

Effects of Large Hydraulic Project on Fish and Ecological Environment in the Middle Reach of Gan River

【作者】 邹淑珍

【导师】 吴志强;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水利工程建设在发挥具大效益的同时也引发了诸多的河流生态环境问题,其对水生生物尤其是对鱼类的影响是世界环境科学和生态学领域十分关注的课题。当前随着我国水利工程建设步伐的加快,国内学术界就水利设施对鱼类影响的研究有过许多报道,比较典型的是围绕三峡工程对长江鱼类的影响研究,取得了很多的科研成果。随着部分河流梯级水利工程的建设,人们也开始重视水利枢纽群对鱼类资源及其生态环境的累积影响等。赣江作为长江八大支流之一,是鄱阳湖水系第一大河流,水资源丰富,水能蕴藏量大,目前正在加大水能开发利用程度。本研究通过现场采样、数据分析、问卷调查等方法,较系统地就赣江中游已建成运用的万安水利枢纽以及正在建设之中的石虎塘航电枢纽、峡江水利枢纽等三座大型水利枢纽工程对赣江鱼类资源及其生态环境的影响进行了分析和预测。本文尝试建立了水利枢纽群生态优化调度模型,并就有效保护鱼类资源,弥补或减缓工程建设对鱼类带来的负面影响,提出了一些对策措施,以期实现赣江清洁能源的开发与水生生物保护的双赢。具体研究内容和结果如下:1、2009年~2010年对受万安水利枢纽影响的赣江赣洲段进行了鱼类资源采样调查,共采集鱼类标本8972尾,记录鱼类79种,隶属7目17科68属,结果显示当地主要鱼类有黄颡鱼、鮈类、鳜、银鲴、鳊、鳖、飘鱼、乌鳢、鲇类等。渔获物重量组成中,黄颡鱼(19.66%)、鲴(17.08%)最多,其次为鳜类(14.89%)、乌鳢和鲇类(11.59%)等。就个体数量百分比来说,黄颡鱼类(32.20%)和鳖、飘鱼类(14.57%)占优势,其次为鲴(13.69%)和鮈类(10.19%)。万安水利枢纽建成运行,使赣江赣洲至万安江段由自然流动水体转为相对静止的库区,导致四大家鱼等江河洄游性鱼类减少,鳊、鮊、鲴类等以浮游生物和有机碎屑为食饵的鱼类数量增加,坝下江段食底栖生物的鱼类如黄颡鱼、乌鳢、鲇类增多,鱼类区系组成发生了一定的变化;通过调查研究,证实坝上赣州江段仍然存在四大家鱼产卵场,其位于万安水利枢纽坝上80km左右的赣县储潭镇老虎角;坝下游的百嘉下、泰和、沿溪等三处鱼类产卵场的功能受到不同程度的影响。2、2009年~2010年对在建的石虎塘航电枢纽工程影响的赣江泰和段进行了鱼类资源采样调查,调查中共采集鱼类标本5763尾,记录鱼类48种,隶属于3目6科39属,其中以鲤科鱼类最多,共35种,占总种数的72.92%,鳅科2种,占4.17%;鲇科1种,占2.08%;鲿科5种,占10.42%;鮨科4种,占8.33%;鳢科1种,占2.08%。工程影响范围内常见的重要经济鱼类有:银鲴、花鳃鲤、鲫、鳊、鱤鱼、乌鳢、青鱼、草鱼、赤眼鳟、鲇、鳜、鲢、鳙等。其中草食性鱼类,如草鱼、鳊,赤眼鳟和以底栖无脊椎动物为食的鲤、青鱼、鲇、银鲴,及凶猛性鱼类鮊、鳜等为优势种群。渔获物统计结果表明,银鲴、黄颡鱼、银鮈、赤眼鳟、鳊、鲶分别占渔获物总量的58.69%、6.65%、4.08%、1.52%、2.18%、2.09%,本文认为受万安水利枢纽影响,处在万安坝下江段的泰和段,由于河水含沙量的降低,使得底栖生物滋生,食底栖生物的鱼类增多。预测石虎塘航电枢纽工程运行后的一段时间内,随着河流生境向水库生境转变,此种格局将更加明显。石虎塘航电枢纽工程的建设将引起大坝上、下江段水位、流速等水文因子的改变,使得泰和县澄江、沿溪产卵场的原有生态条件发生变化,将会给这二处产卵场造成较大的生态影响,从而影响鱼类在此产卵繁殖、栖息。工程建成后,产卵场的位置和规模将继续发生变化,甚至可能导致消失。3、2009年~2010年为研究峡江水利枢纽工程建设对鱼类的影响,本文对峡江至新于江段进行了鱼类资源采样调查,调查中共采集鱼类标本5567尾,记录鱼类71种,隶属7目16科58属,结果显示当地主要鱼类有鳊、银鲴、赤眼鳟、半鳖、鲤、黄颡鱼、鳜、翘嘴鮊、草鱼。渔获物重量组成中,赤眼鳟(21.77%)、鳊(15.17%)最多,其次为银鲴(11.81%)、鲤(11.52%)、翘嘴鮊(7.60%)、半鳖(6.57%)等。就个体数量百分比来说,半鳖(19.25%)和银鲴(13.89%)占优势,其次为鳊(11.09%)和赤眼鳟(8.46%)。峡江水利枢纽工程建设将使坝下江段沿岸带生境层次简化,水位自然变幅趋小,对产飘浮性卵鱼类的繁殖以及产黏性卵鱼类的正常发育不利;大坝阻隔鱼类洄游进入库区;工程建成后,随着水深、水温、水流速的改变,坝上库区四大家鱼产卵所需的水文条件丧失,促使坝上库区吉水、金滩、槎滩、小江、巴邱等5个鱼类产卵场消失,坝下江段的巴邱、仁和、新干3处鱼类产卵场因水位在繁殖季节无大幅度涨落,两岸的淹没区大为减少,鱼卵黏附基质相应减少,产卵场功能将丧失。但工程将有利于坝上的2处鱼类越冬场和6处鱼类索饵场,而位于坝下的邓家索饵场,由于水量减少,水位降低,饵料生物将减少。4、本文尝试建立水利枢纽群生态优化调度模型并在赣江中游梯级水库上进行了模拟应用研究,采用了POA算法,分析了生态目标的加入对水库原有功能产生的影响。模拟调度结果表明,考虑生态因素后对水库经济效益即发电量的总体影响不大,建议在石虎塘航电枢纽和峡江水利枢纽运行后,与上游万安水利枢纽共同进行考虑生态适宜需水量的联合调度,以缓解工程建设对河流水生生物尤其是鱼类的影响。5、鉴于赣江中游水利工程对鱼类已经产生和即将产生的负面影响,本研究根据三座水利枢纽特性及赣江水生态特征,提出了水资源生态调度、修建鱼道,增殖放流,建立水产种质资源保护区、鱼类自然保护区,加强资源监测和科学研究,借鉴鄱阳湖及长江流域禁渔期的成功经验,于每年4月1日至6月30日在赣江设立禁渔期等方面的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Hydraulic project leads to many river ecological and environment problems while it brings us remarkable benefits nowadays. The influence to aquatic organisms, especially to the fish, is a subject of great concern in the areas of environmental science and ecology. There have been many reports regarding the impact of water conservancy facilities on fish ecology in the domestic academia with the accelerated construction of hydraulic engineering in China. Extensive research results have yet achieved in this field, particularly the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project. As the cascaded construction of hydraulic project in part of the river, the cumulative effects of water conservancy hub group on fish resources and ecological environment are attracted much attention to.Gan River, one of the eight tributaries of the Yangtze River, is the largest river in Poyang Lake water system, rich in water resources and water power reserves. Nowadays the utilization of water power is being extensified in Gan River. The aim of this study was to analyze and forecast systematically the effects of Wan’an Hydraulic Project (under service), Shihutang Navigation-Hydropower Project and Xiajiang Hydraulic Project (under construction) on fish resources and water ecological environment, and try to establish the model of hydraulic projects and ecological optimization. Field sampling, questionnaire survey and data analysis were employed in this study. We recommend some effective measures regarding fish resource protection and the relief of