

The Interpretation Mode of Learner’s Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language Based on Meta-language

【作者】 翁晓玲

【导师】 巢宗祺;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 词典是人们学习语言的辅助性工具,对外汉语学习词典作为对外汉语课堂的延伸,在语言学习过程中扮演重要角色。如何提高学习词典的质量,一直以来也是辞书编写者与研究者们所热议的话题之一。一部优秀的学习词典必能最大程度地满足学习者的学习需求,因而,它需要遵循下述原则:一、学习者中心;二、实用性;二、易读性;三、能产性。以学习者为中心,即它须是用户友好型词典,一切以学习者需要为需要。实用性,同样是从学习者角度考虑,作为一部积极型词典,学习词典的释义、用例应尽量联系汉语学习者生活实际,做到简单易用。易读性,考虑的是词典的可读性。汉语本来就是一门较难掌握的语言,因此对外汉语学习词典更该照顾外国人的理解能力与认知水平。能产性,是从学习语言的实际需要考虑。学习语言的最终目的就在于会使用这门语言,因此学习词典需要尽可能多的提供语言的各种使用信息,便于词典使用者在实际运用中生成。从近些年来国际辞书学界的趋势来看,学习词典的释义模式系统正趋于向释义形式的多样化与释义内容的简化两个维度发展。形式的多样化,在于释义形式的日益丰富多样,比如图、表释义,附加栏补充释义,语法标注、词频标注等等;释义内容的简化主要是指释义用词的元语言化、释文结构的趋简、释义符号的精简等等。当然,简化并非毫无原则的,而是在满足学习者需求以及保证释义精度的前提下。无论是从词典编排的角度还是使用者角度,这些发展趋势都大大提高词典的利用率与易读性。《商务馆学汉语词典》(以下简称《学汉语》)是我国第一部专门为具有中等汉语水平的外国人编的汉语单语词典,在词典体例及释义上均不乏创新之处,但其编纂模式仍很大程度上局限于传统语文词典的编纂模式,其释义用词用例的元语言化,释义模式的系统性、模式化还不够鲜明。与对外英语学习词典等相比,其质量仍有待提高的空间,其释义模式系统仍有待整合。因而,从元语言理论的角度研究《学汉语》的释义模式系统,以此为窗口观照对外汉语学习词典的释义模式研究不失为一种较为可行的办法。释义元语言研究的根本意义就在于提高词典释义的有效性与易读性。我们认为,学习词典释义模式元语言同样需要遵循如下构成性规则:一、“准确化准则”;二、“明了化准则”;三、“模式化准则”。对释义模式元语言来说,最为重要的是“模式化准则”,“模式化准则”又包括“统一性次准则”、“同一性次准则”与“对称性次准则”。本文拟以《学汉语》为范本,并把它与《现代汉语词典》、《朗文当代英语词典》等作比,运用元语言理论,结合对外汉语教学特点,探讨真正符合对外汉语教学实际的对外汉语学习词典释义模式系统。本文共分七章。头两章概述,第一章简要介绍研究主题、对象、研究理据、研究目标与任务、研究意义、方法等,并对当前对外汉语学习词典研究现状进行了阐释。第二章为元语言理论研究综述,重点探讨“元语言”的概念及主要应用领域的问题,并进一步对释义模式元语言理论进行了阐释,制定释义模式元语言的构成性规则。第三、四章分别从学习词典的宏观、中观结构分析《学汉语》的释义模式,建构对外汉语学习词典宏观结构及中观结构释义框模元语言。第五章建构学习词典微观结构释义框模与释义词模元语言。第六章探讨学习词典动词释义句模元语言,通过对《学汉语》动词释义句模的提取,建构动词释义句模元语言系统。第七章为结语,总结本文的主要观点、创新点与研究的前瞻性。本研究通过运用计算机数据库技术,结合比较分析与统计分析法,建构对外汉语学习词典释义模式元语言体系,目的在于规范对外汉语学习词典编纂,提高对外汉语学习词典的易读性与释义的有效性,从而最终为对外汉语教学服务。

