

Research on the Growth of Enterprises Technological Capabilities

【作者】 丁学智

【导师】 黄少安; 韦苇;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要是运用现代产业组织与企业理论、企业成长理论、技术创新理论以及技术管理等理论,研究企业技术能力成长的内在机理、分析国内外企业技术能力成长的实际案例,总结当代中国工业化进程中企业技术能力成长的成就与失误,提出促进中国企业技术能力成长的策略与措施。论文的主要内容如下:第一章,导论。介绍了研究背景与意义,研究对象、相关概念的界定与研究方法,基本内容与框架结构,论文的创新之处。论文认为企业技术能力成长及其技术能力激活与企业价值增值已经成为当代产业经济学与企业理论领域研究的重要内容。对于通过技术能力成长实现企业成长的深入研究,在理论上有利于拓展经济学的研究范围,促进微观经济学、产业经济学、企业理论、组织管理理论、技术管理理论、创新经济学以及企业成长理论等经济学科和管理学科的交叉融合发展;在实践中有利于促进企业技术能力成长和提高企业的市场竞争能力,从而提高整个社会的经济运行效率。第二章,企业技术能力成长理论研究的述评。企业技术能力成长及其技术管理理论作为企业成长理论中的一个新兴分支研究领域,对微观经济学、产业经济学和企业理论以及其它相关经济和管理学科的发展起到了积极的推动作用。企业技术能力成长及其技术管理理论是在产业经济学、企业理论、组织管理与技术管理理论和企业成长理论的基础上发展起来的,特别是企业技术能力的动态演化成长,更是企业成长核心动力和价值增值的关键。通过对企业技术能力成长理论的发展与演化的梳理,在国内外文献述评的基础上,以企业成长理论为前提,通过企业技术能力成长构建企业竞争优势、提高市场竞争能力和实现企业价值增值为研究的逻辑起点,展开了关于企业技术能力成长的各项研究。第三章,企业技术能力成长的路径分析。论述企业技术能力成长研究的逻辑起点以及企业技术能力成长的内在机理和基本特征,为研究企业技术能力成长准备知识前提。企业技术能力成长的内在机理是提出促进技术能力成长策略与措施的基本理论依据,也是分析企业技术能力成长实际案例的基本前提;针对处于不同经济环境、不同产品技术生命周期阶段以及不同国家或地区的企业,应采取不同的促进企业技术能力成长的策略;科学而合理的技术能力成长促进策略是推进企业技术能力成长、构筑企业竞争优势、提高企业的市场竞争能力和实现企业价值增值的最有效途径。第四章,国外企业技术能力成长案例分析及其对中国的启示。基于技术变迁演化规律的企业技术能力成长内在机理的可探寻特征是研究技术能力成长案例和构建促进技术能力成长机制的基本前提,这种企业组织及其技术构成的复杂性系统特征要求促进企业技术能力成长的机制设计不能从孤立的一个技术问题的角度出发构建一种只能符合单一经济效率目标的制度体系,更不能试图以一种单一的制度安排来解决企业技术能力成长的诸多问题,而应按照技术能力成长的综合目标,合理地组合设计综合的机制体系,并使所运用的机制体系与其他政策措施配套、协调,形成促进企业技术能力成长的综合力量,取得最优绩效。第五章,中国工业化进程中的企业技术能力成长经验分析。对中国60年工业化进程中的企业技术能力成长历程进行了研究,分别分析企业的技术来源、技术选择、技术获取、消化吸收、技术改进和技术创新的基本情况,总结了企业技术能力成长的成功与失误,指出了在新的发展时期实现企业技术能力成长的基本路径。第六章,结论与有待进一步研究的问题。企业技术能力成长并不仅仅适用于新兴工业化国家,尤其是在经济发展日益全球化的条件下,技术变迁固有的不平衡性与扩散性决定了所有的国家或地区的都面临着企业技术能力成长的问题。就中国而言,以促进企业技术能力成长的策略选择代替技术创新与自主创新的策略选择可能更符合这个国家由一个工业大国全面转变为一个工业强国的实际需要。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly uses the modern industrial organization and enterprise theory, enterprise growth theory, technology innovation theory and management theory, investigates technological capabilities of enterprises growth internal mechanism, analyzes domestic and international enterprise technical abilities, summarizes the achievement and failure of technical ability in the process of the growth of contemporary Chinese enterprise industrialization, and put forward to promote the strategies and measures of Chinese enterprise technical ability growth. The main contributions of the paper are as follows:The first chapter, introduction. Introduced the research background and meanings, the object of studies, the related definitions and research methods, the basic content and frame structure and innovative points. The paper believes that the activation of enterprise technical and value appreciation ability has become enterprise theory of contemporary industry economics and the important research contents. Through technical abilities to realize enterprise growth, the theory of developing the economics research scopes, and it can promote microeconomics, industrial economics, enterprise theory, organization and management theory, technology management theory, innovation economics and enterprise growth theory economic disciplines and management discipline. To promote enterprise technical growth ability and improve the enterprise market competition ability, thus improves the whole social economic efficiency.The second chapter, the simple reviews of enterprise technical growth ability. As a business enterprise growth research theory, Enterprise technical abilities and technical management theory is a new and developing branch of microeconomics, industrial economics and enterprise theory and other related economic and management discipline development which has played