

Research on the Ecological Property Right

【作者】 陈文

【导师】 杨震;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在人类步入生态经济的今天,亟待通过生态哲学的思考与生态立法来调整人类社会关系和自然关系,使之既符合生态规律又符合社会经济规律,促使人类社会的经济增长方式按照可持续的增长模式来发展。作为一种专门用于解决因自然资源的有限性与人类需求的无限性之间的矛盾而引发的人与人之间紧张关系的物权法律制度责无旁贷。现代物权法只注意到“物”之正价值,而没有注意到“物”之负熵值。并将阻遏“物”负熵之职推给了公法性质的经济法,然而公法在日益严重的生态危机面前疲于应付。本文坚持实证研究与历史研究相结合的研究方法。从民法之私权利而非经济法之公权力的角度探究生态化理念与物权法的对接,协调物权法与经济法的关系,以可持续发展为基础的生态化理念对现代物权法制进行生态化改造,构建生态物权法律制度,实现生态保护与法制发展之双重目的。未来生态保护机制应当是以私法救济为主、公法与私法互相配合式多元机制,与此相对应,未来生态责任归责原则也应当是以社会责任为主、自己责任为辅的多元归责原则结构体系。

【Abstract】 The relationship between human society and nature should be adjusted by the thoughts of ecological philosophy and ecological legislation when the human beings have been into the ecological economy era, in order that the relationship could conform to ecological rules and social economic rules and the human society sustainable economic growth mode could develop according to the growth model. The research methods of empirical research and historical research are used in this paper.the modem property right law system should be reconstructed with ecology based on sustainable development and ecological property law system should be constructed sustainable development and ecological property law system should be constructed sustainable development and ecological property law system should be constructed in order to realize the purpose of ecological protection and legal development. The ecological protection mechanism should be in private law and public law co-ordination in the future. Accordingly imputation principle of ecological liability shall also be multiple imputation structure of social responsibility and own responsibility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

