

【作者】 陈晶

【导师】 汪毓和;

【作者基本信息】 中央音乐学院 , 中国近现代音乐史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文以江南地区四所基督教会学校,两所中学——上海中西女塾、上海圣玛利亚女校,两所大学——南京金陵女子大学、上海沪江大学为契入点,旨在通过对这四所学校音乐教育模式的探究,以厘清其女子音乐教育的发展历程与发展规律。这四所基督教会学校女子音乐教育的历史跨越了从19世纪末至20世纪50年代初的时间维度,可谓逾年历岁。这段历史反映出在中国近现代社会转型和变革时期中,基督教会学校女子音乐教育观念、体系的嬗变轨迹,映照出中国近现代女子音乐教育在江南地区的发展历程。本文第一章“中西女塾与‘世俗女性人才’音乐教育”,阐释了以培养中西兼通、影响于社会的“世俗女性人才”为主旨的中西女塾的音乐教育活动。建校伊始,中西女塾便将西方音乐教育作为其“通才教育”方针中的重要组成部分,校内开设了一系列音乐必修与选修课程,并成立了专门的教学管理机构——音乐科。音乐科凭藉着优良的办学理念,系统的教学管理,浓厚的音乐文化氛围,培养了中国近代第一批掌握西方现代音乐知识的女性,堪称基督教女子音乐教育的先锋与典范。第二章“圣玛利亚女校与‘女基督徒’音乐教育”。本章阐述了以“培养合格的女基督徒”为建校指趣的圣玛利亚女校的音乐教育活动。20世纪初,选修性质的音乐科拉开了教育之帷幕,涵盖琴科与唱歌科。从教学模式上来讲,两科皆具有鲜明的西方音乐文化教育色彩,同时也呈现了“学堂跟着教堂走”的特征,为教堂培养司琴、为唱诗班培养预备役人员成为其教学中所隐含的目的。第三章“金陵女子大学与专业音乐教育”。本章阐析了金陵女大音乐系的专业女性音乐人才培养状况。20世纪20年代,金陵女子大学设置了音乐系。这标志着从中学到大学,从审美教育到专业教育,江南地区完备的基督教女校音乐教育体系建立了起来。音乐系以发展女子教育为己任,从女性视角出发,精心擘划,建树颇多,为中国专业音乐教育与表演领域输送了大量的巾帼音乐家,在中国音乐文化事业的发展进程中留下了鲜亮的印迹。第四章“男女同校制度下的沪江大学女子音乐教育”。本章阐明了男女同校的沪江大学中的女子音乐教育和音乐生活状况。作为基督教大学中,将男女同校作为学校制度之嚆矢的沪江大学,其音乐教育活动呈现了与单一性别的女子学校相迥异的景象。沪江大学音乐系与音乐师范科使女生获得了与男生同等的接受高等音乐教育的权利,改变了以往基督教女子学校中完全屏蔽男同学的相对单一的学习空间,使女生们获得了更丰富的音乐思维与音乐体验。此外,在丝竹管弦竞芬芳的音乐社团中,映射出了处在中国近代教育观念与模式变革时期的女大学生们的音乐生活状况。在本文结语中评析了基督教会学校女子音乐教育的历史意义以及由其教育模式引发的思考。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is focused mainly on the four Christian Schools, included in both two Middle Schools named The Mctyeire and St.Mary’s Hall, and two colleges named Ginling College and University of Shanghai. and through the investigation to the music education pattern of the four schools to clarify the development process and the law of development on female music education.The history of the female music education in this four Christian Schools has extended across the end of 19th century to the middle of 20th century. In this period. Chinese modern and contemporary society is faced with the social transformation and transform, and the female music education concept as well as the systematic transforming track in these four schools has reflected this change, and shined upon the development process of female music education in Chinese modern and contemporary history in southern regions of Yangtze River.The first chapter, named "The Mctyeire and The Common Female Talents Music Education" outlines the music education activities in The Mctyeire based on training the common female talents of the acquaintance both Chinese and Western culture, and the influence to the society as well. At the very beginning of the foundation, western music education as a principle of general education is treated as a significant component in The Mctyerie, and a serious of music compulsory and elective courses are open to the whole students, and the meanwhile, a special teaching management administration, named Music Department is founded. Music Department relied on its excellent school philosophy, systematic teaching management, and dense music and cultural atmosphere, fosters the first groups of females who can grasp western modern music knowledge in Chinese modern history, which is regarded as a pioneer and model in Christian female music education.The second chapter, named "St.Mary’s Hall and Female Christian Music Education", elaborates to the music education activities which aims to foster eligible female Christians. All teaching activities in the school included in music teaching activity, appeared with the method of "granted by fishing". At the very beginning of 20th century, Music Department used to elective courses is open to all students, containing Piano Department as well as Vocal Department. From the perspective of teaching pattern both are with vivid western music education, and the meanwhile, with the characteristic of "School follows Church", which aims to cultivated company luthiers for the church and personnel of reserve duty for the choir.The third chapter named "Ginling College and Professional Music Education" investigates the educational situation of the professional female music education talents in Music Department. In the twenties of 20th century. Music Department is set in Gulling College, which marks the completed music teaching system in Christian College both from Middle School to College, and from aesthetic education to professional education in southern regions of Yangtze River. From the perspective of female. Music Department is with duty to develop female education, with elaborate project and high quality in teaching, to achieve a great success and is to cultivate and provide abundant qualified female musicians for the realm of Chinese professional music education and professional performance, so as to have a prominent contribution to the development of Chinese music cultural undertakings.The fourth chapter, named "University of Shanghai in the system of coeducation Female Music Education", discusses the situation of female music teaching and music life in the University of Shanghai. University of Shanghai treating the coeducation as a school system, is a forerunner in Chinese modern history, whose music education activities are differ from these in single-sex female colleges. Music Department and Music Normal Department are authorized to empower these female students the equal rights with the male students, and change the former idea that male students are shielded in Christian Female Schools and they are in single learning space, which causes female students acquire more abundant music thinking and experience. Furthermore, in a great many of Music Societies, there reflects the female students’ music living behavior in the reform time of Chinese modern education concept and patternThis dissertation concludes the historical significance of female music education in Christian Schools and the thinking brought by female music education pattern in Christian Schools.

  • 【分类号】J608
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1043

