

Traditional Chinese Painting and Vision

【作者】 张华

【导师】 杨休;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文介绍了人的视觉的生理学及心理学的一般常识,并从此角度对中国传统绘画中的一些独特现象进行了探讨。视觉系统的基本构成单元是中心/外周组织,该组织决定了视觉对亮度和颜色的边缘具有选择性应答,立体视觉也会加强该应答,对这种应答进行着重的描绘,是中国画重视线条描绘的生理基础;视觉注意会将焦点集中于物体而忽略背景及环境,中国画中的“留白”正是这种视觉表象的再现;“看”的任务是为知觉提供物体“是什么”、“在哪里”的信息,因此视觉具有“恒常性”属性,中国画追求的“不似之似”就是视觉记忆中物体的“恒常性”形象;视觉分为"What"(什么)和"Where"(哪里)两个分支系统,将形状、颜色与空间、运动两类信息分开处理,中国画的独特空间就来源于恒常形状在空间中的摆置;人的眼动反映了意识,画面构图的效果受到人的眼动机制的制约,中国画在构图上充分地体现了这一点;周边视觉是不清晰的,它的这个特性也会在绘画中发挥重要作用,本文以永乐宫壁画为例做了探讨,这也是中国画“虚静”、“灵动”的视觉基础。中国古代的绘画,在多方面遵从着视觉生理的原理。它表现的是视觉终端所产生的结果,是对视觉的一种有选择性的强调和表现。中国画独特风格的形成是牢牢建立在人类的视觉系统为视觉行为制定的法则上的。

【Abstract】 In this paper the general knowledge of human visual physiology and psychology is described, along with the research and the discussion of the unique representation in traditional Chinese painting from this angle.The Vision system basic composition unit is the central/circumference organ is the physiology foundation of traditional Chinese painting’s lines description, which determines the vision response the brightness and the edge of color selectively. The stereoscopic vision also strengthen this response and carries on the emphatically description to the response as well. Visual attention will focus on the object while ignoring the background and the environment. The’blank spot’in traditional Chinese painting represents this visual image. ’Observation’provides the information for visual perception about’What’and’Where’. Therefore, the vision possesses the’Constancy’, such as the representation of’Resemblance in non semblance’in traditional Chinese painting, represents the’constancy image’in the visual memory of the object. Vision system is divided into two branch systems of’What" and’Where’, processes the two type of information separately, such as shape, color and space, movement. The unique spatial representation in the traditional Chinese painting originates from the constant shape in the space. Eye movements reflect the consciousness. The result of the picture is restrained by the eye movement mechanism, adequately expressed in the structure of traditional Chinese painting. The peripheral vision is unclear, this feature also plays an important role in the drawing, founds the visual foundation in Chinese painting like’silent’and’dynamic’, exampled in the murals in Yongle Palace studied in this article.The ancient Chinese painting, in many aspects, comply with the principles of the visual physiology, which results the representation of the visual terminal. It emphasizes and represents the vision selectively, The unique style of traditional Chinese painting is firmly established on the principles of the visual action formulated by the human vision system.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】509

