

The Study on the Composition and Role of the Principals in Chinese Modern National University

【作者】 肖卫兵

【导师】 周川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 国立大学校长,是中国近代大学校长的主要组成部分,是中国近代高等教育发展的实践者和标志性人物。对中国近代国立大学校长的研究,已成为当前高等教育研究的热点。本文在大量已有的个别性研究基础上,尝试对中国近代国立大学校长进行专门的整体性研究,文献研究法是本文主要的研究方法。本文所搜集的文献主要包括年鉴、民国档案汇编、大学校史、人物传记等,尽可能翔实地地将中国近代国立大学校长这一群体展现出来。对中国近代国立大学校长进行全面细致地研究,能为当今大学校长办大学教育提供历史的参考。本文研究的“国立大学校长”,特指从1912年至1949年之间中华民国的国立大学校长。在短暂的三十多年的时间里,中国社会经历诸多变迁,社会环境恶劣,政治秩序混乱,帝国主义虎视眈眈,然而在这样恶劣的环境中,中国的高等教育却艰难而曲折地前行,取得了令今人仍然羡慕不已的成就,这与中国近代国立大学校长的内在品质与积极作为密不可分。本文试图从中国近代国立大学校长的高等教育经历、任职前的工作经历、性别与籍贯、任期、任职原因、离职原因、离职后的工作经历、办学理念、长校行为等方面全面展示中国近代国立大学校长的特质。中国近代国立大学,是指由教育部(或大学院)批准设立、由国库提供经费保障的大学。中国近代国立大学的发展经历了起始阶段、快速增长阶段、过渡探索阶段、整顿规范阶段、内迁阶段、调整恢复阶段,共出现了43所国立大学、142位国立大学校长。中国近代国立大学校长是由政府或者最高领导人任命的、具有简任官及以上官等的群体,总辖国立大学全部事务,享有国立大学教职员中的最高待遇。本文归纳认为,中国近代国立大学校长是一群有着丰富的国内外高等教育经历、获得较高学位、以文理法工科为主的群体;他们在任职前有丰富的高等学校工作经历,并辅之以相应的政府部门工作经历;这一群体以男性为主,与任职国立大学在地域分布上具有“地方性”特征;这一群体任职的平均年龄为45岁,平均任职期限为37个月。中国近代国立大学校长,在行政序列上也是政府部门的一个重要职位,其任命须经过政府的行政程序,行政起着主导的作用。但是由当时中国社会的性质和高等教育的体制所决定,大学师生在校长的人选上往往也能起到不寻常的作用。得罪政府或者得罪大学师生均有可能导致失去该职位。中国近代国立大学校长是中国近代高等教育的先驱者,他们有着特定的高等教育理念,并且以这种理念指导着自己的办学行为。他们普遍认为,大学是研究高深学问的地方,大学教育主要为国家培养合格人才;主张学术自由和教授治校。他们的办学理念具有学术性、国家性和民主性特征。中国近代国立大学校长在任职过程中需要对外协调与政府的关系,对内协调与教师、学生及其他内部组织团体之间的关系,他们的长校行为具有法律规定性、相对独立性和模糊性特征。中国近代国立大学的发展过程是一个“国立化”的过程。在国立化进程中中国近代国立大学校长经历着诸多角色冲突,突出表现为作为行政官员和国立大学长校人的角色冲突、作为国立大学规划者和办学经费筹措者的角色冲突、作为学者和行政管理者之间的角色冲突。中国近代国立大学校长在中国近代高等教育中扮演的核心角色是:在作为教育者的基础上努力塑造教育家的角色。正是基于对教育家角色的追求,树立了中国近代国立大学校长在中国近代高等教育史上的崇高形象。

【Abstract】 The principals in Chinese modern national universities are primary part of the the principals in Chinese modern universities.They are practitioners and iconic figures during the development of Chinese modern higher education. The study of them has become a current issue in present higher education studies.Based on the existing individual and group studies, the dissertation tries to make a group study on the principals in Chinese modern national universities with a documental study as the main research method. The documents collected cover yearbooks, collection of files, history of universities, and biographies of famous people, etc., fully revealing the groups of the principals in Chinese modern national universities, which offers historical reference for today’s principals.The study covers the period of 1912 to the year of 1949, just before the building of PRC. During these 30 years, China underwent social transforms in bad situations and political disorder, and was threatened by the imperialists. Under such a bad circumstance, Chinese higher education yet had gained remarkable achievements still admired by people today, which was proved to be inseparable to the inner qualities and behaviors of those principals in Chinese modern national universities.The dissertation gives an overall exhibition on the special qualities of those principals, including their higher education, working experiences before the post, nationalities, terms of office, reasons for the post and the resign, their ideas and actions of running school, etc..Set up by the permission of the Education Ministry, funded by state treasury, the Chinese modern national universities (or university colleges) underwent the beginning and fast development, transition and exploration, reorganization, moving to inner places, adjustment and reviving period, with all together 43 universities built and 142 principals appeared. Appointed by government or the highest leaders, the principals in Chinese modern national universities administered all the affairs of the universities and enjoyed the highest treatment. Majored in arts, science, law and engineering, they got rich experiences in higher education and higher academic degrees, most of them were males and had once worked in government departments, aging at 45, and posting 37 months in average.The post of the principals in Chinese modern national universities is of great importance to the development of education and it did not work without the students’approval. Any offence to government or students would result in the loss of the post, which proved to be an important base for his later career development.The principals in Chinese modern national universities are the pioneers in Chinese modern higher education. They had gained rational cognition towards higher education and their ideas on academic freedom and professor-running school had become the main theme in the development of the Chinese modern national universities, full of strong sense of academics, nationality and democracy. During their tenures of office, they needed to adjust the external relations with the government, internal relations with teachers, students and other organizations by their administrating behaviors, which was legal, independent and fuzzy.During the“nationalized”process of the universities, the principals of the Chinese modern national universities went through many role conflicts: the conflict between administrative officers and principals in national universities, the conflict between designers and money raisers for the university, and the conflict between the academic researchers and the administrators, etc.. The key role played by the principals of the Chinese modern national universities in the Chinese modern higher education period has been proven to be the role of an educator, in persuade of which, they had established the lofty images of the principals of the Chinese modern national universities in the history of Chinese modern higher education development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】G649.29
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1167

