

The Culture of Technological Innovation: Ecological Basis for Cultivating the Core Competency of Higher Vocational Colleges

【作者】 侯长林

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界的竞争日趋激烈,尤其是随着高等学校从社会的边缘逐步走向社会的中心,使以经济为主的竞争逐步转向了以人才为主的竞争,这对高等学校的发展提出了新的更高的要求。作为高等教育一部分的高职教育,在过去的十余年间虽然得到了快速发展,但是目前却面临着国内总体生源逐步萎缩、普通本科院校逐步朝培养应用型人才方面转型、国际教育对生源的争夺和毕业生对就业市场的占领等多方面的压力,因此,为了生存和发展,高职院校必须培育和提升其核心竞争力。本研究从文化生态和技术创新文化的角度,对高职院校核心竞争力的培植和提升进行思考,采取文献法、比较研究法、调查研究法、逻辑分析法,对高职院校技术创新文化与核心竞争力的关联性进行了分析,对高职院校核心竞争力培植的技术创新文化生态基础进行检讨,找到了存在的主要问题及原因,得出了技术创新文化是高职院校核心竞争力培植的生态基础的结论。本研究共分为七部分。第一部分为绪论。从“充满竞争的世界”的社会大背景入手,到对国际国内高校间的竞争的分析,提出了本研究的问题以及研究的意义,然后在文献综述的基础上提出了本研究的思路、内容和方法,并提出本研究努力创新的地方:在高职院校技术创新文化与核心竞争力的关联性研究方面创新,提出“技术创新文化是高职院校核心竞争力培植的生态基础”的新观点;提出了符合我国实际的高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化提升的对策。第二部分,介绍了高职院校核心竞争力、文化生态及其技术创新文化的内涵。先介绍高职教育的内涵和特征,接着介绍核心竞争力的含义、特征和构成,然后介绍文化生态的内涵和特征,再介绍技术创新文化的内涵和特征。本论文认为:高职教育属于高等教育,是高等教育的一种类型,又属于职业技术教育,是职业技术教育的高等阶段,肩负着培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线需要的高端技能型人才的使命,其特征主要表现在两个方面:一是高职教育主要属于技术文化范畴,技术文化特征十分明显;二是高职教育培养的主要是高端技能型人才。高职院校核心竞争力就是指高职院校竞争力中那些最重要、最关键、最本质的能使整个学校保持长期稳定的竞争优势的竞争力,主要就是指人才培养竞争力和技术研发力,其特征主要表现在价值性、不可替代性、延展性、长期性、统摄性、知识性等方面。文化生态主要就是指构成文化整体的各子文化系统的状况和各子文化系统之间的关系,以及各子文化系统与其所处环境之间的关系,其特点主要有时代性、系统性、渗透性和可控制性。技术创新文化就是技术创新实践中所创造的创新产品以及形成的制度规范,是技术创新活动中形成的各种创新认知与观念的总和,其特征主要表现在技术功利性、时空开放性、人文创造性等方面。这些基本认识为本论文的写作奠定了基础。第三部分,对高职院校技术创新文化与核心竞争力的关联性进行了讨论。具体从文化生态与核心竞争力的关系、高职院校技术创新文化是其核心竞争力的生态基础两个方面进行分析,阐述了高职院校技术创新文化与核心竞争力的关联性。在文化生态与核心竞争力的关系中,认为高职院校文化生态是核心竞争力培植的必要条件、文化力是高职院校核心竞争力的核心群中重要的内容、高职院校文化和谐是核心竞争力生长最好的文化生态条件,同时认为核心竞争力对高职院校文化生态的发展具有一定的意义和作用;在高职院校技术创新文化是其核心竞争力的生态基础的讨论中,认为技术创新文化既是高职院校高端技能型人才培养力提升的“土壤”,也是高职院校技术研发力提升的生态前提。第四部分,对高职院校核心竞争力培植的技术创新文化生态现状进行了分析。通过对我国高职院校核心竞争力培植的技术创新文化生态现状分析,总结出了我国高职院校核心竞争力培植的技术创新文化生态自身的优势和劣势,尤其是进一步对高职院校核心竞争力培植的技术创新文化生态进行检讨,找到了存在的主要问题:(一)校园文化生态的失衡。这种校园文化生态的失衡主要表现在:(1)高职院校文化价值的选择具有矛盾性。高职院校在人才培养竞争力培植中所存在的校园物质文化与精神文化的矛盾、科学主义与人文主义的矛盾、技术文化的工具主义与理想主义的矛盾、技术文化与科学文化的矛盾,造成了高职院校校园文化生态的失衡。(2)高职教育制度文化生态残缺。在高职院校人才培养竞争力培植的过程中,高职教育制度文化生态残缺,主要表现在高职教育层次体系不健全、人才培养模式制度缺失、科学研究和技术创新的竞争激励和评价的良好制度没有形成等方面。(3)高职院校物质文化生态类型特征缺失。近几年,我国高职院校校园物质环境建设步伐很快,很多高职院校都建有了现代化的新校区,但是基本上没有考虑高职教育的特点,绝大多数高职院校的新校园与普通高校的校园没有什么差别,看不出高职教育技术文化生态的特征。(二)技术创新文化薄弱。当前,高职院校核心竞争力培植的文化生态存在的问题很多,但主要还是其生态基础的问题。这个问题不是别的,正是技术创新文化的薄弱,主要表现在:(1)高职院校技术创新主体价值取向偏离,具体表现在职业教育价值取向偏离、职业教育思维方式单一、职业教育惯习陈旧等方面。(2)高职院校技术创新文化积淀不足。在科学技术竞争力培植过程中,高职院校技术文化生态存在学术基础薄弱、技术原创力不足等问题。(3)高职院校重视技术传授,轻视技术研发。第五部分,对高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构的思想基础进行了讨论。在讨论中,主要涉及高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构的思想观念的更新、价值取向和基本原则三个方面的问题。在高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构的思想观念更新的讨论中,明确提出要更新传统技术观和坚持技术文化与新人文主义的统一;在高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构的价值取向的讨论中,提出了核心培养力的提升和技术创新研发力的提升是高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构的价值选择的观点;在高职院校核心竞争力培植之文化生态重构基本原则的讨论中,提出了要坚持技术教育的原则、坚持“合和”的原则、坚持继承发展与创新相结合的原则、坚持技术创新与技术伦理相融合的原则。第六部分,对我国高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化提升的对策进行了讨论。通过讨论,明确提出了我国高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化提升的路径主要有:(1)唤醒高职院校主体技术创新文化的自觉。(2)重塑高职院校大学精神文化生态。(3)加强高职院校技术创新和谐团队建设。(4)改善高职院校技术创新文化生态环境。(5)培植高职院校良好的地缘文化生态。(6)重视高职院校技术创新文化特色凝炼。高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化的提升,如果没有文化的觉醒和文化的自觉,显然是不行的。所以,笔者认为:首先应该做的就是充分认识技术创新文化的地位和作用,加强技术文化生态建设,唤醒高职院校主体技术创新文化的自觉。大学精神是高职院校技术创新文化之魂,因此要以技术创新理念为核心、以技术精神为重点、以校训建设为载体、以文化传统为基础,重塑高职院校大学精神。高职院校技术创新文化生态内在地要求其技术创新团队不断走向和谐,只有和谐的团队才具有较高的高端技能型创新人才培养力和技术创新研发力,所以,高职院校要通过统一规划专兼职教师队伍建设,打造理论水平较高的专职教师队伍和动手能力较强的兼职教师队伍,构建其技术创新和谐团队。高职院校技术创新文化生态环境对提升高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化非常重要,笔者认为应该通过营造高职院校学术自由、宽容失败的良好氛围,健全高职院校各项制度文化生态,再造高职院校物质文化生态,重点培育高职院校技术原创力,来建设其良好的技术创新文化生态环境。高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化提升,还必须考虑其外部环境的问题,因为其技术创新文化生态不仅需要校园内部各文化生态间的平衡与和谐,也需要校内文化生态与校外文化生态之间的平衡与和谐,所以,培植高职院校良好的地缘文化生态就是其必然的选择。要培植高职院校良好的地缘文化生态,就要充分挖掘地缘文化中传统文化生态因子,重视产学研结合,才能实现高职院校技术创新文化生态整体的平衡与和谐。特色是技术创新文化追求和发展的方向,对高职院校技术创新文化水平的提升有着十分重要的意义。高职院校技术创新文化特色凝炼牵涉到很多因素,但笔者认为,最重要的是要突出高职教育特征,继承文化传统,挖掘区域文化资源。第七部分为结语。根据研究,得出了“技术创新文化是高职院校核心竞争力培植的生态基础”的结论,提出了高职院校核心竞争力培植之技术创新文化的对策。

