

【作者】 徐茂华

【导师】 冯颜利;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 以人为本是当前我国政治、经济和社会等诸领域使用概率最高的,具有广泛普适性的词汇之一,这是令人欣喜与兴奋的时代文明之音,社会进步之声。因此深入研究以人为本评价指标体系不仅可以推动以人为本思想本身的发展,丰富和深化马克思主义关于人的全面发展思想,而且还有利于破解我国当前发展的各种难题,解决我国经济社会发展存在的弊端,进一步加快我国全面建设小康社会的步伐和努力构建社会主义和谐社会的进程,真正实现发展为了人民,发展依靠人民,发展成果有人民共享的以人为本的执政理念。本文的导论部分,主要是从历史的视野对以人为本评价指标体系研究论题进行阐述,分析了目前国内外研究的现状、研究的方法和思路、研究的重点和难点问题、研究的创新之处以及选题缘起和意义。第一章以人为本思想和评价指标体系界说,主要是对以人为本相关概念和以人为本评价指标体系相关概念解析,提出以人为本的“人”,就是指人民群众。在当代中国,就是以工人、农民、知识分子等劳动者为主体,包括社会各阶层人民在内的中国最广大人民。以人为本的“本”,就是本源,就是根本,就是出发点、落脚点,就是最广大人民的根本利益。因此,以人为本有两个层次的含义,一是以人的生命、个人为本。二是以人民为本,以大多数人为本,就是以最广大人民的根本利益为本,不断满足人们多方面的需求和实现人的自由而全面的发展。当个人利益与集体利益、少数人的利益与多数人的利益发生矛盾时,必须服从集体利益,服从多数人的利益,也更应强调第二层含义,我国实践的以人为本就是两层含义的有机统一。“以人为本”,这最简明的四个字体现了我们党的理论、纲领、路线、方针、政策以及全部实践活动的精髓。实现无产阶级和全人类的解放以及每个人的自由发展,这是全部马克思主义的精神实质。第二章以人为本评价指标体系研究的理论基础和实践基础。本章认为马克思主义的人学理论、系统科学理论、可持续发展理论、科学发展观理论是其理论基础,而当今的世情、国情、党情、实情是其实践基础。第三章以人为本评价指标体系研究的目的和原则。主要阐述研究以人为本评价指标体系是为了更好地贯彻落实科学发展观、更好地解决经济社会发展中诸多矛盾和问题、更好地实现人的自由而全面的发展、更好地建立我国政府政绩评价指标体系,在研究中一定要坚持科学性、系统性、层次性、操作性、实用性、可持续性以及注重可比性和权威性等原则。第四章以人为本评价指标体系的构建。通过对科学发展观的学习,深刻领会以人为本的科学内涵,充分借鉴吸收国家和部分省市有关综合评价指标体系的成果,拓宽视野和思路,确立了以人为本评价指标体系的构架,其主体构架为:3个分目标、10个复合指标、50个具体指标,从而共同构成了的以人为本评价指标体系,具体涵盖了发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享等三个领域,每个领域都由若干个复合指标和具体指标构成。首先以人为本评价指标体系的选取过程是一个从具体到抽象再到具体的辩证逻辑思维过程,分为以下三个环节:首先,确定以人为本评价指标初选方法为德尔菲法(专家咨询法)、文献资料法、理论分析法,层次分析法和频度统计法,这是一个多种方法的综合运用,依据党的十七大报告的第三部分,选取了发展为了人民,发展依靠人民,发展成果由人民共享等三方面作为以人为本评价指标体系中的分目标:围绕三个分目标,采用问卷形式,预约40名专家,对问卷进行统计,确定了经济发展水平指标,社会公正指标,教科文卫指标,生存环境指标,民主建设指标、公民权利保障指标、政府工作的民主化指标,生活水平指标、教育培训指标、信息技术普及应用指标等10个复合指标:类似复合指标的选取,且围绕10个复合指标确定了GDP增长速度、人均GDP、人均财政收入、人均投资额、工业化率、城镇化率、全社会劳动生产率、基尼系数、.城乡居民收入比、基本社会保障覆盖率、贫困发生率、就业歧视指标、性别平等指标、慈善捐款占GDP比重、司法公正情况指标等50个指标为具体指标,这样最终选取并构建了以人为本评价指标体系,即包括3个分目标,10个复合指标,50个具体指标。其次采用的是定性分析,对以人为本评价指标进行优化,然后运用模糊数学的方法(Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation,简称FCE),随机从本文选定的40位专家中抽取5位专家,让他们给我们已经建立的以人为本评价指标体系中的分目标、复合指标、具体指标分别赋予相应的权重,各级指标权重的确定,这样才能够建立一套科学合理的以人为本评价指标体系表。最后收集与处理统计指标,采用原始数据的标准化处理,从而计算领域指标值和总指标值。第五章以人为本评价指标体系的表现形式与运用。本文认为综合指标形式(包括总目标指标和三个分目标指标)和分析报告形式(包括总体报告和专题报告)为以人为本评价指标体系的表现形式。而评价我国政府落实以人为本的总体情况和为国家和地方政府提供重要的决策依据和政策建议,这是本文研究成果的具体运用,并且运用本文以人为本评价指标体系总表,依据重庆市2009年、2010统计年鉴年,对重庆市政府2008年、2009年以人为本进行了实证研究,结论为重庆市政府2008年以人为本指标值为72.35%、2009年以人为本指标值为81.99%,可见重庆市2009年以人为本评价指标值比2008年以人为本评价指标值高出9.64%,说明重庆市以人为本水平在提高,这符合重庆市的实际,因为2008年7月20日重庆市市委召开了三届三次会议,会议提出了建设以民生为核心的“平安重庆、畅通重庆、宜居重庆、森林重庆、健康重庆”等五个重庆建设,因而2009年重庆市以人为本评价指标值比2008年指标值高出9.64个百分点。通过重庆市2008、2009年以人为本指标的实证研究和比较分析,强有力地说明了重庆市政府以人为本的程度和水平在提高,也彰显了重庆市政府所实施的系列民生工程的伟大成效,这当然更是我国政府以人为本的小小缩影,因此本文为我国各级政府提供政策建议具有十分重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 People-oriented, one of the terms with high universality, is quoted at a high rate in the current political, economic and social areas, as we all see, this is the voice of the encouraging and exciting modern civilization as well as the social development. Therefore, to do research on the evaluation index system of people-oriented in depth not only can promote the development of the people-oriented ideology, abound and deepen the Marxism on the thought about the comprehensive development, but also helps to solve various development problems, settle the existing misunderstandings in development, and further accelerates the modernization in China and the all-round construction of well-off society construction pace, as well as truly realize the ruling principle of human-centered which is development for the people, development depending on the people and people sharing the fruits of development.In the part of introduction, from a historical perspective, it mainly analyses the current domestic and international research situation, the research methods, the difficult problems of research and the research innovation on the "people-oriented "index system as well as the background and meaning of choosing this subject. The first chapter expounds the people-oriented ideology and index system theory which mainly