

On Strategic Enterprises Compensation Management Tactics

【作者】 李光

【导师】 梁嘉骅;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 战略性薪酬管理是顺应时代的要求和企业的可持续发展的基础上提出的,其无论在激励员工积极性,还是节约经营成本,提高企业的竞争优势方面都发挥着重要的效能作用。我国企业的薪酬体系随着改革开放和市场经济的发展不断地调整、改革,但从战略性薪酬管理的角度来看,还存在许多问题。面对今天日益激烈的竞争,我国企业如何提高薪酬管理水平,通过战略性薪酬管理吸引、留住和激励员工,增强企业的竞争力是当前十分紧迫的问题。本文在分析我国企业薪酬管理的现状与特点的基础上,从人力资源管理的几个重要环节,包括人员招聘、员工培训、绩效考核、人才储备等方面较为详尽地研究了企业的战略性薪酬管理,并提出了薪酬管理的相应策略。本文主要做了以下突破与贡献:1.论述了20世纪企业生态背景下企业管理的伟大变革——战略管理与战略性薪酬管理产生的原因。人类进入了20世纪,企业生态环境发生了巨大的变化。20世纪中叶以后,随着第三次科技革命的到来,人类逐步由工业社会进入信息社会,工业社会的重复性工作转变为信息社会的创新性工作。企业由工业社会的常规生产和服务转向信息社会的创新产品和服务,一般管理转向战略管理。20世纪80年以来的战略性人力资源管理随着战略管理理论的产生而产生和发展起来,把人视为企业战略竞争的战略资源和关键资源。由于企业通过战略性的薪酬管理能够获得战略性人才,而战略性人才的创新能力能够使企业保持持久的竞争优势,战略性薪酬管理就成了人们最为关切的话题。2.战略性薪酬管理和一般传统意义上的薪酬管理区别开来。战略性薪酬管理与传统的薪酬管理相比至少具有以下几个优势:(1)战略性薪酬可以使企业网络和聚集到企业需要的各种类型的人才,满足企业发展和竞争的需要。(2)战略性薪酬管理着眼于企业人力资源成本效率的提高,用效率换取盈利能力,而不是单单的人力成本控制。(3)战略性薪酬可以调动员工的积极性、提升企业的凝聚力、改善企业的文化氛围,创造企业的无形价值。3.提出了按劳分配理论的创新构想——由按劳分配转向战略性薪酬分配。按劳分配理论是工资理论,是对已实现的收益进行分配,是现存的、静态的分配;战略导向的薪酬分配是对已实现的收益和未来收益期望而进行的分配,是面向未来的、动态的分配。制定企业战略导向的薪酬分配方案,也就是说根据企业的战略目标制定薪酬分配方案,使企业的薪酬方案能够推进企业目标的实现。具体来说,就是在建立与现代企业制度相适应的薪酬分配制度的原则下,分配向战略岗位和战略性人才倾斜的政策,即根据不同的人力资本价值制定不同的分配方案。4.论述了战略性薪酬管理的具体对策。提出了员工招聘的薪酬策略、员工培训的薪酬策略、绩效考核的薪酬策略和人才储存的薪酬策略。运用现代管理科学的理论和方法对企业人力资源管理各环节的薪酬战略进行科学决策。具体包括:(1)运用信号机制招聘优秀员工;用序数效用理论模型决定员工的最优薪酬福利组合,在资源条件不变的条件下,使企业和员工双方达到“双赢”;(2)运用成本——收益模型对员工培训进行科学决策,有效地规避人力资源投资风险;建立战略薪酬体系,加速培训效果的转化;(3)根据企业战略来设计工作流程,根据工作流程和工作分析确定绩效标准和绩效薪酬,使绩效薪酬有利于企业战略的实现;(4)通过建立公平性的经济报酬体系和伦理管理、职业管理的非经济报酬体系来实现对人才的储存。薪酬管理与人力资源管理的横向匹配策略,是战略性薪酬管理的具体体现与实施。5.运用博弈论与信息经济学的理论对战略性薪酬管理的方法进行描述。建立了员工招聘、培训、储存的动态博弈模型,用逆向递推法论证人力资源管理各环节如何实施战略性薪酬管理,使企业既能招到人才、培训人才,又能留住人才,构建人力资本优势,保证可持续发展。建立了企业与员工的完全信息的静态博弈模型,论述了企业科学设计薪酬的激励机制,使员工在工作中积极主动地发挥自己的潜能,实现企业和员工的“双赢”。运用委托——代理模型进行薪酬决策,达到对员工实施有效激励的目的。6.构建了战略性薪酬管理效果的评价模型。从指标的筛选、权重的确定到评价方案都以企业战略性薪酬管理为核心,对薪酬战略实施的效果进行评估,为企业战略性薪酬管理的实施提供基础性支持。这些方法包括层次分析法、因素分析法、成本——效益分析法等,分别从不同的角度对战略性薪酬管理进行科学的定量分析,方法简便,易于操作。7.从我国企业薪酬管理的现状和存在的问题出发,对我国企业实施战略性薪酬管理提出了对策建议,并对我国企业薪酬管理的未来进行了展望。重视人力资本产权的薪酬战略,会在不同时期、不同地域出现贫富差距的拉大。通过实现战略性薪酬管理来逐步减少贫富差距,最终实现共同富裕。总之,本文在写作与研究过程中始终坚持以下几个原则:1.系统性原则。即在结构安排上,追求内容上的关联性、逻辑上的层次性、结构上的完整性、论述上的重点突出性,进而使全文的内容浑然一体、自然流畅。2.创新性原则。首次提出了个人分配从“按劳分配为主”变“按人力资本产权为主”原则。运用动态博弈原理分析了企业与员工之间博弈结构,指出了企业薪酬的应对策略;运用层次分析法对薪酬战略的实施效果加以检验,通过评价来显示薪酬策略对企业战略实现的贡献的大小。3.操作性原则。战略性薪酬管理的关键在于一个企业能否真正地实施薪酬战略。因此,薪酬战略的设计方案,包括薪酬体系、薪酬结构、薪酬水平的布局,一定要具有现实的可操作性,让现实中的企业能够拿来服务于企业的经营管理,才是最有意义的。本文在写作过程中,力求做到这一点,追求语言简洁、方法适用、阐述扼要、方案具体、措施详尽、举例旁证,使企业能够在实践中加以运用。

【Abstract】 As the requirements of The Times and the sustainable development of enterprise, the strategic compensation management is mentioned. Strategic compensation management plays an important role in encouraging employees’enthusiasm, saving operating costs and enhancing competitive advantage of the enterprise. With the enterprise reform and development of market economy in China, the compensation system has continued to adjust and reform itself; however, seeing from the strategic compensation management perspective, there are still many problems existed in the compensation management. Facing the increasingly fierce competition today, we should how to improve the management level, how to attract, retain and encourage employees and how to enhance enterprise’s competitiveness are all becoming the urgent problems. This paper analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the enterprise’s compensation management in China. This paper studies the strategic compensation of enterprise from several important parts, including staff recruitment, staff training, performance appraisal and management, from several important parts, including recruitment, staff training, performance appraisal and talents reserves and puts forward the corresponding compensation management strategies.This paper mainly made the following breakthroughs and contributions:1.This paper discusses the great change of business management in the ecological background of the 20th century-the causes of the emergence of strategic management and strategic compensation management. In the 20th century, the business