

Study of Geography Information Service Integration Based on Semantics

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 李成名;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 地理信息广泛应用要求为不同背景的业务用户提供快速集成不同来源的地理信息服务资源的能力。地理信息服务所支持的标准化、松耦合的集成方式为实现最终业务用户主动参与应用集成提供支持。通过本体对地理信息服务进行语义封装,作为地理信息服务的自动化发现、组合与执行的基础。本文在国家科技部项目“数字城市空间信息管理与服务系统及应用示范”的支持下,针对面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成问题进行了研究。提出了基于语义的地理信息服务框架,通过集成框架对地理信息服务集成的过程进行语义描述,为业务用户提供了基于语义的地理信息服务集成环境。设计和实现了地理信息服务集成的原型系统。论文主要工作和成果如下:1)提出了基于语义的面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成框架。总结了业务用户在使用地理信息服务构建应用系统中面临的主要问题;分析了面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成的概念与特点。提出了以业务构件为基本逻辑单元,业务模版为集成方法的基于语义的地理信息服务集成框架。设计了将独立的业务逻辑需求通过业务构件的方式进行形式化表达,通过语义模型中约束关系与地理信息服务进行关联的方法。在语义的支持下由领域专家完成业务构件和业务模板的构造,业务用户通过业务模板将业务逻辑需求进行形式化表达,通过语义服务匹配完成实例场景的构造和地理信息服务的绑定集成。设计了面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成的工作流程。2)提出了通过业务构件建立业务用户的独立业务需求与地理信息服务间的联系的方法。分析了当前面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成中存在的问题,归纳了业务构件的基本概念,分析了业务构件与WEB服务间的区别与联系,总结了业务构件在面向业务用户的地理信息服务集成中的作用。分析了当前的语义WEB研究方法,总结了地理本体的语义描述方。在此基础上提出了地理信息服务业务构件的概念与语义描述方法,完成了地理信息服务、地理信息服务用户界面和业务构件的形式化描述。设计了地理信息服务业务构件的构造方法,以地图浏览业务构件为例实现了业务构件的建模。3)提出了通过业务模板实现大粒度应用重用的方法。总结了服务集成的主要方法和地理信息服务组合的方法,分析了业务模板的概念与特点,设计了业务模板的设计原则与方法,提出了业务模板的形式化描述和应用方法。通过领域专家将行业应用的通用的逻辑业务需求进行整理,明确业务模板需要的业务构件和构件间的相互关系,完成行业业务模板的定制。业务用户根据行业选择对应的业务模板,设置模板中构件的语义约束,完成业务需求的形式化描述,建立方案场景。4)设计了地理信息服务语义注册和服务关联的方法。分析语义注册的基本概念与结构;基于OGC服务注册模型设计了地理信息服务语义注册流程;总结了语义服务匹配的方法,提出了地理信息服务关联的流程。5)基于语义的地理信息集成系统试验。依托国家科技部项目“数字城市空间信息管理与服务系统及应用示范”,设计了基于语义的地理信息集成服务原型系统,验证论文中的方法的可行性和有效性。

【Abstract】 With geography information widely applied, it is necessary to support business user on different field to integrate geography information service resource from different source. Geography information service can integrate applications with standards and loose-coupling manner, which has provided a new chance to participate in constructing applications for the end-users on their own initiative. Describing geography information service with ontology is the foundation of geography information service automatic discovery, composition and execution.Supported by project "spatial information management and service system for digital city" from national technology department, geography information service integration oriented to business user is discussed. Geography information service integration framework based on semantics is put forward, semantic describe of procedure of geography information integration on integration framework provided business user integrated environment for geography information service based on semantics.1) Geography information service integration framework is put forward. Main problem of business user on geography information application construction is summarized; concept and character of geography information integration oriented to business user is analyzed. Geography information service integration framework based on semantics is put forward. In framework business component can be looked as basic unit and business template can be used for integration. Single business logic requirement can be formal represented with business component,business component can be connected by geography information service on semantic restriction in framework. Business component and business template can be constructed by field expert, business logic requirement can be formal represented by business user on business template, construction of instance scenario and binding of geography information service will be executed by semantic service matching. Working procedure of geography information service integration oriented to business user is designed in the paper.2) Business component is looked as the way to connect single business requirement of business user and geography information service in the paper. Problems in geography information service integration oriented to business user is discussed, concept of business component is summarized, difference and connection between business component and WEB service is analyzed, function of business component in geography information service integration oriented to business user is summarized. Semantic WEB research is analyzed, semantic description of geography ontology is summarized, concept and semantic description of geography information business component is put forward. Formal representation of geography information service, geography information service user interface and business component are constructed. Construction of geography information service business component is designed, map browse business component is constructed in the paper.3) Business template is designed for large-granularity software reuse. Service integration and geography information service composition is summarized, concept and character of business template is analyzed, construction principal and method of business template is designed, formal representation and applied method of business template is put forward. General logical business requirement of field application will be summarized and business components and relation of business component will be explicit by field expert to construct field business template. Business template is selected by business user according to field, semantic restriction of business component is set up, business requirement is formally represented, schema scenario is constructed.4) Registering and connection method based on semantics of geography information service is put forward. Basic concept and structure for semantic registration is analyzed; Based on OGC service register model, geography information service semantic register model is designed. Semantic service matching method is summarized, procedure of geography information service connecting is put forward.5)GIS service integration system on semantic WEB is tested. Supported by project "spatial information management and service system for digital city" from national technology department, prototype system of GIS service integration is constructed, feasibility and validity of method in the paper is verified.