analyzes the related concepts about people-oriented and its index system. The "person" in People-oriented refers to the people. In modern China, that is the Chinese people of workers, peasants, intellectuals and other workers as the main body, including the people of all walks of life. The "this" in People-oriented is the origin, is the root, is the starting point, the end-result, and is the fundamental interest of the major people. Therefore, people-oriented is with two levels of meaning, and one refers to human life, individual. The other side, people-oriented, that is most people-oriented, which refers to the most fundamental interests of the major people, and continually meets the various needs, achieves human freedom and comprehensive development. When the individual interests and collective interests, minority interests and the interests of the majority come into conflict, it must obey the collective interest, subordinate to the majority’s interests, and here the second of meaning should be stressed, and our practice is the organic Unity of the meanings of two layers of people-oriented. "People oriented", the most concise words reflect our party’s theory, program, line, principles, policies, and the essence of all the practical activities. The liberation of the proletariat and mankind, and the free development of each person is all the essence of Marxism. The second chapter sets forth the theory and practical basis of the research on people-oriented index system. This chapter argues that the people theory of Marxist, system theory, sustainable development theory, the scientific concept of development theory, is its theoretical foundation, and today’s world situation, circumstances, and the party situation, the fact is its basis for practice. The third chapter elaborates the objective and principle of the research on people-oriented index system. This chapter mainly elaborates that evaluation index system of people-oriented is in order to better implement the scientific concept of development, to better settle many contradictions and problems among economic and social development, and to better realize free and comprehensive development of human, to better build an evaluation Index system of government performance. We must adhere to the scientific, systematic, hierarchical, operational, practical, sustainable, principles focusing on of comparability and authority in the study. The fourth chapter introduces the establishment of people-oriented index system. Through learning the scientific concept of development, understanding the profound meaning of people-oriented, the fully referring the results about comprehensive evaluation index system of nation and some province and municipality, broadening the vision and ideas, a people-oriented evaluation system architecture is established, and its main structure is:3 Sub-goals,10 composite indicators,50 specific indicators, which together constitute a people-oriented evaluation index system, which specifically covers three areas that development for the people, development relying on the people and sharing the fruits of development by the people, each one is made up with a number of composite index and specific indexes. First, the selection process of people-oriented evaluation index system is a logic thinking process from concrete to abstract and then to the specific, and it is divided into the following three aspects:the primary methods of people-oriented evaluation index system are the expert consultation, literature, theoretical analysis, AHP and frequency statistics, and it is a confirmation of comprehensive use of various methods. According to the report of the Seventeenth Party Congress Part III, development for the people, development relying on the people and sharing the fruits of development by the people are selected as the sub-goals of people-oriented evaluation index system:the questionnaires are made around three sub-objectives, using