ecology has undergone tremendous changes. After the middle of the 20th century, with the arrival of the third technological revolution, the human gradually realize the shift from industrial society into the information society, and the shift from repetitive tasks in industrial society into innovative tasks in information society. The enterprises has changed the conventional production in industrial society into the innovative products and services in information society, and changed the general management into strategic management. Since the 1980s, the strategic human resource management has emerged and developed with the strategic management theory, and then the human resources has become the key of strategic and competitive resources in enterprise. Because of the strategic compensation management, the enterprise achieves the strategic human resources, and their talent of innovation allows enterprises to maintain sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, strategic compensation management becomes the most concern among people.2. This paper distinguishes the strategic compensation management and traditionally general compensation management. Combining the strategic management of human resources and compensation management, the paper describes the concept of strategic compensation management, and compares the strategic compensation management with traditional compensation management, there are at least the following advantages:(1) the strategic compensation can make the enterprise network and gather various types of talents which are needed by the enterprise in order to satisfy the needs of enterprises’development and competition. (2)Strategic compensation management focuses on the growth of cost-efficiency of human resources, and it uses efficiency to earn for profitability, not just the human cost control. (3) the strategic compensation can mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees, promote enterprise’s cohesion, improve enterprises’culture atmosphere, and create enterprises’intangible value.3. This paper puts forward the innovation ideas about distribution according to staff’s performance--a strategic shift from the distribution according to staff’s performance into the strategic compensation distribution The theory about distribution theory is a wage theory, an allocation of realized proceed and also is the existent and static distribution. Strategic direction of the compensation distribution is those which have achieved the revenue and earnings expectations for the future distribution and is the future-oriented and dynamic allocation. The formulate of enterprise strategy-oriented policy of compensation distribution is based on the strategic objectives of enterprises, in order to realize the enterprises’ goals. Specifically, in principle of establishing the compensation distribution system which is suited to the modern enterprise system, to stress on the strategic positions and strategic policy, that is, formulate different programs depending on the different value of human capital.4. This paper transforms the strategic compensation management into specific compensation management strategy. This paper put forward the compensation strategy about staff recruitment, training, performance appraisal and talent storage. This paper makes a scientific decision in enterprise compensation of each section through using the modern scientific management theory and methods of human resource. It specifically includes: (1) using signal mechanism for recruiting good employees; using ordinal number utility theory model to decide the optimal employee welfare combination and making the enterprise and making the enterprise and employee both reach a "win-win"; establishing the individual compensation system in order to attract talents. (2) using cost-benefit model to make a scientific decision on employee training and effectively avoiding human resources investment risk; establishing strategic compensation system and accelerating the transformation effect of training; (3) designing