

Archaeology in Taosi: The Empirical Analysis of Technique

【作者】 王晓毅

【导师】 石金鸣;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 襄汾陶寺是黄河中游地区新石器时代末期的一处重要遗址。其位于汾河下游临汾盆地东部塔尔山山前丘陵地带,整个遗址背山面水,地势较高,水源充足,且在古代气候湿润,植被繁茂,黄土易于挖穴构屋,冬暖夏凉,十分利于原始先人定居生活,是理想的聚居之地。上世纪70年代末以来,通过考古工作者的不断努力,这里发现了王级大墓、面积达280万平方米的史前古城、具有天文观象功能的大型夯土台基、具有柱网结构的宫殿台基等重要遗迹。此外,还发现早期铜器、彩绘陶器、玉钺、玉璧、玉璜、玉兽面等具有礼器性质的玉器,彩绘漆木器、石磬等重要遗物。这些遗迹与遗物的发现,结合文献记载等,学界一般将其与唐尧部族相联系,陶寺遗址很可能就是传说中的“尧都平阳”本文以技术史研究为目的,通过陶寺遗址考古发掘、陶寺遗址石制品调查、中条山矿冶遗址田野调查、吕梁山岢岚、宁武等地窑洞式居住址的考古发掘工作,新获取一批适合技术史研究的考古材料,包括石制品、夯土、居址白灰面、陶窑内窑汗以及烧流的陶片等,尤为重要的是,在陶寺遗址新获得一件铜制品——铜环,在中条山发现早于商代的采矿遗址并获得了一批早期采矿遗物——亚腰石锤、石阡等。在尽可能全面收集以往数据的基础上,用新的实验方法、新的实验仪器对新获取的考古材料进行实验室分析。通过这些实验,得到一批新的实验数据,再与以往的结论和数据进行比较分析,尽可能真实地反映当时的技术发展水平。在石器制造技术研究中,设计了一组模拟实验。根据以往的研究成果以及2008年陶寺遗址石制品调查的成果,先对当时人类可能采用的工具套以及操作链进行推测,再制造出相应的工具套,用这些工具按照推测的操作链在陶寺遗址采集的同类原料上进行模拟实验,详细记录了整个过程中石制品及副产品的变化,通过与考古遗址中发现的石制品进行对比分析,尝试对当时石器制作技术及生产模式进行复原研究。在制陶技术研究中,利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪对陶寺遗址采集的91块陶片进行化学元素成分测试,根据测试结果,认为其制作各类陶器所用的塑性原料应是取自本地的红黏土。通过对已经发表陶器的痕迹分析,对当时陶器的成型工艺、修整工艺、装饰工艺等做了复原研究。通过对陶窑形制分析及窑内遗物烧成温度测试,还原了当时陶器的烧造环境。在治玉技术研究中,通过系列样本的科学分析,得知当时人随葬的玉、石器中仅有十分之一是透闪石真玉,来源可能是新疆等地,其他都是来自附近山中的大理石、蛇纹石之类的美石。通过对晋南地区陶寺、清凉寺、下靳三处墓地出土随葬玉石器表面痕迹的观察,推测当时的开料是以片切割为主,钻孔有实心钻与空心钻两种,而且玉器磨光之后极少使用其他装饰技法。在冶金技术研究中,通过对陶寺遗址出土四件铜器金属成分的分析,发现了史前最早的砷青铜合金。通过对齿轮形器及铜铃形态及痕迹的观察,结合夏县东下冯出土石范、偃师二里头遗址出土陶范的情况,对史前范铸工艺做了复原研究。在建筑技术研究中,通过对陶寺遗址出土各类建筑遗迹的分析,讨论了当时的建筑技术及建筑水平。陶寺先民对建筑史的贡献主要有白灰、石膏等建筑装饰材料的应用;水井的发明;陶板作为建材的使用;版筑技术应用于城墙、宫殿等大型夯土建筑当中。通过对当时石器、陶器、玉器、冶金及建筑技术的研究,总结出当时的几项重要的技术成就以及审曲面孰、利用则止的技术观。建立在技术研究的基础上,对当时社会的生产组织状况也做了一些探讨,分析由于掌握这些技术而给社会带来的种种变革,通过技术的发展情况来解释一些社会现象,并建立其因果关系的逻辑链条。通过对陶寺遗址古人技术发展状况的总结,分析出技术进步带来了深入的社会分工、贸易和产品交流的常态化,从而导致社会更加复杂化;技术进步使文字、天文历法、铜礼器、乐器、玉器等文明因素产生并推广,从而导致文明起源;技术进步使军队、城等国家机器和保卫设施产生,并产生了凌驾于一切的“王”,从而导致国家起源。