the questionnaire form and with an appointment of 20 experts, and then the 10 composite indicators identified such as the level of economic development index, social justice index, UNESCO health indicators, living environment indicators, indicators of democracy, civil rights protection index, the democratization of government work index, indicators of living standards, education and training indicators, information technology popularization index:like the selection of composite index, and according to 10 composite indicators we determine the 50 indicators such as GDP growth rate, per capita GDP, per capita revenue, per capita investment, industrialization rate, urbanization rate, total social labor productivity, the Gini coefficient, urban and rural residents income ratio, the basic social security coverage, the incidence of poverty, discrimination in employment indicators, gender equality index, the proportion of charitable donations in GDP, and indicators of justice as the specific target, which will ultimately establish the people-oriented evaluation index system, which includes three sub-goals,10 composite index and 50 specific indicators. Second, optimize people-oriented evaluation index using qualitative analysis, and then randomly select five experts from our selected 20 experts using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE), to insure them give appropriate weight for the sub-objectives, the composite indicators and the specific indicators of the established people-oriented evaluation index system in order to establish a scientific and reasonable people-oriented evaluation index system table. Finally, collect and process statistical indicators, then calculate the field index value and total index value using the standardized processing of raw data. The fifth chapter explains the expressing form and application of people-oriented index system. This paper argues that the form of integrated indicators, including the overall objective indicators and the three sub-objectives index) and analysis report form (including the general reports and thematic reports) are the manifestations of people-oriented evaluation index system. The general situation of the evaluation of government implementing people-oriented and providing important basis for decision making and policy recommendations for state and local governments are the specific application of results of this article. Based on people-oriented evaluation index system table, according to Statistical Yearbook of Chongqing in 2009,2010,we make an empirical study on people-oriented of Chongqing municipal government in 2008,2009, and the conclusion is that the people-oriented indicators of Chongqing municipal government is 79.72% in 2008,91.81% in 2009, so it shows that people-oriented evaluation index value in Chongqing in 2009is higher than 12.09% in 2008, indicates that the level of people-oriented in Chongqing increases. And this is in line with Chongqing reality, that is because Chongqing Municipal Party Committee held three sessions of three meetings on the July 20,2008, which proposed the construction of five of Chongqing with the construction of people’s livelihood as the core "Peace Chongqing, Expedite Chongqing, Livable Chongqing, Forest Chongqing, Health Chongqing", so the people-oriented evaluation index value of Chongqing Municipality in 2009 is higher than in 2008 with 12 percentage points. The empirical research and comparative analysis people-oriented indicators of Chongqing in 2008,2009 not only indicates strongly that the extent and level of the people-oriented of Chongqing municipal government are improving, but also highlights the great results of a series of livelihood projects implemented by the Chongqing municipal government, which of course is a small microcosm of the people-oriented in our state.

【关键词】 评价指标以人为本研究
【Key words】 Index systemPeople-orientedResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