a positive role in promoting their developments. Enterprise technical abilities and technical management theory is in industry economics, enterprise theory, organizational management and technical management theory and enterprise growth theory which are developed on the basis of enterprises technological capabilities. Especially, the dynamic evolution growth and the core power of business enterprise growth is the key and additional value. Based on the theory of enterprise technical abilities, the domestic and international development and evolution based on the literature review. Enterprise growth theory and the technological capabilities of enterprises improve the market competition ability, realize enterprise value.In the third chapter, the path analysis of technological capabilities of enterprises growth.The investigation of technological capabilities of enterprises is the logical starting point, growth of enterprise technical internal mechanism and basic characteristics of technological capabilities of enterprises. The inner mechanism of enterprise technical ability is puting forward to promote growth strategies and measures of technology capability, is also the basic theoretical basis for the practical cases of enterprise technical abilities; According to different economic environment, product technical lifecycle stages and different countries or regions enterprise should adopt different enterprise growth strategy; Scientific and reasonable technical growth promotion ability promote enterprise technical abilities, establish enterprise competitive advantage, and enhance the enterprise market competition ability and the most effective way.Chapter 4, the analysis of foreign enterprise technical abilities case and its instruction to China. Based on the technical changable evolution rule and enterprises technological capabilities, the inner mechanism of the growth is characterized as technical ability and capacity growth mechanism. This enterprise organization and its technical structure characteristics to promote enterprise technical ability growth mechanism and to construct a kind of can only meet a single economic efficiency. In accordance with the problems in the comprehensive technical ability growth target, reasonable combination design integrated system make use of mechanism system and other policy measures which is necessaryChapter 5, enterprises growth experience analysis of China’s industrialization process of technological capabilities.60 years of the industrialization course of China growth of enterprises technological capabilities are studied respectively. Technical sources, technology selection, technology acquisition, digestion and absorption, technical innovation and technical innovation are summarized, the basic situation of enterprise technical abilities are pointed out in new developing period of enterprises growth path.The sixth chapter, conclusion and further research problems. Enterprise technical ability growth is not only applicable on emerging industrialized countries, especially on economic development under the condition of globalization. Techniques change inherent imbalance and determine all across the country or the area of technological capabilities of enterprises when they are facing the growth problem. For Chinese case, in order to promote the technological capabilities of enterprises growth strategy, the technological innovation and independent innovation strategy are choosen to promote an industrial powers into a comprehensive industrial powers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