【Abstract】 Competition in today’s world has become increasingly fierce. Especially, as higher education institutions are moving away from the marginal fringes of society and coming towards the centre of society, the economic-based competition has gradually shifted to the talent-based competition, which makes the fresh and higher demands on the development of higher education institutions. Although the higher vocational education, as part of higher education, has developed rapidly over the past ten years, it is currently put under such pressures as the gradually shrinking of the overall source of domestic school enrolment, regular higher education institutions’ transition to cultivating applied talents, overseas higher institutions’ contention for the source of school enrolment, graduates’occupancy of the job markets and so on. Therefore, in order to survive and develop, higher vocational colleges must foster and enhance their core competencies. From a perspective of cultural ecology and culture of technological innovation, the present research seeks to investigate the cultivation and promotion of the core competency of higher vocational colleges. By applying the documentary method, comparative method, survey method and logic analysis method to exploring the relation between the culture of technological innovation and the core competency of higher vocational colleges, we discover the major problems and reasons after reviewing the ecological basis for the culture of technological innovation in cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges in China. Eventually, it concludes that the culture of technological innovation is ecological basis for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges.The present dissertation consists of seven chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction to this investigation. Based on the current social background "the world of competitiveness" and the analysis of competition between higher institutions at home and abroad, the issues and significance of the research will be presented. Then in the literature review are the rationale, contents and approaches, and especially what is something new involved, i.e. the study on the relation between the core competency of higher vocational colleges and the culture of technological innovation. A new viewpoint "the culture of technological innovation is the basis for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges" is proposed. It also offers countermeasures corresponding to the reality of our country for promoting the culture of technological innovation in cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges.Chapter Two provides a theoretical background for this study, including such basic concepts and notions as the core competency of higher vocational colleges, cultural ecology, the culture of technological innovation and their implications as well. First, it gives a brief introduction of implications and characteristics of higher vocational education, then the notion, characteristics and construction of core competency; next, the connotation and features of cultural ecology and that of the culture of technological innovation as well. This dissertation argues that higher vocational education is certain to be part of higher education and just a type of it. Meanwhile, higher vocational education is also vocational and technical education, but the higher stage of it. Higher vocational education undertakes the mission of fostering the highly-skilled personnel for the need in the first line of production, construction, serving and administration. It is characterized by the following two aspects:first, higher vocational education mainly fits into the category of technological culture and quite obviously is of this feature; second, higher vocational education mainly aims to foster highly-skilled personnel. The core competency of higher vocational colleges refers to the most important, crucial and essential competency of all, which can help colleges or universities to maintain permanent and stable competitive advantages. This core competency mainly includes the competency of personal training