【Abstract】 Taosi is an important archaeological site dating to the late Neolithic period in the middle reaches of Yellow River. It is located in the Linfen Basin situated in the lower reaches of Fen River. This site faces to the Fen River and is back on to the Taer Mountain. It was the ideal place for settlement due to its higher terrain with sufficient water, and its humid climate and lush vegetation during the Neolithic period. Also the texture of loess there is helpful to build cave dwellings in which is warm in winter and cool in summer.Since the late of 1970s, many important archaeological remains were discovered, including large tombs which were presumed to be the king rank, a rammed-earth enclosure which covered 280 ha area, a large-scale rammed-earth terrace functioned as astronomical observatory and palatial foundations with rows of column holes. Moreover, large quantities of delicate artefacts were unearthed, including fragments of bronze artefacts, polychrome pottery, jade ritual artefacts, wooden/lacquer artefacts and stone Qing, etc. Based on these discoveries and the written records, Taosi was regarded as the Tang Yao tribe by scholars and the Taosi site was considered as Ping Yang, the capital of Yao record in Chinese legend.This thesis focused on studying the history of technology and tried to reflect the technology level during the Taosi Culture by analysing the old and new discovered artefacts. These artefacts included lithic artefacts, rammed-earth, lime fragment, pottery shards, bronze ring, hammer stones, etc. from archaeological excavations at Taosi, an surface survey on the lithic artefacts at Taosi, an investigation on mining and metallurgy sites and excavations on the cave dwellings sites in Kelan and Ningwu. This thesis not only collected as comprehensive materials as possible, but also analysed them by applying new measure method and new instruments. Based on these analyses and the comparison with the old data, the technological level during the Taosi Culture was tried to be recovered. A replication experiment was designed. After the tool assemblages and Chaine Operatoire possibly used at Taosi were presumed, a corresponding tool assemblage was produced and was used to manufacture the stone tools on the same raw materials in the experiment as those used at the Taosi Culture. The experiment process was record in detail. By comparing with the lithic artefacts discovered at the site, the technology and production mode in the lithic production at Taosi were discussed.Concerning the technology on the pottery production, an analysis on chemical elements was carried out. It was concluded that the plastic raw materials used in the pottery production was local red clay. Also the shaping technology and decoration technology etc were studied by analysing the traces on pottery. Moreover, the firing atmosphere was recovered by analysing the shapes of kilns and testing the temperature of the leftovers in the kiln.As for the technology of jade production, it was concluded that the only 10% of the stone and jade artefacts buried in tombs were made of tremolite possibly from Xinjiang, and the rest were made of marble or serpentine from nearby mountains. Moreover, it was presumed that film cutting was possibly the main cutting method in jade production by studying the jades from the tombs at Taosi, Qingliangsi and Xiajin. Also drilling and hollow drilling exist. No decoration but polishing was used.As for the technology in the bronze production, by analysing the metal components of the four bronze artefacts unearthed from Taosi, the earliest arsenic bronze in prehistory was discovered. As well the prehistory molding technology was studied by observing the bronze the bronze artefacts and comparing with the stone models unearthed from the Dongxiafeng site and the pottery models from the Erlitou site.The architecture technology and architecture level were discussed by analysing the architecture remains uncovered at Taosi. Lime and gypsum were considered to be used in the architecture decoration. Well and tiles have been invented during Taosi. Typography technology was applied in the construction of rammed-earth enclosures and palaces, etc.By studying the technology of stone tools, pottery, jades, metallurgy and architecture, a few important achievements on technology were listed and a technology perspective of creation in accordance with environment and using only was summarised.Based on the technology research, the production organisation was also discussed. Some social phenomena were tried to be explained by the way of application of technology and development. It was concluded that the development of technology impeded the social division, exchange and trade, and further led society to be more complicated. Also the development of technology promoted the appearance of the writing, calendar, bronze ritual artefacts, musical instruments and jades, so that civilization was occurred. Moreover, the development of technology made it possible for army, city and even King to occur, as led state origin.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

