

On the Constitutional Guarantees of Sports

【作者】 陈华荣

【导师】 王家宏;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 体育因其在教育、健康、文化、经济以及对外交往等方面发挥的重要作用,逐渐引起了世界各国的广泛关注。在现代法治国家,凡是重要的社会事务一般会写入国家的根本法——宪法。宪法对某领域的明文规定,也成为该项社会事务进入国家政治法律视野的重要标志。那么,各国宪法有没有规定体育,有多少个国家规定了体育,规定了什么内容,应该怎样规定?对这些问题的深入探讨,将有助于我们了解体育在全球范围的开展情况,将有助于我们掌握世界各国对待体育的立场,将有助于我们判断政府在体育中扮演的角色。为了试图解答上述问题,笔者通过互联网收集了联合国192个成员国的宪法及宪法性文件,并对全球187部成文宪法是否包含体育内容进行了检索、分析。经验证、翻译、整理,获得了74部写入体育条款的宪法文本。本研究即围绕这74部成文宪法的体育条款而展开。本研究总体结构由三篇十章组成,核心内容为三大部分,即现状分析篇、理论分析篇和个案分析篇。具体结构和内容安排如下:第一章导论部分阐述研究背景和意义,对相关文献进行了综述,对研究对象、研究方法以及各国宪法文本的获取、验证和整理情况做了介绍。第二章至第四章为现状分析篇。第二章分析了成文宪法的概念、比较了成文宪法与不成文宪法的区别,并以表格的形式呈现了全球成文宪法的概况。第三章在定义成文宪法体育条款后,选取时间、区域、语言、国家性质、法系、发达状况和条款数目等7个变量列表分析,并对全球成文宪法体育条款的概况做了初步阐述。第四章将成文宪法结构分为总纲章节、公民权利章节、国家机构章节和其他章节,选取各大洲、年代、国家性质、语种、条款内容以及与其他领域的交叉情况等角度分析位于不同章节体系中的体育条款的共性与个性问题。第五章至第第七章为理论分析篇。在对全球成文宪法体育条款现状分析的基础上,第五章首先略述了宪法视野下的体育议题,探讨了体育与部分基本权利和基本自由,体育与国家权力和责任等议题,同时指出了本研究的限制。第六章紧紧围绕本研究目的,抓住人的体育权利这一核心范畴展开研究,厘清了体育权利的广狭义之分。第七章,以国家的体育责任为背景,从配置和行使体育权力的角度论证各国宪法如何保障体育的发展。第八章至第九章为个案分析篇。第八章对瑞士、葡萄牙、古巴和朝鲜这四个国家的宪法以及欧盟宪法性条约的体育条款的相关情况做了具体分析,探讨个案的影响和启示。第九章分析了我国宪法体育条款的情况。介绍了从清末立宪到2004年最新修正案,这百年间中国历史上的各个宪法文本,分析各文本中的体育条款,尤其是对1982年现行宪法中的体育条款作了深入研究。对我国宪法体育条款的实施以及体育权力配置作了具体分析。第十章为结论。

【Abstract】 Due to the important role of sports in education, health, culture, economic, external relations , and others areas, most of the countries in the world to pay close attention to sports sector.In the state which rule of law, generally, the crucial social affairs should write in the basic law——constitution. If some activity have a express term in consttution,it is a symbol to which enter into state’s political and legal view. While, is there any sports provision in country constituon, how many national constitutions include sports provisions, what is the content, and what should write in? Research such questions deeply would contribute conprehend to the practice of sports in global, would contribute know well to others state attitude toward sports, would contribute to estimate the future of sports.For answer aforementioned problems, I have gathered total consititution or basical laws of 192 UN members constitution, retrieved 187 written constiution to find wether have a sports article. In the end, there are 74 constitutions include sports provision.This researh will enclose analysis such provisions.The texture of this research divide into three parts ten chapters, the core content all in the three parts, namely, current stituation part, thery analysis part and case analysis part. Following are the specific structure and details.The first chapter is introduction, I expound the research backgrand and importance,summarize relative researches, introduce the object, method, the constitution text gather process and confirmation.ChapterⅡto ChapterⅢ, namely, current stituation part.The second chapter describe written constitution definition, compare written constitution with unwritten constitution,in additon to, formation a table to present a general situation of written constitution in global. ChapterⅢgive a definition of sports provision of written constitution, firstly. Then according time, region, language, state nature, legal system, developed status, and the number of provisions, to work out a table and made a preliminary overview of the terms described. ChapterⅣin the light of the written constitution structure divided into general chapter, civil rights chapter, national institutions chapter, and the other chapter, select the element of continent, period, state nature, language, contents of the provision and the cross conditions to analysis the common and specifical problem.ChapterⅤto ChapterⅦfor the theoretical analysis. based on the analysis of the status of sports provisions in written constitution, the fifth chapter first outlines the issues under the View of the Constitution, then discuss the topics about sports and some of the basic rights and fundamental freedoms, sports and state power or responsibility, while pointed out the limitations of this study. ChapterⅥclosely around the purpose of this study, to seize the human sports right to develop clarify. ChapterⅦ, with the background of the state responsibility of sports,to display how the sports authority disposition and exercise in various countries for protect the development of sports.ChapterⅧtoⅨfor the case study. ChapterⅧset forth the sports provisions of Switzerland, Portugal, Cuba, North Korea constitution, and EU constitutional Treaties, elaborate the impact and inspiration of the the four countries constitutions.ChapterⅨexpound the Constitution of China from late Qing to 2004, the latest constitutional amendment, retrieve the text of the provisions on sport, especially gave in-depth study of sports provision in the current constitution 1982. Finally,clarif the implement of sports provisions in our National Constituion, and the details of power allocation in sports area in ChinaChapterⅩis the conclusion.

【关键词】 体育宪法保障全球比较分析
【Key words】 Sportsconstitutional guaranteesglobalcomparative analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

