

The Studies on the Functions of the Communist Youth League of China

【作者】 张华

【导师】 黄蓉生;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 职能是任何组织开展工作和活动都必须遵循的基本规定,也是衡量组织价值的根本所在。共青团是社会主义国家中的重要政治现象,在社会生活中发挥着特殊作用。然而,在经济社会深刻变革的背景下,共青团在实践中表现出许多不适应,这些问题最终都归结到职能的范畴。职能建设在共青团的自身建设中处于基础性的战略位置。深刻认识和把握党对共青团的本质要求,认真剖析和挖掘共青团的政治价值及其不可替代性,科学界定共青团职能的内涵,是共青团始终保持根本政治属性、完成政治使命的必然要求,对于确保党的事业后继有人,以及共青团的自身发展具有至关重要的意义。共青团是党的助手和后备军,这是共青团职能的政治逻辑起点。改革开放以来,面对经济社会的深刻变革,共青团的外部环境发生了重大变化,共青团职能的界定也随之处于摇摆之中。特别是近年来,“组织青年、引导青年、服务青年、维护青年合法权益”被简单地规定为共青团的职能,完全收缩在“青年”的范畴,放大了共青团的社会性,模糊了共青团作用发挥的工作边界和活动边界,同时,也远离了政治层面上共青团的价值取向和精神追求,不能全面准确地反映共青团独特的组织价值。历史证明,只有牢固坚持马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,从共青团的根本政治属性出发,才能在新的形势下,科学界定和准确把握共青团的职能内涵,有效排除各种不利因素,切实保障共青团职能的顺利履行。同时,要着眼未来,深入研究职能的发展和变化,坚持职能发展的基本原则,把握职能发展的一般趋势,确保共青团始终发挥好政党青年组织应有的作用。论文由导论、五章和结论构成。导论:阐述了论题的缘起,分析了论题的现实背景,指出了已有研究的不足,阐明了论题研究的实践意义和理论价值,明确了论题研究的基本思路和基本方法,指出了研究的重点和难点所在,提出了研究的创新之处。第一章:厘定共青团职能的基本概念并简要回顾共青团职能的历史发展。明确了青年组织、共青团等基本概念,对职能的概念进行了辨析,在此基础上确定了共青团职能的基本涵义,分析和提出了共青团职能的基本特征,同时对共青团职能的历史沿革和现实表现进行了回顾和总结。第二章:阐述共青团职能的理论基础、现实依据以及对国外经验的借鉴。系统梳理了经典作家的相关论述,对党在各个历史时期的团建理论的核心观点进行了归纳,强调要从马克思主义政党青年组织的政治属性以及党与青年的现实出发,认真审视共青团职能的基本要素,同时积极借鉴国外政党青年组织的有益经验。第三章:提出共青团职能结构的具体内涵。综合分析认为,共青团的职能具有多元性,并首次提出共青团的职能是个复杂的结构体系,其中有目的性职能,也有具体的工具性职能,还包括马克思主义执政党青年组织的价值性职能,这种结构体系既体现了政党青年组织的属性,也反映了青年组织的基本特点。第四章:分析共青团职能的有效履行。重点剖析了影响职能履行的各种消极因素,结合实际提出了推进政治社会化、支持青年社会参与、服务青年发展、促进政治录用等履行职能的重要途径,从坚持党的领导、加强组织建设、增强内在活力、完善制度设计等方面强调了保障履行职能的重要性。第五章:揭示共青团职能的时代发展。首次从组织现代化和组织认同感两个方面,分析了政党转型之后共青团面临的新挑战,提出了在职能问题上必须要坚持的基本原则,强调职能的发展必须要符合突出先进性、凸现唯一性、强化核心性的共青团发展的根本要求。结论:强调要从共青团的性质原点出发,全面地、历史地、发展地认识和把握团的职能问题,并以此推动团的理论建设的发展。

