

The Comparative Study on Russian and Chinese Book Subsidiaries

【作者】 林超

【导师】 邓军;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 图书辅文是出版编辑领域的一个基本概念,目前,它还仍未引起语言学界,特别是俄语语言学界的广泛关注,本文的研究对象正是具有语篇性质的辅文种类。在相关语言学、编辑学理论的基础上,本论文尝试对俄汉图书辅文进行了对比,探索和归纳了二者之间的异同,并在一定程度上对其原因进行了揭示。对比研究主要从语篇的信息、受众、回溯和前瞻、语义独立性及评价五个方面具体展开。论文将语篇的内容视为信息,并分别对俄汉图书辅文中的正文事实信息、敬辞和谦辞、致谢等三类事实内容信息进行了详细对比;辅文中所体现的受众主要包括语篇(辅文)受众和图书受众,前者主要通过人称和语气表达,后者则主要借助于一系列较为固定的词汇表达手段体现;俄、汉语分属于不同的语系,导致了俄汉辅文中回溯、前瞻触发语表达形式的差异,回溯和前瞻所体现的跨语篇关系也是语篇互文性的具体体现;俄汉图书辅文中的语义独立片段主要体现为题首、自由片段和回忆性片段三种;另外,在功能语言学评价理论的基础上,本论文从态度、介入和级差三个方面对俄汉辅文中的评价意义进行了对比,其中,态度意义的对比涉及隐/显性、肯定/否定、鉴赏和判断等几个方面。

【Abstract】 Book subsidiary is a basic concept in the fields of edition and press, which has not aroused the wide interest of linguistic researchers, especially Russian linguistic researchers. This dissertation focuses on the research of book subsidiaries, which has features of text. Based on the study of relevant linguistic and editologic theories , the dissertation attempts to analyze the Russian and Chinese book subsidiaries, discuss and summarize similarities and differences between them. Our contrast study on subsidiaries has carried out from five perspectives: information, audience, retrospection and prospection, semantic independence and appraisal. The dissertation tends to regard text content as information, which mainly concludes factual information about the main text, honorific and modest expressions and expressions of acknowledgment. Audience in book subsidiaries consists in two aspects: audience of text (subsidiaries) and audience of book. The former is expressed primarily by person deixis, while the latter—by the aid of a series of comparatively fixed vocabulary expressions; Russian and Chinese belong to the different language families, which result in the differences of retrospection and prospection triggers in Russian and Chinese book subsidiaries, and transtextuality between the different texts is an important form of intertextuality; Epigraph, free fragment and memory fragment have semantic independence and are regards to be three important independent semantic fragments in Russian and Chinese book subsidiaries; Meanwhile, based on the study of Appraisal Theory, this dissertation contrasts the appraisal expressions in Russian and Chinese book subsidiaries from aspects such as attitude, engagement and graduation.

【关键词】 辅文语篇对比
【Key words】 book subsidiarytextcontrast
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