adverse impact about project construction, so as to maintain the win-win actions between the development of clean energy and aquatic organism protection.We were trying to find a balance which would give full play to the advantages of water conservancy projects, develop clean energy, but also reduce the damage to the fish. These data will be useful to take some effective measures to remedy or mitigate adverse effects on fish and maintain the sustainable development of fish resources according to the features of each water conservancy junction.The research content and the results are as follows: 1. To study the effect of Wan’an hydraulic project on the fish resources in the Ganzhou reach of Gan River, an extensive survey was conducted from 2009 to 2010. A total of 79 freshwater species (8972 individuals) belonging to 7 orders,17 families and 68 genera have been recorded. The result indicated that the main commercial fishes in the local place were Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Gobioninae, Siniperca chuatsi, Xenocypris argentea, Parabramis pekinensis, Hemicculter Leuciclus, Pseudolaubuca sinensis, Ophicephalus argus and Silurus. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and Gobioninae were the most abundant for biomass, which accounted for 19.66% and 17.08%, respectively, followed by Siniperca chuatsi(14.89%), Channa argus and Silurus(11.9%). Pelteobagrus fulvidraco(32.20%), Hemicculter Leuciclus and Pseudolaubuca sinensis(14.57%) were abundant species for abundance, which followed by Xenocypris argentea(13.69%) and Gobioninae(10.19%).The water flow has slowed down dramatically in the Ganzhou to Wanan area since Wan’an hydraulic project was completed. The flowing water body became a static water reservoir. It resulted in the decreased amount of migration fishes such as four major chinese carps. The quantity of the plankton- and organic detritus-eating fish surged quickly, such as Parabramis pekinensis, Culterinae and Xenocypris argentea. The fishes feeding on benthos increased, such as Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Channa argus and Silurus, which indicated the alteration of fish fauna composition. Through extensive research, it was confirmed that there were the four major Chinese carps spawning grounds located Laohujiao, Chutan town, Gan county,80 kilometres in the upstream of Wan’an hydraulic project. Baijiaxia, Taihe, Yanxi, the three spawning places, located in the upstream of Wan’an hydraulic project were also affected in different degrees.2. To study the effect of Shihutang Navigation-Hydropower Project on the fish resources in the Taihe reach of Gan River, an extensive survey was conducted from 2009 to 2010. A total of 48 freshwater species (5763 individuals) belonging to 3 orders,6families and 39 genera have been recorded. The fishes of Cyprinidae were the main component, consisting of 35 species and 72.92% in all species, which followed by Bagridae(5,10.42%), Cobitidae(2,4.17%), Percichthyidae(4,8.33%), Channidae(1,2.08%) and Siluridae(1,2.08%). The main commercial fishes in the Taihe reach were Xenocypris argentea, Hemibarbus maculates, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Megalobrama amblycephala, Elopichthys bambusa, Channa argus, Mylopharyngodon piceus, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Siniperca chuatsi, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, and Silurus asotus. Herbivorous fish like Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Megalobrama amblycephala and Squaliobarbus curriculus, invertivorous species like Cyprinus carpio, Mylopharyngodon piceus, Silurus asotus and Xenocypris argentea and Carnivorous fish like Siniperca and Culter are dominant speices. The results of biomass indicated that Xenocypris argentea, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Squalidus argentatus, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Megalobrama amblycephala and Silurus asotus account for 58.69%、6.65%、4.08%、1.52%、2.18%、2.09%, respectively. The Wan’an Hydraulic project made the amount of river sediment decrease in the Taihe Reach, which results