

【作者】 王锐

【导师】 李青;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以陕西省铜川市黄堡镇耀州窑“十里窑场”为中心,以发掘出土及存世的耀州瓷实物为研究对象,以相关历史文献资料及前人研究成果为依据参照,结合实地考察,运用了比较美术的研究方法作为这篇论文的主要研究方法,同时也结合了考古类型学的有关方法以及图像学等其他研究方法作为辅助手段,对耀州窑不同历史时期的陶瓷制品进行了艺术发展状况与风格特征演变的分析研究;并专题对古代金银器、玻璃器、绘画等三种艺术形式对耀州瓷艺术的影响进行了较为深入的研究;并对耀州瓷造型与纹样装饰的稿样来源与使用等相关学术问题进行了一定深度的研究归纳。作者认为,耀州窑延烧时间跨越千年,瓷器产品的艺术风格转变多样,呈现出复杂多变的艺术面貌。这种情况的产生是和其同时代的其他优秀艺术形式的影响有着不可分割的紧密联系,如唐宋时期精致的金银器对耀州瓷造型与纹饰装饰产生了至为重要的影响作用,并对耀州瓷生产观念的转变及装饰技法的改进提高有着重要作用,从而促使耀州瓷达到了“巧如范金,精比琢玉”的高级品质。而耀州瓷釉的生产方向一直是朝着透明或半透明的玻璃质感的色釉系列发展,这极有可能是受到古代珍贵的西方玻璃器的影响,并且在瓷器造型与装饰技法上也存在一定的借鉴关系,这是作者通过大量分析研究得出的研究观点。宋代绘画艺术的高度发展影响到耀州瓷的装饰纹样,使其更具艺术性和丰富性,多姿多彩的纹样又折射出不同时期纷繁多样的民俗文化信息。稿样的使用是耀州瓷对绘画艺术及其它工艺美术进行吸收与借鉴的结果,在耀州瓷纹饰装饰研究中发现存在着一稿多用,以及同一经典题材式样的多处使用等情况,本文首次对此进行了初步系统的研究论述。耀州瓷艺术的发展受到过多种文化艺术的影响,同时也对其他地区的瓷器艺术产生过重要的影响,诸多的耀州瓷艺术遗存已成为人类艺术中重要的珍贵遗产,具有不可低估的学术研究价值。

【Abstract】 Based on the relevant historical documents and previous research achievements, taking the YaoZhou Miles‘kilns’which lies in HuangBu town of TongChuan city in Shaanxi province as the core with the excavated and surviving YaoZhou porcelain objects as the research object, combing the on-the-spot investigation, this paper applies the comparative art as the main research method, integrating some related research methods like archaeological typology and iconology as supplemental means, it analyses the art development status and characteristics of ceramic products in different time periods. This paper has a special research of the influence of some art forms like ancient gold and silver, glass and painting on the art of YaoZhou porcelain. This paper also discusses and concludes some relevant academic problems as the origin and using of shapes and designing adornment powder of YaoZhou kilns. The author thinks that YaoZhou kilns has leaped over about one thousand years, and the artistic style changed variedly, presents a complicated and challenging artistic feature. This has a close relationship with the influence of other contemporary outstanding art forms like the delicate gold and silver in Tang and Song dynasties. The delicate gold and silver in Tang and Song dynasties have a effect for the shaping and designing adornment of YaoZhou kilns, and play an important role for the improvement of its decorative techniques making the YaoZhou kilns have a high quality of artful as cast the gold and silver, precision than carve the jade. Based on a large quantity of analysis and research, this paper proposes the idea that the products of YaoZhou kilns have been developing to the orientation of transparent or semi-transparent glass textures of Colored Glaze. This is very likely influenced by the ancient precious western glasses, and it also has certain referential relation on the modeling and decorating. The high development of art of paintings in Song dynasty effect the decoration pattern of YaoZhou kilns, making it more artistic and rich, and the colorful pattern on the other hand reflects the diverse folk culture information in different periods. This paper firstly has an initial systemic discussion that the use of sketch fruit the conclusion that YaoZhou kilns have drew lessons from art of painting and other arts and crafts. There are multipurpose of one sketch and one classic theme during the research of sculpture and ornament of YaoZhou kilns. The development of the art of YaoZhou kilns has been influenced by various artistic cultures. At the same time, it has an important effect on other regional porcelain art. The numerous remains of YaoZhou kilns art have become the precious heritage in the history of human art. Their academic research value cannot be underestimated.

  • 【分类号】K876.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】853

