

Studies on Edmund Wilson’s Criticism of Literature: 1914-1950

【作者】 梁建东

【导师】 季进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 埃德蒙·威尔逊是美国二十世纪最重要的文学批评家之一,在他人生开始起步的时候,“斯文”尚存,他的心灵得以能够同时受到古典理性与现代知识的润泽。他承续了整个西方人文主义的传统,也肩负了带领美国知识分子应对新世纪挑战的重任。威尔逊关于文学的随笔和评论,基本起源于他面向大众而在杂志上发表的各种批评性文章,大多都以作家为中心,注重于对作家生活的心理和社会层面的分析,这是他的批评特色之一。这些文章通常都会关注作家所处的社会和文学语境、文本对现实的反映、读者的作用和要求以及书籍的生产、流通等情况。社会和文学的语境始终都会摆在评论最为显著的位置,而个人的出身背景、阅历则构成了论述的背景。本文的导言部分主要介绍威尔逊的生平及著述情况,并简要地介绍了他与西方批评传统的关系以及独特的写作风格;主体部分的前三章分别以威尔逊的早、中期的主要作品为基础,对《阿克瑟尔的城堡》、《伤与弓》、《三重思想家》、《经典与商业作品》、《光明的彼岸》等重要的文本进行了深入的分析,探讨了二十世纪欧美现代文学的困境与突围、文学与政治的合谋与冲突以及文学写作与社会因素的关系等问题;第四章主要是研究了威尔逊写于此时期的与文学有关的日记、笔记和书信,探讨它们与威尔逊的个人心灵之间的关系,从而丰富我们对时代精神、文学风尚的理解;结论部分将重申威尔逊的文学批评的意义和价值,并对他的方法和立场予以点评。

【Abstract】 Edmund Wilson stands a unique role in American literacy history. Matured in era with residual classics, he absorbed nutrition from rationality and modern wisdom. He was equipped with whole western tradition of humanism but endeavored as flagship to meet new century challenge.Wilson’s literary essays and reviews stem from a popular critical journalism characterized by an emphasis on certain psychological and social aspects of the lives of writers. These essays and reviews are generally concerned with contexts of the social and literary milieus of authors, the mimetic features of written texts, and the role and requirements of the readers and the production of books. History developments, such as personal background, experience and knowledge, tend to compose part of the background, while social and literary contexts are consistently foregrounded.This dissertation is constructed in six sections. The introductory part presents a profile of Wilson’s biography. The unique writing style is also summarized within a framework of tension between his work and western tradition of literacy criticism. The following three chapters launch in-depth textual analysis to explore 1)the dilemma and breakthrough of 20th Century’s European-American literature; 2) the convergence and divergence of literature and politics and 3) interrelation between literature and social factors. Early and medium works are surveyed (e.g. Axel’s Castle: A study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930; The Wound and the Bow; The Triple Thinker: Twelve Essays on Literary Subjects; Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of the Forties; The Shores of Light: A Literary Chronicle of the 1920s and 1930s ). The fourth chapter focuses on relevant diaries, notes and letters which are mirror of Wilson’s spirit. Such“soul travel”in literature enriches our understanding toward social characteristics and literary trend at that time. In concluding remark, the author restates the significance of Wilson’s literacy criticism while comments the inadequacies in works as reflection of his assertiveness and aggression.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

