

The Research on School-based Curriculum Based on Local Cultural Heritage for Elementary Music

【作者】 李飞飞

【导师】 尹爱青;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 音乐是文化的重要组成部分,忠实记录着某一地方人民的生活。曾伴随着我们先辈的婚丧嫁娶,生老病死,伴随着他们的送往迎来,春种秋收,表达了他们的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合。它们是具有鲜活艺术灵性的生命释放,是具有深刻文化内涵的心灵记录,具有独立认知价值的历史传承,也是地方文化特质的重要体现。地方文化也因其独特价值被越来越多的人认可。本文认为人是文化的存在,作为培养人的社会实践活动,教育与文化有着天然的亲密关系。要培养人,促进人的社会化,就不能离开文化。这也意味着课程与文化有着天然的血肉联系。就历史发展而言,课程缘起于文化承传的需要,没有文化便没有课程。课程不仅是文化的有效载体,而且是进行文化传递的重要手段。地方音乐与地方文化具有密切的关系,地方文化是课程生活化的重要载体,地方文化是重要的课程资源。本文以天津小学音乐校本课程开发为个案,分析了把天津地方曲艺作为小学音乐校本课程开发的优势,主要表现为天津地方文化的亲缘性,文化的可接受性,课程资源选择和编排的便利性。把天津曲艺作为小学音乐校本课程开发的重要资源的实验表明,学生对天津地方音乐在教学前后的态度偏好存在显著差异,学生在学习地方音乐之后产生了积极态度。基于地方文化传承的需要和小学音乐教学的特点,本文认为基于地方文化传承的小学校本课程的目标应着眼于情感、态度与价值观目标、知识性目标和发展性目标。小学音乐校本课程资源的选择应遵循主体性与实践性相统一的原则,过程性与合作性相统一的原则,开放性与融合性相统一的原则,教育性与娱乐性相结合原则;课程内容编排要做到思想性与艺术性相融合,趣味性与知识性相融合,传统与时代相融合,可读性与欣赏性相融合,操作性与提示性相融合;在课程评价方面,要突显地方文化特色,指向地方文化传承,注重个性发展,鼓励地方音乐的开发与创作。为了保证小学音乐校本课程既能达到对地方文化传承的功能又能促进学生的音乐能力的发展,本文认为在课程观念上应该重新审视音乐的价值,重新审视音乐课程的价值,重新审视方言在音乐课程中的价值;要挖掘地方文化课程资源并在音乐教学模式上实现创新。

【Abstract】 Music is an important part of culture, a faithful record of the life of local people. Along with our ancestors’weddings and funerals, illness and death, comings and goings, spring species and autumn harvest, music has expressed their emotions, joys and sorrows. They are the art of spiritual life with a fresh release, a deep cultural connotation of soul record, the perceived value of the historical heritage of independence, as well as an important manifestation of the local cultural characteristics. Due to the unique value of the local culture, it has been recognized by more and more people.This paper argues that people are the existence of culture, and education and culture has a natural intimacy in terms of culture’s social practices. To cultivate people and promote the socialization of people, we can not ignore the culture. It also means that there is a natural close ties between curriculum and culture. In terms of historical development, curriculum derived from the needs of cultural heritage. Where there is no culture, there is no curriculum. Curriculum is not only an effective carrier of culture, but also an important means for cultural transmission. There is a close relationship between Local music and local culture. Local music is an important carrier of the curriculum socialization whereby the local culture is an important curriculum resource. The paper is divided into six parts. In this paper, based on the case of Tianjin primary school music curriculum, it analyzes that Tianjin local folk music as a school-based curriculum development in primary school , its advantages are mainly for the local cultural affinity of Tianjin, cultural acceptability, curriculum resources selection and convenient arrangement.The experiment of choosing Tianjin folk music as a primary resource-based curriculum development shows that the preferences of the local music of students before and after the teaching were significant; there is a positive attitude of the students after learning the local music.Basing on local needs of cultural heritage and characteristics of primary school music teaching, the paper argues that the objectives of this course of the primary and secondary schools which base on local cultural heritage should focus on the emotions, attitudes and values, knowledge goals and development targets. The choice of music of the primary school-based curriculum resources should follow the main principle of the unity and practicality, the unified process and cooperation, the unity of openness and integration, the combination of education and entertainment; the arrangement of the courses should be thoughtful and artistic, interesting and knowledgeable, traditional and modern, readable and enjoyable, operational and cue; the evaluation system of the course should highlight the features of local culture and focus on the local cultural heritage, individuality, encourage the development of local music and creative.To ensure the school’s school-based curriculum can meet the function of the local cultural heritage and contribute to the development of musical abilities of students, the paper indicates that the concept should re-examine the value of music, the value of music programs, the value of dialect in music; dig the resources of local cultural programs and achieve innovation in music teaching.

  • 【分类号】G623.71
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2260