in invertivorous species increasing there. It suggests that this trend will be more apparent after Shihutang Navigation-Hydropower Project being working for a while.After the completion of Shihutang Navigation-Hydropower Project, the water level, water temperature, water flow velocity and other hydrological factors in upper and lower reaches will be changed drastically. It will cause the original ecological conditions in Tai’he and Yanxi spawning grounds are changed accordingly. What’s worse, these two spawning grounds may disappear due to the construction of hydraulic project in some day.3. To study the effect of Xiajiang Hydraulic Project on the fish resources from the Xiajiang to Xingan reach of Ganjiang River, an extensive survey was conducted from 2009 to 2010. A total of 71 freshwater species (5567 individuals) belonging to 7 orders,16 families and 58 genera have been recorded. The result indicated that the main commercial fishes in the local place were Parabramis pekinensis, Xenocypris argentea, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Hemicculter Leuciclus, Cyprinus carpio, Pelteobagrus nitidus, Siniperca chuatsi, Erythroculter ilishaeformis, Ctenopharyngodon idellus. Xenocypris argentea and Parabramis pekinensis were the most abundant for biomass, which accounted for 21.77% and 15.17%, respectively, which followed by Xenocypris argentea (11.81%), Cyprinus carpio (11.52%), Erythroculter ilishaeformis (7.60%), Hemicculter Leuciclus (6.57%). Hemicculter Leuciclus (19.25%), Xenocypris argentea (13.89%) were abundant species for abundance, which followed by Parabramis pekinensis (11.09%) and Squaliobarbus curriculus (8.46%).The original flowing water turn into semi-static or static water. This destroys the essential hydrological conditions needed for spawning by the four major Chinese carps, leading to the disappearance of five fish spawning grounds in the upstream of the project, including Jishui, Jintan, Chaqiu, Xiaojiang, Baqiu. Furthermore, due to no significant water level fluctuation during the breeding season and the great reduction of flooded area in both sides in the downstream of project, the adhesive medium for fish eggs will accordingly decrease. Therefore, three spawning grounds, Baqiu, Renhe, Xingan, situated in the downstream, will loss of function for spawning. However, the hydraulic project will benefit the two fish wintering grounds and six feeding sites at the upside of the dam, whereas the amount of plankton will be reduced in Dengjia feeding grounds at the downside of the dam due to the reduced water volume and water level decreased.4. The hydraulic project and ecological optimization scheduling model was proposed, and the simulated applied research was conduct in middle reaches of the Gan River cascade reservoirs using the POA algorithm. What’s more, the impact of the addition of ecological goals on the original function of the reservoir was addressed. The results of simulated regulation showed that it had little impact to overall economic benefits or generating capacity to take into account the ecological factors. This suggests that it is necessary to adopt joint regulation of water after Shihutang Navigation-Hydropower Project and Xiajiang hydraulic Project being in service, conbined with Wan’an hydraulic Project. This measure will decrease the adverse impact of project to river aquatic organisms, especially to fish.5. The negative impact of hydraulic project to fish has already produced and will produce in the middle reach of Gan River. Therefore, we propose the following countermeasures and suggestions according to features of hydraulic project and water ecological:regulating water ecologically, constructing fish way facilities, enhancement and releasing, establishing protection areas for aquatic germplasm resource and nature reserves of fish and enhancing resource monitoring and scientific research. Drawing on the successful experience of closed seasons in Poyang Lake, the closed seasons should be also estabolished from April 1 to June 30 annually in Gan River.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

