

【作者】 刘玲玲

【导师】 田联韬;

【作者基本信息】 中央音乐学院 , 中国少数民族音乐, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要研究对象是在贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州流传的布依戏。布依族主要分布在贵州黔南布依族苗族自治州、黔西南布依族苗族自治州、贵阳市郊区以及云南文山等地区,语言属汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支,分三个土语区。居住在贵州黔西南自治州西南角上的兴义、安龙、册亨、望谟、贞丰等县的布依族属第一土语区。布依族戏曲就产生在这一土语区的册亨县。关于布依戏的形成,当地民族艺术研究工作者们各执己见,至今未获共识,主要观点有八音说、本土说、宗教说、北路壮剧源流说以及民间口头传说等。本文在实地调查基础上,通过对材料的梳理和分析,系统论证布依戏艺术形态。布依戏处于特殊的自然地理环境和人文环境中,布依戏的形成、流布和发展均受到环境的影响。针对它在一定的地域范围、历史空间及其交融区域中形成的民族文化地域性特征,运用地理、历史、社会等多学科的理论、知识,进行分析,从民族音乐学角度对布依戏音乐进行探讨性研究,揭示布依戏与宗教、社会制度、艺术等的关系,阐释布依戏存在的地域性文化结构性质。布依戏与北路壮剧之间具有较深的渊源关系,二者同属壮侗语族戏曲种类,即为越系民族后裔之戏曲形式,在研究布依戏的同时,进一步拓宽视野,尝试对壮侗语族中壮族、布依族的戏曲音乐文化进行考辨,探求它们之间的亲缘关系,为今后进一步研究壮侗语族诸民族的戏曲音乐与文化生态的共生关系打下基础,同时为该论域中的非物质文化遗产名目的保护、传承等提供现状调查与理论支持。根据布依族、壮族的民族历史渊源,结合布依戏与北路壮剧产生的历史、发展过程、形态研究等多方面的分析,笔者认为:布依戏和北路壮剧的主要唱腔[正调]都源于八音。从文化地理学角度分析,布依戏的产生可能是艺术形式发展较高的北路壮剧在同一地域范围内的自然传播,之后由于在分属不同民族地域流传而产生不同变化。在长期发展、流变过程中,布依戏和北路壮剧分别受不同行政辖区范围内布依族或壮族民族文化、当地经济、民族审美习惯等影响,逐渐在同一性的基础上分化、演变成具有不同风格、特征的表演体制和唱腔音乐体制,遂而成为独立的少数民族戏曲剧种。全文主要由绪论、正文、结论几部分组成。绪论是关于课题研究意义以及研究现状的陈述。正文分六章:第一章主要对中国西南越系民族的历史和关系进行阐释;第二章是对布依戏生态文化背景的介绍;第三章是对布依戏基本情况的调查论述;第四章主要从剧目、唱词、音乐本体等方面,对布依戏艺术形态所进行的研究;第五章是对布依戏和北路壮剧源流的辨析;第六章主要从民族特质与宗教信仰多元化方面,阐释布依戏的文化属性。

【Abstract】 This article is the main object of study in Guizhou province Buyi and Miao autonomous prefecture of Bouyei play. Buyei in Guizhou bouyeis, buyi and Miao autonomous prefecture, Yunnan, Guiyang, suburbs, and world language Wenshan belongs to the Sino-Tibetan kadai languages strong Thai language branch, divided into three dialects. Live in southwestern autonomous prefecture in Guizhou province in the southwest corner of Xingyi, Enron, Ceheng, Wangmo, Zhenfeng, County of bouyei in the case of a dialect area. Buyei drama arises in this dialect, Ceheng County area. The formation of the play about the Buyei, local ethnic art research workers for each party’s opinion, has not been a consensus, the main point of eight voice, local community said, religion, origin and development of said road, Zhuang’s drama and Folk lore, etc.This article on the basis of the fieldwork, combing through the material and analysis, System demonstration of Bouyei play art form. Buyei play in special natural geographical and cultural environment, bouyei drama spread and development of the formation, are subject to the environment. For it in a certain geographical area, historical spaces and its fusion of the area formed by the national cultural regional characteristics, use of geography, history, social science theory, knowledge, analysis, from the perspective of ethnomusicology Buyei drama exploratory study, revealing the Buyei drama and music and religious, social, artistic and other ecological environment, illustrates the Buyei play regional culture structures and properties. Buyei and Zhuang’s drama between North has a deep relationship, both belong to the kadai languages Opera type, which is more of the National Opera of descendants, in the form of bouyei play at the same time, further widening the field of vision, try on kadai languages the Zhuang, Bouyei in Opera music culture of, exploring the relationship between them, the future further study kadai languages of the nationalities and cultural ecology of symbiotic relationship between a Foundation, at the same time as the universe of intangible cultural heritage names protection, inheritance, and so provide research and theoretical support.According to the ethnic Zhuang buyi, historical origins, combined with the Buyei and Zhuang’s drama, history and development of processes, forms, and other aspects of the analysis, the author believes:Buyei and Zhuang’s drama of main road, singing are derived from 8 sound. From the perspective of cultural geography, bouyei play in May is the art form to develop higher Road North, strong play in the same geographical range of the natural transmission, because in the different national geographic spread and produce different variations. In the long term development, transformation, the Buyei and Zhuang’s drama, are governed by different administrative area Buyei and Zhuang culture, or the local economy, national aesthetic habits impact, gradually in the identity on the basis of differentiation, evolving into a different style and characteristic of performing system and Aria music system, thus becoming a separate minority operas.Full-text key on the introduction, body, by the conclusion of several parts. The introduction is on the significance of research and study on the current status of the statement. The body is divided into six chapters:chapter one more major on China southwest of national history and relation to illustrate; chapterⅡis on the Buyei Opera introduction of eco-cultural background; chapter III is on the Buyei play findings discussed; chapter 4 major from the play, the book, music ontology on Buyei play art form by studies; Chapter 5 is a play on the Buyei and Zhuang’s drama, the origin of discrimination; Chapter 6 mainly from national characteristics and religious pluralism, the interpretation of the cultural property of Buyei play.

  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】834

