

A Research of College Student Cadres Instruction in New Century

【作者】 江志斌

【导师】 罗洪铁;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高校学生干部既是学校教育培养的对象,也是辅导员、班主任开展工作的得力助手,是沟通学校管理与学生学习、生活和工作的重要桥梁。建设一支优良的学生干部队伍,将对于高校党政部门、共青团组织加强和改善大学生的教育、管理和服务,认真履行大学生思想政治教育的职责发挥不可替代的重要作用。近年来,随着我国高等教育从精英教育转向大众化教育,高校学生干部群体的结构、素质等发生了很大的变化,学生干部队伍建设工作出现了许多新情况、新问题。另一方面,高校学生干部队伍建设的理论研究长期以来没有得到足够的重视,理论基础薄弱,理论成果较少,指导实践乏力。因此,对新时期高校学生干部队伍建设进行深入探讨,便成为高校实践工作者和思想政治教育理论工作者的重要课题。本选题采用文献研究、实证研究、系统分析、历史与逻辑相统一和多学科透视的方法,以现代思想政治教育学和高等教育学为理论支撑,系统总结建国以来,特别是改革开放以来我国高校学生干部队伍建设的历史经验和主要成就,借鉴国外和港澳台地区高校学生事务管理的理论与实践经验,针对新时期我国高校学生干部队伍建设中出现的新情况、新问题,系统地探讨了高校学生干部队伍建设理论创新的若干内容。全部论文由导论、正文、参考文献和后记构成。导论和正文要点如下:导论是开篇,主要阐述本论题的理论价值和实践意义,评述这一领域的研究现状,确立本论文的研究思路和框架,对论文采用的研究方法进行说明。本论文认为,总结、提炼、归纳理论界和高校思想政治教育工作者的研究成果,并在此基础上,结合新时期的新情况新特点进行创新和发展,形成新的理论成果,可进一步丰富思想政治教育的学科理论,并在实际工作中增进人们对学生干部队伍建设的理解能力、判断能力、反思透视能力,减少工作的盲目性与随意性,增强工作的针对性和实效性。第一章,新时期高校学生干部队伍建设界说。从中国特色社会主义事业、高等教育发展、学校稳定和谐、大学生思想政治教育以及大学生“三自”活动几个方面分析进行高校学生干部队伍建设的重要意义;主要阐释了学生干部队伍建设相关的基本概念,对学生干部队伍建设的主体、客体、原则、内容、途径、评价等六个主要要素进行分析。第二章,新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的思想理论指导与知识经验借鉴。主要从政治导向、社会主义高等教育方针、高等教育发展规律、思想政治教育的使命等几个方面,阐述了新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的思想指导;从马克思主义经典作家关于党的干部队伍建设和青年人的论述、现代思想政治教育学相关理论以及高等教育学的相关理论中获取理论指导;从人才学、管理学等相关学科借鉴知识,并介绍和借鉴了国外及港台地区高校学生事务管理和青年工作的相关经验。第三章,高校学生干部队伍建设的历史考察。主要采用文献研究法,查阅丰富的历史文献,回顾了我国高校学生组织及学生干部制度的历史沿革和变迁,总结归纳了我国高校学生干部队伍建设的历史经验及取得的主要成就。本文认为,改革开放以来,我国高校学生干部队伍建设始终坚持了共产党的领导和共青团的指导,始终服务于学校的中心工作和学生的成长成才,特别重视学生干部队伍的素质建设,加强了学生干部队伍的制度建设,突出了对学生干部工作的具体指导,这些都是我们取得的宝贵历史经验。同时,高校学生干部队伍建设取得的主要成就包括:形成了比较完善的高校学生组织系统;建立了系列学生干部工作和管理制度;积累了丰富的学生干部教育培养经验;推动了高校人才培养及教育管理工作的顺利发展;培养出了一大批具有坚定理想信念、素质优良和作风过硬的社会主义事业建设者和接班人;创立了丰富的学生教育管理工作理论成果。第四章,新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的现状分析。采用系统分析和实证研究方法,通过对调查问卷的数据和访谈内容分析,阐明了新时期高校学生干部队伍的结构状况、素质状况、工作状况和队伍建设状况,对存在的主要问题及原因进行了分析和归纳。本论文认为,新时期高校高学生干部队伍建设存在重视不够、缺乏整体性和系统性、重人治轻制度落实、投入不够、科学性规划性不强、主体素质不适应等六个方面的问题;造成这些问题的主要原因是:高校学生干部队伍建设在观念和认识上的错位、缺位和越位;高校学生干部队伍建设的内容缺乏条理性、系统性;学生干部队伍建设的方法手段滞后;学生干部队伍建设的机制体制不健全等。问题的明确为提出解决措施找到了现实依据。第五章是本论文的重点,系统全面地分析阐述了新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的实施策略。本章主要从学生干部队伍建设的观念、内容、方法和体制机制等四个方向着手,认真分析各个环节的内涵、特征和原则,提出了具体措施,从系统论的角度建构了“从观念到行为”、“从制度到措施”的新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的策略体系。本论文认为,需要树立以学生为本的高校学生干部队伍建设价值观、任务观、主体观和质量观,增强高校学生干部队伍建设的重视程度和投入力度,尊重高校学生干部队伍多样化的需求;从思想政治建设、工作意识建设、能力建设和班级建设等四个方面系统构建学生干部队伍建设的内容体系;在方法上要注意建设的整体性、层次性,同时要加强梯队建设、阵地建设和专业化建设;要建立和完善学生干部队伍建设的选拔任用机制、教育培养机制、激励约束机制、考核评估机制、反馈调节机制和保障机制。