and the competency of science and technology. Its features are mainly characterized by value, irreplaceability, long-term, scalability, unifying and intellectuality, etc.. With regard to cultural ecology, it is actually concerned with the circumstances of each sub-culture system constituting the culture as a whole, and the relations between each sub-culture system and the relation between each sub-culture system and the circumstances the systems are involved in. It has these features:contemporary, systematic, permeable and controllable. The culture of technological innovation means the innovative products created in the practice of technological innovation and the established rules and regulations, which is the sum of all kinds of innovative cognition and notion formed in the technological innovation activities. It is primarily featured by technology utility, open space and time, humanity creativity, etc.. These preliminary understandings help to well prepare for developing the forthcoming investigation.Chapter Three explores the relation between the culture of technological innovation and the core competency of higher vocational colleges. Specifically, by analyzing the relation between the cultural ecology and the core competency of higher vocational colleges and the standpoint "the culture of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges is the ecological basis for cultivating its own core competency", it illuminates the relation between the culture of technological innovation and the core competency of higher vocational colleges. As to the relation between the cultural ecology and the core competency of higher vocational colleges, it is proposed that the cultural ecology is indispensable ecology for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges, the cultural force is a significant part of the core group of the core competency of higher vocational colleges, and the cultural harmony of higher vocational colleges is the most favorable condition of cultural ecology for cultivating the core competency. Meanwhile, we propose that the core competency of higher vocational colleges is considered significant to the development of the cultural ecology of higher vocational colleges and plays a certain role in it. In respect of discussion on "the culture of technological innovation is ecological basis for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges", it is advocated that the culture of technological innovation is not only the "soil" for promoting the fostering force of highly-skilled personnel of higher vocational colleges, but also the ecological premise of their technological research and development capabilities.Chapter Four, we examine the current ecological situation of the culture of technological innovation of cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges. Analyzing this situation, this chapter seeks out the advantages and disadvantages of the cultural ecology of technological innovation for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges in China. In particular, above all, we conduct a review of the cultural ecology of technological innovation for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges, and thereafter search out the major problems:(a) The problem is disequilibrium of ecology of campus culture. This disequilibrium is mainly manifested in the following:First, there exist contradictions in choosing cultural values. During the process of cultivating the competency of personal training, there exist apparent contradictions between material culture and spiritual culture, scientism and humanism, instrumentalism of technological culture and idealism, technological culture and scientific culture, all of which cause the ecological disequilibrium of campus culture in higher vocational colleges. Second, it is about the problem of the cultural and ecological deterioration in higher vocational education systems. During the process of cultivating the competency of personal training, the cultural and ecological deterioration in higher vocational education systems is mainly reflected in such aspects, i.e. imperfect