

A Study on Object, Content and Strategy of Singing Teaching in Primary School Based on Curriculum Reform in China

【作者】 刘峡

【导师】 尹爱青;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪初,中国基础教育的全面改革引发了普通学校中小学课程理念、目标等各个方面的变化,其中,作为实施美育教育的重要课程——音乐课程也被赋予了更深刻的意义和内容。在音乐课程改革的重要标志性文件——《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》中,对音乐课程的性质与价值、基本理念、课程目标、内容标准及实施等问题都做出了更明确的界定、诠释、探讨和分析,提出了以审美为核心的音乐教育理念,使音乐教学成为一种师生共同体验美、表现美和创造美的过程。作为音乐教学活动中最重要的内容之一的唱歌教学,虽然在现代学校创立之初既已存在,但历经百年却未有太多变化与发展,仍然固守传统的教学模式和方法。新课改后,唱歌教学成为音乐课程实施过程中亟待解决的一个关键性、根本性问题,受到了上至主管中国音乐教育的中央领导,下到城镇、乡村的音乐教师的共同关注。本论文即在本次唱歌教学的改革中,对影响唱歌教学的几个实质性问题:唱歌教学的目标定位、内容构建和实施策略进行深入的探究。运用文献法、测量法、调查法和案例法等基本研究方法,细致分析唱歌教学的历史发展,提出了唱歌教学在目标定位和内容构建方面具体教学实践的研究,提供了可行有效的实施策略。本文的主体框架包括绪论、文献综述、儿童嗓音发展的测量与小学唱歌教学现状的调查、小学唱歌教学的目标定位、小学唱歌教学的内容构建、小学唱歌教学的实施策略研究以及结论与思考、展望等几个部分。绪论部分详细分析了本研究的前提与背景、阐释了论文探讨的基本核心问题和研究方法,陈述了研究思路及本研究的理论价值和实践价值。另外,在绪论中还分析本研究的创新之处:1、小学唱歌教学的现状的实证调查研究;2、运用声音测量法对小学生进行唱歌基本音域、声音能力发展与成因分析等研究;3、提供了小学唱歌教学的具体实施策略,尤其是在教学方法上,提出了新的见解和思考。第二章文献综述是本研究的理论基础部分。在这一章里,主要运用文献法,以我国音乐教育的历史为主线,详细阐述了基础教育音乐课程改革的背景,追溯了唱歌教学在我国的发展状况。第三章详述了本研究的两种主要研究方法——调查法和测量法的研究设计、研究过程和研究结果。在本研究中,运用问卷调查法对音乐教师和小学生进行了小学唱歌教学现状的调查,运用测量法对学生唱歌能力发展水平进行了测量,探索了儿童音域发展的规律和唱歌能力发展的各阶段水平。还提到研究的不足之处及后续研究。第四章至第六章,即是本论文的研究的核心部分——对小学唱歌教学目标的定位、内容构建、实施策略的实践探索与教学思考。第四章是对小学唱歌教学目标的研究。在这一章中,结合《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》中提出的情感、态度与价值观,过程与方法,知识与技能的三维目标,阐释了对小学唱歌教学目标定位的思考;并对小学唱歌教学进行了理论探究。第五章是对小学唱歌教学内容构建的研究。本章将唱歌教学作为一种提升学生综合音乐能力的手段和方式,在运用案例法对小学唱歌教学的内容进行实例分析的基础上,探究了《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》中提出的感受与鉴赏、表现、创造、音乐与相关文化四个领域的唱歌教学的内容构建。第六章是对小学唱歌教学具体的实施策略探讨。在前述对儿童歌唱能力发展水平的测量基础上,提出了拓展教学形式、创新教学方法和完善评价机制等策略。最后的结论部分是对小学唱歌教学现状的思考、对未来发展展望的研究。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of 21th century, the comprehensive reform of China’s fundamental education has led to the earth-shaking changes in the philosophy, objectives and other aspects of primary schools’ curriculum. Music course, as an important course to implement aesthetic education, has been given more profound meanings and contents. Fulltime System Compulsory Education Music Course Standard, the important document of music course reform, has made a more specific definition, interpretation, discussion and analysis of the nature and value, the basic philosophy and objectives, contents and implementation of the music course. It comes up with a music education philosophy which regards appreciation of beauty as its core idea. This philosophy makes the music teaching a course of experiencing beauty, presenting beauty and creating beauty shared by both teachers and students.One of the most important contents among music teaching activities is the teaching of singing. Although it has already existed at the beginning of modern schools foundation, it changes and develops little and still clings to traditional teaching mode and methods after a hundred of years. Since the new curriculum reform, singing teaching has become a key and fundamental problem which need be solved immediately during the process of music course implementation. It has caught the attention both from the central leaders who are in charge of China’s music education to the music teachers in urban and rural areas. This thesis will conduct an in-depth exploration of some questions which have effects on the singing teaching in confrontation with the reform. Those questions include the objectives of singing teaching, the contents and the implementation strategies of singing teaching. The thesis uses some basic research methods of documentary, investigation case study to analyze the history and development of singing teaching. It also discusses specific questions of the goals and contents of singing teaching.The main framework of this thesis includes introduction, literature review, measurement of the development of children voice, research on current situation of primary schools’ singing teaching, objectives and meaning of singing teaching, contents and implementation strategies researches of singing teaching as well as hopes and conclusion.The introduction gives a specific analysis of the premises and backgrounds of this research and a detailed explanation of the basic core question and research methods. At the same time, it also explains the research ideas of this thesis together with its theoretical and practical values. In addition, the introduction contains the innovation part of this thesis. That is, 1, the research of the status of primary schools’ singing teaching;2, the research on the characteristics and types of children voices by using voice measurement; 3, offering specific implementation strategies of primary schools’ singing teaching and providing new ideas and considerations especially on the teaching methods.The literature in the second chapter is the theoretical basis of this study. In this chapter, i mainly use the method of documentary to explain the background of the music curriculum reform and review the development of singing teaching in our country based on the history of China’s music education.The chapter 3 discusses the design, process and results of the 2 major methods, survey method and test method. The study investigates the status of primary schools’ singing teaching by survey method and measures the development level of children singing ability by test method. The study has explored the discipline of the children range and the their singing ability in each period.The chapter 4, 5 and 6 are the main part of the thesis which are the exploration and thinking of objectives, significance, contents and the implementation strategies of primary schools’ singing teaching.Chapter 4 is the research of the objectives of the primary schools’ singing teaching. This chapter explains the author’s thinking of the objectives of the primary schools’ singing teaching by combining with the 3-dimension objective which is emotion, attitude and values, process and methods, knowledge and skills proposed by Fulltime System Compulsory Education Music Course Standard. At the same time, the study also explains the significance of primary schools’ singing teaching.Chapter 5 is the research of the contents of primary schools’ singing teaching. It considers the singing teaching as a method to improve the students’ comprehensive music ability. The study explores the contents of singing teaching which are feel and appreciation, presentation and creation, music and related culture proposed by Fulltime System Compulsory Education Music Course Standard on the basis of analysis of the case study of primary schools’ singing teaching.Chapter 6 is the discussion of the specific implementation strategies of primary schools’ singing teaching. It proposes some new strategies such as expanding teaching form, innovating teaching methods and improving the evaluation system based on measurement of children singing ability and level.The conclusion is the consideration of the status of primary schools’ singing teaching, the outlook of future development and the epilogue.


