

The Study of the Marxism Representative System Theory

【作者】 陈晓丹

【导师】 刘世华;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 代议制是民主在近现代国家的主要实现形式。这一形式虽然是由资产阶级创立的,但它所体现的探寻国家管理方式的先进经验却是人类政治文明共同的财富。马克思主义经典作家们在探寻无产阶级民主实现形式的过程中,借鉴了议会民主的文明成果,创立并发展了马克思主义代议制思想,当然,这一借鉴并非全盘照搬式的制度移植,而是在吸纳议会民主先进成果的基础上,对其阶级实质的超越。马克思主义代议制思想是对社会主义国家应采用何种形式实现民主问题的回答,在马克思主义民主理论中应占有重要的地位,因此,深入挖掘和整理马克思主义代议制思想,不仅是把马克思主义民主理论中这个长期被遮蔽的重要内容展现出来的需要,更是全面而深刻的理解、运用马克思主义理论所不可缺少的一项基础性工作。针对马克思主义代议制思想的研究,全文共分为四章:第一章主要探究马克思、恩格斯的代议制思想。马克思、恩格斯的代议制思想并非闭门造车的产物,而是在继承前人民主思想和代议制思想基础上发展起来的。这其中前资本主义社会的民主理想和议会民主理论的成熟与实践为其提供了可资借鉴的历史资源,而巴黎公社的实践更是为其寻求无产阶级民主实现形式提供了现实原型。正是在这些历史滋养的基础上,马克思、恩格斯初步构建起了马克思主义代议制思想的框架,这一框架主要包括对资产阶级议会民主的辩证剖析和对无产阶级代议制思想的概括。全面的认识马克思、恩格斯的代议制思想是正确理解和运用它指导社会主义民主实践的出发点。第二章主要考察列宁对代议制思想的发展与实践。马克思、恩格斯提出了无产阶级代议制思想,但由于现实条件的限制,并未对其进行具体实践。列宁在继承了马克思、恩格斯代议制思想的基础上,在无产阶级夺取政权后的苏联实践了这一理论,并根据本国的具体情况创建了人类历史上第一个社会主义代议制形式——苏维埃制度。本部分在论述列宁对议会民主的评价,如肯定代议制在人类社会发展过程中的进步意义、揭露西方议会制度本质等的同时,还探寻了列宁探索新型民主实现形式的理论脉络和实践历程,并在此基础上分析了列宁代议制思想对马克思主义代议制思想的发展以及其对世界共产主义运动的影响。第三章主要阐述了马克思主义代议制思想在中国的探索与实践。在我国,以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人在革命实践的过程中确立起了人民代表大会制度作为马克思主义代议制思想在我国的实现形式,并对这一制度进行了理论建构,形成了有中国特色的代议制理论。本部分主要阐述了毛泽东对人民代表大会制度的实践探索和理论构建以及邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等共产党人在改革开放以来对人民代表大会制度的进一步推进,并且通过马克思主义代议制思想在中国的探索与实践的考察,揭示出人民代表大会制度是对马克思主义代议制思想的丰富和发展。第四章揭示了对马克思主义代议制思想的错误认识、历史教训和当代启示。本部分试图通过对错误认识和实践马克思主义代议制思想所产生的历史教训的分析,来反思在社会主义民主建设过程中应如何正确对待和运用马克思主义代议制思想。马克思主义代议制思想是无产阶级民主在现实中最为主要的实现形式,然而,对这一思想的认识和实践并非一帆风顺,通过对马克思主义代议制思想发展进程的研究可以发现,这一思想在现实中存在着许多错误理解的倾向,如有的人将代议制等同于西方的议会制度,从而一味与资产阶级划清界限导致出现“议会恐惧症”,还有的人盲目崇拜西方民主导致了“议会盲崇症”。错误理解马克思主义代议制思想不仅在理论上发生偏向,在实践中也产生了例如列宁直接民主制思想面临的实践困境、毛泽东“大民主”思想导致的“民主大跃进”等教训,而这些深刻的教训也为后人正确理解和运用马克思主义代议制思想提供了镜鉴。

