

On Diplomacy of Red Cross of China(1949-2009)

【作者】 吴佩华

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国红十字外交,就是在人道主义指引下,中国红十字会以中国政府所签署的国际人道法为依据,积极促进国际合作与友好交流,维护国家领土主权完整统一安全,推动国际红十字运动健康发展,共同促进世界和平与发展的各项活动。本文以中国红十字会融入国际社会为线索,在对1949年至2009年共60年间的中国红十字外交历程做全景式描述的基础上,分别对朝鲜战争、中印战争、越南战争和中越战争时期中国红十字外交的过程、内容以及所发挥的作用进行分析,认为中国红十字外交在战争时期可以发挥“化干戈为玉帛”的功效,并以发展中日、中美关系和加深中苏关系为例,揭示红十字外交在和平状态下促进与加深邦交的“润滑剂”作用。随后,对中国红十字会对外援助(主要是经济援助)进行考察,表明红十字援外外交是政府外交的反映,这在彰显红十字会博爱胸怀的同时,也促进和加深了中国同其他各国之间的友谊。中国红十字外交在维护和促进祖国领土主权完整统一中,积极贯彻“一个中国”原则,发挥了特殊作用,是和平统一的有力推手。此外,在分析红十字会的特殊性和对其第一届理事会的构成分析基础上,并以中国红十字会促进旅日朝侨归国为例,认为,从某种意义上来说,中国红十字外交是中国推行国际统一战线政策的有效形式。总之,新中国成立后,中国红十字会继续高举人道主义旗帜,在复杂的国际环境中,开展外交工作,承担了在特殊情况、突发事件中以及政府不便出面办理的有关事宜,是中国开展民间外交的重要渠道,有利于在国际上展示新中国的良好形象,增强新中国的亲和力、吸引力和感染力,有利于推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。中国红十字外交属民间外交范畴,与政府外交是“有机的整体,二者相互渗透,互为补充”的关系,其地位与作用是其他民间组织所无法替代的。

【Abstract】 Diplomacy of the Red Cross of China is the activities that the Red Cross Society of China carries out under the guidance of the humanitarian on the basis of international humanitarian law signed by China,which promotes international cooperation and friendly exchanges, safeguards the unity and safety of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and promotes the healthy development of the International Red Cross Movement, and jointly promotes the world peace and development.This article first makes a panoramic view of the history of the diplomacy of Red Cross of China from 1949 to 2009,taking its way to the international community as a clue. Respectively,taking the Korean War, the Sino-Indian War, the Vietnam War and the Sino-Vietnam War as examples,analysis the procession, the content and the role of the diplomacy of the Red Cross of China in the times of the war,reveals its effectiveness played as "turning-hostility-into- friendship".And during developing Sino-Japanese, Sino-US relations and deepening Sino-Soviet relations, the diplomacy of the Red Cross of China acts as "lubricant" between countries. Then,this article also takes its foreign material assistance as an example,which can reflect the Government’s diplomacy. The assistance diplomacy of Red Cross of China highlights the love mind and advances in the understanding and the friendship between China and other countries. In addition, the diplomacy of Red Cross of China also plays a special role in safeguarding and promoting the motherland’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, especailly in implementing "one China" principle as the hands which pushes foward for the peaceful reunification.In addition,the reseach reveals that the diplomacy of Red Cross of China, in a sense, is an effective form of the International Uniform Front policy on the base of analysising its specialities and its first session of the Council and promoting the reasonable solution of the Korean Overseas in Japan.In short, after the founding of People s’Republic of China, the Red Cross Society of China continues to hold the banner of humanitarian highly, carried out diplomatic work in a complex international environment,undertakes matters related to the benefits of the Government in exceptional circumstances, emergencies and inconvenience, it is an important channel to carry out civil diplomacy,which can set up a good image of People s’Republic of China, enhance the affinity, attraction and appeal,be conducive to building lasting peace and common prosperity and harmonious world. The diplomacy of the Red Cross of China belongs to the civil diplomacy field, is an organic part of the Government diplomacy, interwoven and complement each other. and its position and role can not be replaced by other civil societies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

