内可查的相关文献资料在数量上只能以个位计,以这一理论为主要研究内容的文章更加少见,学位论文尚未见到。因此本研究以推动关联主义学习理论在国内的研究进展为初衷,将关联主义学习理论作为研究之始和研究之重。目前两位加拿大学者西门思(Siemens)和迪恩斯(Downes)就关联主义学习理论研究已经开展了大量的工作,积累了相当丰富的研究成果,包括创立了Elearn关联主义学术研究网站,组织全世界的关注者来此发表观点,进行讨论。并定期对讨论成果进行梳理,连同其他新近的研究成果整理汇总成研究日志发送到世界各地订阅者的邮箱中。另外,他们分别在2008,2009,2011年开设的在线课程CCK08,CCK09和CCK11,更是人们研究关联主义的必要参考资料。本研究希望在引介国外关联主义重要研究成果、思想观点的基础上,分析探讨这一全新学习理论相对于以往学习理论的创新之处,并针对它所提出的主要观点在心理学、系统科学等领域内找出适当的论据来支持其对于学习更加科学合理的学习解释。关联主义开创性地以系统科学第二阶段的代表性研究成果——自组织理论作为唯一的理论基础,足见其对于系统科学思想方法的重视。自从心理学的科学地位确立以来,学习理论的提出无不是在心理学领域寻找理论基础的。因此,为了深入理解关联主义的主要观点,对于自组织理论的认真研究也是必不可少的。从自组织理论的研究进展来看,它自从上个世纪60年代末提出以来,不仅自身已然发展成为一门相当丰富完善的科学体系,而且在生物、医学、农学、工程技术,甚至社会、经济、管理、文化、历史等各个领域人们都发现了自组织现象,这充分肯定了以自组织现象为研究对象的自组织理论作为一门横断科学的泛在方法论指导意义。既然如此,尝试着将自组织理论引入教育教学研究领域同样具有积极意义。本研究拟在自组织理论与教育教学结合之处作一些研究,以改变目前教育学界尚不重视自组织理论研究的现状。通常一种学习理论被引入之后,人们最关心的莫过于该理论的应用问题。具体说来就是在这一理论的指导下,我们应该如何更好地教以及如何更好地学的问题。不同于有些学习理论主要研究应该教授、学习什么样的学习内容,关联主义学习理论更加关注的是学习内容的组织问题。本研究即以“组织”为研究视阈,先在关联主义学习理论研究的基础上探讨如何组织所教授的内容,从一种科学化、规范化的角度考虑,教学设计是首要关注的内容。传统的教学设计围绕着预先确定的目标进行,致力于设计统一的普适教学系统,却失于对具体教学情境的考虑和规划,总体上是一种线性的操作流程。线性的教学设计在具体实施过程中难以适应复杂多变的教学过程,也不利于差异化教学的实施。关联主义和自组织理论指导下的教学设计应该以“非线性”的形式组织教授内容,注重教学设计具体实施过程中的生成性思维方式,这将有利于实现针对具体问题的个性化设计和对于整个设计过程的动态调整。非线性教学设计是本研究在关联主义应用于“教授内容的组织”方面的核心研究内容。教学设计范式的改良通常只是为学校中的正规教学活动服务的。如果不特别地对学校教育情境特别地加以考虑,是否存在更加直接、普适地帮助学生学习的方法呢?笔者认为知识的图示化表示技术通过帮助学生组织学习内容,能够促进意义的生成、知识的理解,难能可贵地,这样的意义和理解通常是因人而异的,个性化特征明显,因此不失为差异化教学探索了一条可行途径。而且一直以来,知识的图示化表示就是与学习理论研究紧密联系的,如概念图(Concept Map)就是诺瓦克(J.D.Novak)博士根据著名教育心理学家奥苏贝尔(David P. Ausubel)的有意义学习理论提出的一种助学技术。在应用关联主义研究“学习内容的组织”时,本文拟从关联主义学习理论的视角,归纳、分析现有图示化表示技术的各种利与弊,撷取其中精华的部分,并针对不足提出改进的策略,用以帮助人们便捷、高效地对学习内容加以组织,从而更好地适应网络时代的学习情境。

【Abstract】 Since the end of last century, thanks to the rapid development of network technology, the accesses to information approach for people are greatly widened, and people’s study activities are provided by stronger technical support. So it is said that the arrival of E-learning brings learners and educators greatest changes. But from the view of learning theory research, all the formal learning theories, such as behaviorism which emphasize "stimulation-reaction" connection, cognitivism which compare people’s cognition to computer information processing, or constructivism which considers study as a new and old experience interaction process, just by the process, learners’personalized cognitive structures could be founded, have their disadvantages to explain network learning. A Canada scholar Siemens thinks carefully after long-term research and practice, he analyzes social behavior mechanism in E-learning, points that because formal theories all view study as a process always occurring in oneself, so they have much troubles to give people a convincing explanation for E-leaning. This senior learning process will involve multiple roles, who are always enriching, expanding, and even reconstructing knowledge. Therefore, he proposes connectivism, and advocates viewing E-learning from a new angle. Additionally, we know that behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism are all emerge in a low-level network technology era. But now, people’s lives and study way have been combined by nowadays technologies, learning theory describing principles and processes must reflect basic social and technological environment. Our research tries to examine the entire learning organization evolvement mechanism, and as far as possible to consider technical contents when we describe learning principles.As connectivism appeared at the end of 2005, it is a young learning theory. In China, papers relate to connectivism are no more than ten, papers involving this theory as major content are rare, degree thesis is none. Therefore, in order to promote the study on connectivism in China, we take connectivism as starting and key points in our research. In Canada, Siemens and Downes have worked much about connectivism. A lot of research results have been accumulated. Siemens founded Elearnspace, which is a professional academic research site. All the connectivism followers will go there discussing about the theory. Siemens collecting discussion results regularly, with his other late achievement he sent the the research blog to every subscriber’s mailbox all over the world. Additionally, the three online courses named CCK08, CCK09 and CCK11 given by them are important reference materials to study connectivism. We hope that on the basis of introducing research results of connectivism, we can analyze its innovation coparing