【Abstract】 Representative system of democracy in modern countries, the main form. Although the form of the system created by the bourgeoisie, but it embodies the search for the advanced management experience of countries is the common wealth of human political civilization. Marxist classical writers in their search for forms of proletarian democracy in the process, drawing on the results of parliamentary democracy and civilization, the creation and development of representative ideology of Marxism, of course, copy the reference type class system is not portable, but Absorb the advanced achievements of parliamentary democracy based on the real beyond its class. Marxist ideology is socialist state representative should be adopted to achieve democracy in the form of questions, in the Marxist theory of democracy should occupy an important position, so, dig and sort of representative of Marxist ideology, democracy is not only Marxism This theory has long been an important part of shelter out of the need to show even more comprehensive and profound understanding of Marxist theory by using a basic essential work. Thought for the representative study of Marxism, the text is divided into four chapters:The first chapter to explore Marx and Engels’s representative thought. Marx and Engels’s representative thought the product was not behind closed doors, but in the succession of predecessors thought and representative democracy based on the idea developed. Which pre-capitalist society and parliamentary democratic ideals and practice of the maturity of democratic theory that can be used as reference to provide the historical resources, and the Paris Commune and its practice is to seek forms of proletarian democracy and provide a realistic prototype. It was nourished on the basis of these historical, Marx and Engels initially built up the Marxist ideology of representative framework that includes the bourgeois parliamentary democracy on the dialectical thinking of analysis and summary of representative of the proletariat. Comprehensive understanding of Marx and Engels’s representative thinking is to understand and use it properly guide the practice of socialist democracy and the starting point.ChapterⅡstudy of Lenin on the development of representative thinking and practice.Marx and Engels, in theory, ideological construct representative of the proletariat, but the actual conditions, not its concrete practice. Lenin inherited Marx and Engels on the basis of representative thought, the proletariat seized power in the Soviet practice of the theory, and according to national circumstances in human history created the first socialist representative people - workers, peasants and representatives of the Soviet System. This section discusses Lenin in the evaluation of parliamentary democracy, such as the development of human society certainly representative of the progressive process of exposing the nature of the Western parliamentary system, etc., while also exploring the Lenin explore new forms of democratic theory and practice context of history, and Based on the analysis of the thinking of Marx and Lenin representative representative development of ideas and their impact on the world communist movement. The third chapter describes the ideology of Marxism representative and Practice in China. In China, the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong has also been established in the course of revolutionary practice, from the people’s congress system as a representative of Marxist thought in the form of implementation, and theoretical construction of this system has been formed with Chinese characteristics The representative theory. In this section mainly elaborates on the people’s congress system of Mao Zedong’s Practice and theory building, and Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and other Communist Party in the reform and opening up people’s congress system further forward, and through the representative of Marxist thought in China, Exploration and Investigation of practice, revealing the people’s congress system is representative of the Marxist ideology and the development of the rich.PartⅣreveals the representative of the Marxist mistake of thinking profoundly learned and Revelation. This section attempts to understand and practice the wrong thinking of Marxist representative analysis of the historical lessons to reflect on the process of building socialist democracy and how to correctly deal with and apply the Marxist ideology of representative. Marxist ideology of representative democracy, in reality, the proletariat in the realization of the most major, however, understanding and practice of this idea has not been easy, thinking through the process of development of Marxist studies of representative can be found in reality there is the thought The tendency of many misunderstandings, if any, will the parliamentary representative system of the same in the West, which led to blindly make a clean break with the bourgeoisie, a "parliament phobia ", there are those who blindly worship Western democracy led to the "blind worship Parliament Disorder. " Wrong understanding of Marxist ideology of representative bias occurs not only in theory, in practice, also had a direct democracy such as Lenin thought the practice of facing difficulties, Mao Zedong’s "great democracy"thought leading "democratic Great Leap Forward " and other lessons learned, and these profound Lesson for future generations to understand and correctly apply the Marxist ideology of representative provides a reference.

  • 【分类号】A811.6;D034
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