【Abstract】 College student cadres are not only the object of the college education, but also the helpful assistant to the counselors and teachers. They are the bridge between the college and the students. A reasonable construction, highly quality, hardly style college student cadres is an irreplaceable key role in students ideological educating, enhance and improve the college education, management and service working. In recent years, with the highly education changed from the excellent to the normal, many new situation and problem has emerged from the construction of college student cadres, and the structure and quality of the members of the college student cadres has changed a lot. And at the other aspect, there is neglect of the theory research of the college student cadre construction for a long time, and the relevant result is weak theory base, less theory research, and powerless guidance. So, further research of the construction the new college student cadres become of the new topic of the college practical researchers and the ideological pedagogy researchers.The paper takes the documental research, practical research, systematical research, history and logic research and multiscience research, based on the modern ideological pedagogy and highly education theory, systematically concludes the history experience and achievement of construction of the college student ideological pedagogy from the foundation to the reforming and opening, references to the theory of college affairs management from foreign countries and Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, systematically discussion some aspect of the construction of college student cadres according to the new situations and problems in new times. The article includes introduction, text, reference and postscript. Introduction and text are as follows:The Introduction is the first part of this article. It states the theoretical and practical meaning of the topic. The introduction briefly gives the line and structure of the thesis, and explains the research method used in the thesis. The author states that the new theory of the college ideological educating, combining the research results of the theory and the practical college ideological educating and the new situation and characteristics of new times, may further enrich the theories of the ideological educating, but may also enhance the understanding, judging, and perspective ability in college student cadres instruction. Thus, the aimlessness and randomness may decrease, while the objectiveness and effectiveness may increase.Chapter I give a brief introduction of college student cadres construction. Analysis the significance in university student cadres construction,which contains the socialism with Chinese characteristics, Higher education development, the stability and harmony of college, college students’ideological educating and several aspects of the College Students’ "Three-self" activities, is a statement of college student cadres construction. This part mainly explain basic definition of college student cadres construction, analysis six elements of the construction, such as the subject, object, principle, content, way and evaluation.Chapter II the ideological theory guidance and knowledge experience of college student cadres construction in new times. The article mainly from several aspects such as, the political orientation, Socialist higher education policy, the rule of higher education development, the mission of ideological and political education, systematically elaborates described the ideological guidance of college students’ cadres troop construction in the new era; Get theory guidance about party cadres construction and discussion of young people, modern ideological and political education theory and the relevant theories of higher education from classic Marxist writers; To learn from the knowledge of management theory from the talent, management and other related disciplines as well as foreign affairs college students; and the chapter also introduces the relevant ways and experience of college students affairs management and young people in foreign countries and Hong Kong and Taiwan.Chapter III gives a history review of college student cadres construction. This article mainly uses literature research. The author retraces the history change and development of our college student organization and student cadre system, by Literature Studying to look at abundant history documents, and concludes the experience and mainly achievements of the our college student cadres construction. The author states that, since Reforming and Opening, our college student cadres construction is always under the leadership of the Communist Party, consistently serves the college key work and the growth of the students, especially focuses on the quality of the college student cadres, emphasize the guidance to the student cadres, and enhance the system construction of the college student cadres. These are our precious experience. Meanwhile, The achievements of college student cadres construction includes:complete college student organization system, a series of college student cadres organization and management systems, fruitful college student cadres cultivate experience, sound progress of college talent cultivate and education management, large number of excellent builders and successors of Socialism, and abundant theoretical achievement of college educating and managing. ChapterⅣanalysis the college student cadres construction situation in new times. By using systems analysis method and empirical research methods, Then the article reveals the structure, quality, working and organization construction of new times college student cadres by statistics data of investigation questionnaire, summarizes the mainly problems and the reasons. At last, the author points out that it is urgent to renovate the college student cadres construction. The article points out in new times, there are five primary problems in college student cadres construction, that is inadequate attention, lack of funds, subject low quality, incomplete external environment and poor scientific and normative. And the main reasons for these problems are the deviation in the concepts and understanding of student cadres construction, vague object, dispersive content, lagging method from the situation, and defective working mechanism and system. The clarification of the problems provides real evidence for the solutions.ChapterⅤis the most important part of the article, which systematically and comprehensively states the innovation implementation strategy of the college student cadres construction in new times. The article argues that we should innovate the college student cadres construction idea from four aspect, that is values, task, subject and quality, The chapter seriously analysis the intension, characteristic and principle of all section from the definition, content, ways and mechanism of college student cadres construction, and raises the innovation, specific measures and a new strategy system for the new times college student cadres construction from a system theory, which is from a conception to the movement, and from the system to the measurement. This paper believe that we need to innovate concept from three aspects, That is establishing a student-centered concept of college students cadre construction, strengthening the construction of college student cadre team efforts, and respecting the various demands of college students’ cadres.set up the content system of college student cadres construction from four aspect, that is work consciousness construction, ideological and political education construction, capability construction, organization construction, and comprehensively use the integration, hierarchy, echelon and position construction, To establish and improve the selection and appointment mechanism, education mechanism, Incentive Constraint mechanism, performance evaluation mechanism, feedback and adjustment mechanism, and protection mechanism of student cadres construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