【Abstract】 The functions of an organization are the basic rules and regulations that had to be abided by in this organization, and they represent the value of this very organization. Communist youth leagues are an important political phenomenon in socialist countries, thus playing an important role in the societies of these countries. However, communist youth leagues, in practice, presented some features and problems that divorced from the realities of society. These problems can find their roots in the functions of communist youth leagues. The clarification and proper definition of their functions is a fundamental and strategic issue in the development of communist youth leagues. Therefore, in order to maintain their fundamental political attribute and fulfill their political mission, communist youth leagues need to thoroughly understand the requirements and expectations of the Party to them, take advantage of their political value and indispensible role, clarify and firmly fulfill their functions. These are also of great significance to the future of the Party and the development of communist youth leagues.Communist youth leagues are the assistant and reserve force of the Party. And this role determines the functions of communist youth leagues. Since the reform and opening up of China, with the economy and society undergoing rapid changes, the external circumstances of China Communist Youth League witnessed great changes. As a result, the domain of functions of China Communist Youth League has also been undergoing changes and modifications. In recent years, the functions of China Communist Youth League were simply stipulated as "organizing, guiding and serving youth; safeguarding the legal rights and interests of youth", which confined the functions of China Communist Youth League to the field of "youth", overemphasized its role of social service, and blurred the boundaries of its work and action. At the same time, it deviated from the values and spiritual pursuits of China Communist Youth League form the political perspective and failed to reflect the unique value of China Communist Youth League. It has been proved by history that only by faithfully adhering to the position, standpoints and methodologies of Marxism, and based on the fundamental political attribute of communist youth leagues, can China Communist Youth League, under the new circumstance, define and grasp its functions by overcoming the various unfavorable factors and unswervingly performing its functions and duties. Meanwhile, China Communist Youth League should play its role as the youth organization of the Party by looking to the future, probing into the change and development of its functions, following the principles of function development and grasping the trend of function development.This paper consists of the introduction, the main body, which is divided into five chapters, and the conclusion.The introduction part introduced the origin, background, practical significance, theoretical value, structure and methodology of this paper. The deficiency of previous studies, the emphases, major difficulties and innovations of this paper was also included in this part.Chapter 1 clarified the concept of the functions of communist youth leagues and overviewed the development of their functions in history. By making clear some basic concepts such as youth organization and communist youth league, and distinguishing a group of similar concepts such as function, duty and role, this chapter fixed the basic meaning and connotation of the functions of communist youth leagues, proposed the major features of these functions, and overviewed the historical evolution and practical performance of these functions.Chapter 2 probed into the theoretical foundation and basis of the functions of communist youth leagues and the experience they learned from the abroad. By listing the classic formulations and concluding the core principles of youth league development made by the Party over different periods, this chapter emphasized that communist youth leagues should, based on the realities of the Party and youth, and their political attribute of serving as the youth organization of Marxist parties, make clear the major elements of their functions, and at the same time, learn from the experience and good practice of their foreign counterparts.Chapter 3 explained the meaning and connotation of the function structure of communist youth leagues. After comprehensive analysis, it was proposed in this chapter that the functions of communist youth leagues can be divided into many aspects. And it was proposed, for the first time, that these functions formed a complex structure. Among this structure, there are functions fulfilling certain purposes, functions serving the role of instruments, and functions representing the value of youth organizations of the Marxist ruling parties. This structure not only embodies the attribute of communist youth leagues as youth organizations of the Party, but also reflects the common features of all kinds of youth organizations. Chapter 4 probed into the fulfillment of the functions of communist youth leagues. By analyzing the various unfavorable factors which hindered the fulfillment of these functions and considering the practice, this chapter listed a number of means for fulfilling these functions, such as promoting political socialization, support youth involvement in the society, serving the development of youth and improve political hiring. The importance of fulfilling these functions was also emphasized in this chapter from the aspects of adhering to the leadership of the Party, strengthening the construction of organization, improving the internal vitality and perfecting institutional design.Chapter 5 introduced the development of the functions of communist youth leagues with the time. This chapter, for the first time, from the aspects of organizational modernization and identification, listed all the challenges communist youth leagues will face after the Party finishes its transformation and proposed the basic principles that have to be abided by in terms of functions. It was emphasized that the function development of communist youth leagues should comply with the fundamental requirements of communist youth league development, namely, emphasizing the advancement, presenting the uniqueness and strengthening the leading position of communist youth leagues.The conclusion part proposed that communist youth leagues should, based on their nature and attribute, understand their functions from a comprehensive, historic and dynamic perspective and achieve the development of their theoretical construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