with former study theories, then we could find many appropriate arguments in psychology, system science and so on, to support the exploration for humen study in connectivism.As representative research results in the second period of system science, self-organization theory is the only theoretical basis for connectivism. Obviously, connectivism research pay attention to thought method from system science. Since psychology established its scientific position, the theoretical basis of learning theory always is found in psychology. Therefore, in order to understand the main opinions of connectivism better, it is necessary to study self-organization theory seriously. From the research progress of self-organization theory perspective, since it was put forward in the early 60s, not only itself has become a rich perfect scientific system, and in biology, medicine, agriculture, engineering technology, and even the social, economic and management, culture, history, and other fields people found the organization phenomenon. these fully affirmed the instruction significance of self-organization theory, which study self-organization phenomenon mainly, as a cross-sectional scientific methodology. So, we think that trying to put the organization theory into education teaching research field also has a positive meaning. This research focuses on the union of the organization theory and the education teaching, to change the current situation in education field, there people have not pay their enough attention to the study on self-organization theory.Usually, after a learning theory is introduced, people concerns about this theory’s application most. That is to say, with the help of this theory, what can we do to teach better and study better. Comparing to some theories which mainly research on contents, connectivism pay its attention on the organization question of learning contents. Our research study on“organization”as main perspective, we first discuss how to organize the teaching contents. From a scientific and standard view, instructional design is our primary concern point. The traditional instructional design always are around the predetermined target, committed to the design of the universal unified teaching system, but could not consider and plan the specific situation of teaching enough, so in general, they are designed as a linear processes. The linear instructional design in specific implementation process is difficult to adapt to the complex and changeable teaching process, also has lots of disadvantages for the implementation of differentiation teaching. Instructional design in a new generation instructed by connectivism and self-organization theory will organized teaching contents in "nonlinearity" form, and will pay more attention to the generative thinking way in all concrete implementation process of teaching. It will be advantageous to realize personalized design to some specific problems, and it is also for dynamic adjustment in the whole design process. Nonlinear instructional design is our key research contents when we try to apply connctivism to instruct the organization of teaching contents. The improvement of instructional design always served for the formal teaching activities in school. If we do not consider specially the educational situation in school, is there some more direct and pervasive ways to help students’study? We think that knowledge diagrammatic representation technology could help students with organizing learning contents, in this process, the generations of knowledge meaning and understandings are promoted. Additionally, these meanings and understandings differs from one people to another, so nonlinear instructional design may explore a feasible way for difference teaching.Knowledge diagrammatic representation technology connected closely with learning theories for a long time. For example, concept map is put forward as a kind of study technology by J.D.Novak according to David P. Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory. When we apply connectivism to study on how to organize learning contents, our study will first summarize and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of existing knowledge diagrammatic representation technology, and then select the essential parts, put forward the improvement strategies to disadvantages, in order to help people organize their learning contents efficiently, and adapt to the era of network learning situation better.