work process according to the enterprise strategy, identifying performance standards and performance compensation according to the work process and work analysis for the realization of enterprise strategy; (4) realizing the talent storage through establishing fair economic reward system, ethical management and the non-economic pay system of processional management. Compensation management and the lateral matching strategy of human resource management is the embodiment of the strategic salary management.5. The paper describes the methods of strategic compensation management by using the game theory and information economic theory. It establishes a dynamic game model which including employee recruitment, training and storage, and then demonstrates how to link each steps to implement the strategic compensation management with reverse recursive method to assure the enterprise recruit the talents, train the talents, retain talents, and construct the human capital advantage to ensure the sustainable development. The paper sets up a complete information static game model between enterprise and employees. And it discusses the scientific compensation incentive mechanism of enterprise, which makes employees actively work with their potential to realize the "win-win" between enterprise and employees. This paper uses delegate-agent model of salary decisions to achieve the purpose of effectively motivate employees.6. This paper frames a evaluation model to test the implementation effect of the strategic compensation management. As the core, the enterprise strategic compensation evaluate the effect from the index screening, weight confirmation and evaluation scheme to provide the basic support for its implementation. These methods including ahp, factor analysis, cost--benefit analysis, etc. And they scientifically analyze the strategic salary management from different angles, which is simple and easy to operate.7. This paper discusses the present situation and existing problems of China’s enterprises compensation management, puts forward some suggestions for the implementation of enterprise strategic compensation management in China, and then prospects its future. This paper pays attention to the strategic human capital property rights, it appears the widening gap between rich and poor in different times and regions. By implementing strategic compensation management, we can gradually reduce the gap between rich and poor, and eventually realize common prosperity.In summary, the author adheres to the following principles in the writing and research process:1.Systemic principles. That is structured and relevance of content, logical levels, structural integrity, focused on the nature of discourse, thereby made the full contents natural flow.2.Innovative principles. This paper originally proposes the individual distribution, which shift from the "distribution according to work-based" into "human capital-based" principle. It uses the dynamic game theory to analyze the structure of the enterprise and staff, and points out the game between enterprise compensation strategies. And then the author tests the enterprise strategic compensation management by using analytical hierarchy theory, and reveals the contribution of strategic compensation management to the realization of enterprise strategic goal through evaluation.3.Operability principles. The key of strategic compensation management is to truly implement the compensation strategy. There fore, the compensation strategy design solutions include compensation system, salary structure, the layout of the level of compensation, which have practical operability. The author thinks that serving the enterprise management in reality is the most significant. This paper strives to do this in the process of writing, and pursues the simple language, the suitable methods, the brief statement, the specific scheme, the detailed measures, the circumstantial evidence to make it useful in practice in enterprise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

