

Research on the Industry Selection of the Wuhan Metropolitan Area Based on the Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society Construction

【作者】 王鹏翔

【导师】 胡树华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从可持续发展到坚持科学发展观、走新型工业化道路到当前的两型社会综合配套改革,本质涵义一脉相承,都是党和国家针对我国30年经济快速发展出现的突出问题进行反思,在对国际、国内环境变化客观判断以及对全球未来发展趋势的准确判断基础之上,从国家战略和民族发展层面,对社会、经济、人口、资源、环境相互协调和共同发展思路的积极探索。“两型”是目标,也是一种致力于可持续发展的约束条件;产业发展是手段,更是实现经济增长、社会稳定的根本措施。本文正是基于这种时代背景下,结合武汉城市圈发展实际所展开的应用型研究。论文以“两型社会”和区域产业发展理论为指导,定性和定量相结合、理论与案例相结合展开研究。全文共八章,分为六个部分。第一章为第一部分,重点介绍本文的研究背景、国内外研究现状和相关理论基础及研究技术路线。第二章为第二部分。结合国际、国内发展背景,对资源节约和环境保护的紧迫性和重要性进行分析,界定了“两型社会”的内涵。根据其内涵,构建了“两型社会”的评价指标体系。第三部分包括第三、第四章。通过对区域产业的选择模式进行梳理,系统总结区域产业选择的资源依赖、效益主导、转移承接、政策导向和模仿发展五大模式,分析其模式形成原因,主要特征以及存在的问题。建立了产业体系评价—产业分类调整—整体协同改善—新旧产业互动发展的区域“两型”产业选择流程。依据战略产业优先、产业协同发展、资源环境改善和竞争优势显现原则,构建了包涵资源环境支撑力、持续协同发展力、产业成长竞争力以及资源节约度、环境友好度、经济循环度、社会和谐度、科技创新度和市场运营度的“两型”产业“三力六度”评价指标体系。第五、第六章为本文的第四部分。分析了武汉城市圈的三次产业结构、产业技术层次、产业构成类型和产业空间布局。在此基础上,对武汉城市圈产业发展进行了SWOT分析。制定了领先发展六大高新技术产业,规模发展五类支柱产业,升级发展两类基础产业的产业发展思路,提出了引进“三密集”,淘汰“双高两低”,实施“两进一出”的产业结构调整和布局优化建议。第七章为第五部分。结合武汉城市圈“两型社会”建设目标与“两型产业”发展现状,从推进措施与制度保障等角度提出相关建议。最后第八章对全文进行了总结,同时提出了本文的创新点和下一步的研究重点。

【Abstract】 The current comprehensive coordinated reforms of the Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society follow the marrow of tradition of the Sustainable Development, the Scientific Outlook on Development and the New Path of Industrialization. All of them are the rethinks of the CCP and our nation about the outstanding issues arising during the 30 years period of the rapid economic developments. The CCP and our nation stand on the level of national strategy and development to make the positive exploration on intercoordination and common development among society, economy, population, resources and environment. Their basis are the objective judgments on the environment changes both home and abroad, and also the accurate estimation on the global developing trend. The Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society is an object, and also a constraint condition to sustainable development. The industry development is a method, and also a radical measure to promote the economic growth and maintain the social stability. By the guidance of the Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society and the regional industry development theory, this dissertation takes the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and links theory with cases to make an application study in current era background of the Wuhan Metropolitan Area development.This dissertation consists of six parts, including eight chapters.The first part (the first chapter) focuses on the study background, domestic and international state study and relative theory basis.The second part (the second chapter) makes analysis on the urgency and importance of resource-conserving and environment-friendly, identifies the connotation of the Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society, and builds the evaluating indicator system of the Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society.The third part (the third chapter and the fourth chapter) cleans up the regional industry selection modes; summarizes systematically the five regional industry selection modes of resource-relying, benefit-dominance, devolving- undertaking, policy-guiding and imitating-development; analyzes the forming reason, main characteristics and existing problems of the five modes. This part set up a regional resource-conserving and environment-friendly industry selection process of industry system evaluation, industry classification adjustment, integral coordination Improvement and industry Interactive development. According to the principles of strategic industry priority, industry coordination development, resource environment improvement and competitive advantage manifestation, a resource-conserving and environment-friendly industry evaluating indicator system of "3-powers & 6-extents" is constructed, which includes holding power of resource environment, developing power of sustainable coordination, competing power of industry growth, resource-conserving extent, environment-friendly extent, economy-circulating extent, society-harmonious extent, technology-creating extent and market-operating extent.The fourth part (the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter) makes an analysis on three -times industry structure, industry technology gradation, and industry component type and industry spatial distribution. On the basis of the analysis, this part takes a SWOT on industry development of Wuhan Metropolitan Area; formulates the development concepts of the leading advancements for six hi-tech industries, scale developments for five pillar industries, upgrade developments for two basic industries; put forward the proposal of industry structure adjustment and layout optimization for importing "3-intensive", and eliminating "2high-21ow", performing "2in-lout".The fifth part (the seventh chapter) proceeds from the objectives of building the resource-conserving and environment-friendly society of Wuhan Metropolitan Area and the development status of Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society industry, and offers some advice on promoting measures and guarantee system. The last part (the eighth chapter) makes a summary on this dissertation, and points out the innovations of it. At the same time, the prospect of study is also covered in this part.