【Abstract】 Dictionary is a complementary tool in language learning. As an extension of the classroom teaching, Learner’s Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language(LDCFL) plays an important role in Chinese language learning. To improve the quality of learners’ dictionaries has always been a hot topic for dictionary writers and researchers. A good dictionary needs to satisfy the needs of users to the maximum extent; therefore, it needs to follow the following principles:First, it should be learner-centered; Second, it should be easy to use; Third, it should have property of readability; Four, it should be productive. Learners-centered means it must be a user-friendly dictionary, which meets all the needs of the learners; "Easy to use", which also focuses on the learners’needs, means as an active type of dictionary the interpretation, examples should be linked to users’ real life. It should be easy to use; Readability focuses on how easy to understand the dictionary. Chinese language is difficult language, so the LDCFL should consider the undertanding and conginitive ability of the foreign learners. Productivity focuses on the ultimate goal of language learning. The ultimate goal of language learning is to use the language, so the learners; dictionary should provide information as much as possible to help the users produce their language.From the developing trends of international dictionaries in recent years, the interpretation mode of learners’s dictionary is devoping in two dimensions:the divere forms of interpretation and the simplicity of interpretation. The diversification of interpretation means forms of intrepretation are getting more, such as charts, tables, additional columns, syntax tagging, word tagging and word freguency;The simplification of interpretation means the words used for the interpretation are meta-language and the interpretation structures are simple. Symbols interpretation are also siplified. Meanwhile, the simplification also needs to meet the needs of users and to ensure the accuracy of interpretation. Either from the angle of dictionary users or dictionary writers. All the developemnts significantly increased the efficiency and readability of the dictionary.The Commercial Press Learner’s Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese (CPLDC), which is the first Chinese language monolingual dictionary specifically compiled for intermediate level Chinese language learners, has some innovations in style and interpretation model. But the compilation model is still largely confined to the compilation model of traditional dictionary of mother language. The use of the meta-language for the interpretation, the system and modeling of the interpretation are not clear enough. Comparing with learners’ dictionary of English as a second lanuage there is still space to improve the quality and its model system of interpretation has yet to be integrated. Thus, it will be a practical method to study the interpretation model system of the CPLDC,from the angle of meta lanuage use and its interpretation model system.The fundamental significance of meta-language interpretation research is to improve the effectiveness and readability of dictionary interpretation. We believe that the meta-language of the interpretaion for the learners’dictionary follows the following constitutive rules:First, "accuracy "; Second, "clearness"; third "modelling. " The most important one is the "modeling ","Modeling "also includes these three sub principles:" unity ","sameness"and"symmetry".This dissertation is intended to use the dictionary as a model and compare it with the Modern Chinese Dictionary and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and other dictionaries. Using the meta-language theory and considering the characteristics of teaching Chinese language as a foreign language, we are intended to conclude the interpretation model of the LDCFL which meets the needs of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.This dissertation has seven chapters.The first chapter briefly introduces the research topic, objectives,tasks,methods,etc.This chapter also talks about the current status of the LDCFL.ChapterⅡis a literature reviwe of the meta-language,focusing on the "meta-language"concept and the major application areas. This chapter also talks about the interpretation model of meta-language and conludes the constitutive rules of the meta language of interpretation model. Chapter three and four analyze the interpretation model of the CPLDC, from the angel of macro-, and meso-structure. These two chapters also build the the macro structure and the structure frame of the meta-language of the interpretation for the LDCFL.ChapterⅤconstructs the frame model of meta-language interpretation system for the learners dictionary and the meta-language of word frame interpretation. ChapterⅥstudies the meta language of the sentence frame of interpretatino for verbs. This chapter also constructs the meta language system of the sentence frame of interpretation for verbs by abstracting the sentence frame of interpretation in the CPLDC.ChapterⅦis the conclusion. It summarizes the main points,innovation area and forward-looking area of this dissertation.This dissertation, using computer database technology and comparative and statistical analysis, constructs the system of meta-language of interpretation model in LDCFL. The aim is to standardize the compilation of LDCFL, increase the effectiveness and readability of LDCFL and ultimately better serve the teaching of Chinese for foreigner.