system of higher vocational education levels, lack of system of personnel training model and the fact that no excellent mechanisms have been recognized for competition, incentives and evaluation in scientific research and technological innovation, etc.. The third point pertains to the lack of characteristics of ecological types of material culture in higher vocational colleges. In recent years, rapid progress has been made in physical environment construction in campus of higher vocational colleges in our country and many new and modern campus have been built. Nevertheless, there are no differences between most of these new campus of higher vocational colleges and that of other colleges and universities without any ecological features of technological culture of higher vocational colleges in that basically, no characteristics of higher vocational education are taken into consideration. (b) The innovative culture is proved to be weak. Currently, there exist many problems in the cultural ecology of cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges, but mainly on the ecological basis. It is the very weakness of the culture of technological innovation more than others. In respect of this view, the first thing is deviation of orientation of value of the technological innovation subject in higher vocational colleges. To be more specific, that deviation refers to deviation of orientation of vocational education, stereotyped way of thinking, ideas and notions in vocational education. Secondly, the accumulation of the culture of technological innovation is not sufficient. During the process of cultivating the core competency of science and technology, there exist such problems in the cultural ecology of higher vocational colleges as weakness of academic foundation, lack of technical originality, etc.. Thirdly, higher vocational colleges emphasize technical instructions but neglect the research and development of technology.Chapter Five discusses how to build the theoretical foundations for reconstructing the cultural ecology for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges. This discussion mainly touches upon the three aspects, i.e. updating the ideas and concepts, the orientation of value and basic principles of reconstructing the cultural ecology for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges. In light of updating the ideas and concepts of reconstructing the cultural ecology for cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges, it is explicitly proposed that we are required to update traditional ideology of technology and uphold unity of technological culture and new humanism. With respect to second issue, i.e. the orientation of value, it points out that pinpointing values depends on enhancing the core cultivation force and the core research and development force of technological innovation. As regards the third point, we advocate four principles, i.e. stick to the principle of technological education, the principle of harmony and integration, the principle of combining the inheriting with developing and the principle of integrating technological innovation and technological ethics.Chapter Six investigates the countermeasures for enhancing the culture of technological innovation in cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges in our country. Through discussion, such approaches to enhancing the culture of technological innovation are specified as follows:First, to arouse awareness of the subject of culture of technological innovation in higher vocational colleges. The second approach is to reconstruct the ecology of spiritual culture of higher vocational colleges. The third is to strengthen the construction of harmonious technological innovation team in higher vocational colleges. The fourth approach focuses on improving the ecological environment of technological innovation culture in higher vocational colleges. The fifth deals with how to cultivate favorable cultural ecology for the geographical culture of higher vocational colleges. The six approach is to attach importance to condensing the characteristics of