

Research in Prediction of Welding Deformation and Group Control Method of Multi Welding Powers for Membrane Wall

【作者】 赵章风

【导师】 俞立;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 膜式水冷壁管屏是锅炉炉墙的重要构件,是热流、流体压力,炉膛烟气压力及其它载荷作用的主要承受部件,也具有提高炉膛密封性及燃料热利用率的作用。基于自主研发的3212型膜式水冷壁管屏熔化极混合气体保护焊(GMAW)焊接生产线的基础上,研究了膜式水冷壁管屏多焊道焊接变形预测技术、多焊接电源的分布机理及群控技术,并进行了工程实验研究,为多焊道焊接的工程领域提供了应用基础。论文的主要工作如下:1.研究了膜式水冷壁多焊道焊接过程温度场、应力应变场的分布规律。基于温度测量实验研究,修正了膜式水冷壁多焊道焊接模型。以4钢管3扁钢管屏GMAW焊接为研究对象,分析了GMAW十二焊道群焊工艺参数与焊接变形的关系,优化了焊接工艺参数。2.基于不同焊接工艺参数下多焊道焊缝形状的实验研究,建立了焊缝形状人工神经网络预测模型,利用遗传算法对人工神经网络预测模型进行了优化。基于焊缝形状人工神经网络预测模型,优化了3212型膜式水冷壁混合气体保护焊焊接工艺参数,并进行了实验验证。3.提出了基于自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的多焊接电源优先级群控策略,研究了ANFIS优先级群控控制器的模型,分析了3212型膜式水冷壁混合气体保护焊自动焊机的多焊接电源群控系统。4.提出了膜式水冷壁多焊道焊接变形抑制技术,研究了多焊道焊接变形与焊接工艺参数中焊接电流、焊接电压、焊接速度的分布规律,优化了焊接工艺参数。基于自适应神经模糊推理系统的多焊道焊接变形抑制及焊缝形状保证策略研究,进行了工程应用验证。

【Abstract】 Tube panel that sustains heat, liquid stress, gas stress and other loads is an important pressure part in the membrane wall. It can improve the thermal efficiency and airtightness. Some methods and experimental research aimed at numerical simulation of welding deformation, shape prediction of welding seam and group control of numerical welding power has been done by "3212" product line of membrane wall, which designed by our group. The main contributions of the paper are as follows:1. Analyzed the temperature, stress and strain during welding process. Verified the simulation model based on the test data of welding temperature from welding site. Combining with the temperature measurement test from welding site, applied the model on a typical tube panel, and optimized the parameters.2. Established artificial neural network prediction model based on engineering test of different welding seam and optimized it using genetic algorithm artificial neural network model. And verified the prediction model and optimization method by conducting experiments on "3212" product line.3. Proposed priority group control strategies and related algorithms of inverter welding power sources based on ANFIS. Simulated the strategies and algorithms as well as the multi-power welding group control system.4. Proposed a welding deformation suppression technology. Studied relationships between welding deformation and welding parameters of welding current, welding voltage and welding speed, and optimized welding parameter sets. Finally, Priority group control with ANFIS of multi-power welding was designed and tested according to goals of deformation of welding seam and shape assurance strategy of welding seam.