technological innovation culture in higher vocational colleges. Evidently, without cultural awareness and consciousness, hardly is it possible to promote the technological innovation culture of cultivation of the core competency of higher vocational colleges. For this reason, we argue that the most important thing we are required to do is to fully understand the status and role that the culture of technological innovation enjoys and plays, strengthen the ecological construction of technological innovation culture, arouse the awareness of the culture of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges. In respect that the spirit of colleges is the soul of the culture of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges, it is suggested that to reconstruct the college spirit of higher vocational colleges is required to take the notion of technological innovation as the core, the technological spirit as the key, the school mottoes as the carrier and the culture and traditions as the base. The cultural ecology of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges inherently requires their technological innovation team to move forward harmony continously, nothing but the harmonious team have greater force of cultivating highly-skilled, innovative personnel and of technological research and development. Therefore, higher vocational colleges are suggested to build full-time teachers on high theoretical level and part-time teachers with exceptional hands-on ability so as to establish their harmonious team of technological innovation by means of centrally planning construction of full-time and part-time teachers. The cultural environment of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges is of great importance to promoting the culture of technological innovation in cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges. In view of this point, we claim that in constructing favorable ecological environment of technological innovation culture for higher vocational colleges, the key is to improve the cultural ecology of rules and regulations and reconstruct the ecology of physical culture of higher vocational colleges, and above all, to cultivate the technical originality of higher vocational colleges by creating an atmosphere of academic freedom and tolerance to failure. Moreover, issues of external environment also have to be taken into account. The reason is that the cultural ecology of technological innovation not only needs equilibrium and harmony between ecology of various culture within campus but also equilibrium and harmony between ecology of various culture within campus and that outside campus. Therefore, to cultivate favorable geo-cultural ecology of higher vocational colleges is the inevitable choice. In doing so, it is necessary to exploit ecological factors of traditional culture in the geo-cultural ecology, and stress "the integration of producing, studying and researching " with the aim of achieving overall equilibrium and harmony of the cultural ecology of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges. Distinctive features are the direction that the culture of technological innovation pursue and move forward, which is far more significant to enhance the level of the culture of technological innovation of higher vocational colleges. Many factors are involved in condensing characteristics of technological culture innovation of higher vocational colleges. However, we hold that the most important thing is to highlight the characteristics of higher vocational education, carry forward culture and traditions, and exploit regional culture resources.Chapter Seven concludes this dissertation by summarizing the major findings of the study. The conclusion reveals that the culture of technological innovation is ecological basis for the cultivation of the core competency of higher vocational colleges. In the meanwhile, we put forward the corresponding countermeasures for enhancing the culture of technological innovation in cultivating the core competency of higher vocational colleges.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

