

Research on the Custom Knowledge Interface of Top Service Enterprise

【作者】 胡雄斌

【导师】 秦远建;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高端服务企业是国民经济的重要组成部分,也是经济现代化的集中体现和经济增长的动力源泉。知识经济时代,高端服务企业面临激烈市场竞争和自身可持续发展挑战,巩固核心竞争力及维持在市场竞争中的领先地位,充分利用知识资源,成为高端服务企业必然选择。顾客知识是高端服务企业知识资源的重要来源,具有价值性、增值性、复杂性等一系列特征,日益成为企业获取竞争成功的决定因素之一。对顾客知识的获取、转移及共享应放在系统框架下进行综合考虑和管理。顾客知识接口概念正是对这一顾客知识管理活动的概括与描述。由于顾客知识接口活动是在整个社会联系系统中进行,因此需要从社会网络视角对其进行审视和研究。本文将理论研究与实证分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合,统计分析与管理分析相结合,综合运用管理学、系统学、统计学、数学等方面的理论与方法,对高端服务企业顾客知识接口的内涵、动因、过程、影响因素、理论模型等方面进行了理论探索与实证分析,为高端服务企业应用顾客知识提供理论依据和实践指导。本文研究成果主要包含以下几方面:(1)对高端服务企业概念进行补充界定,指出其本质特征是依托于现代信息技术及管理技术的服务企业,服务对象高端,服务过程高端及知识资源具有密集和辐射性特点。(2)以系统理论为基础,将高端服务企业从顾客获取知识、转移知识、共享知识及应用知识的过程整合为接口过程,并对接口内涵、接口机理、接口管理系统、接口周期性管理及实施路径等进行深入分析和阐述。(3)从社会网络视角,考察高端服务企业与顾客知识接口管理所受到的要素影响,其中以社会网络(网络联结强度、网络范围、网络密度)、战略(可行性与有效性)、顾客(提供知识意愿与发送知识愿意)、企业(接口意愿与接口能力)、顾客知识(知识内隐性、粘性与复杂性)、管理(管理方法与手段)、接口情境(组织文化、学习能力、组织结构)等要素对接口影响尤为显著。通过建立高端服务企业顾客知识接口理论模型,以及具体真实数据分析,基本论证接口理论模型假设。(4)社会网络环境下,做好高端服务企业顾客知识接口管理工作,本文从社会网络氛围营造、加强社会网络分析,健全接口组织、实施战略管理,强化利益驱动,建立学习型组织、接口激励机制、情境机制、协调机制等内容层面上提出了具体建议。

【Abstract】 Top service enterprise is the core part of the national economy, it is also the embodiment of economic modernization and the power of economic growth source. In the knowledge-based economy era, top service enterprise faces fierce market competition and their sustainable development challenges, to consolidate the core competitive ability in the market competition, maintain the leading position and make full use of knowledge resources have become an inevitable choice for top service enterprise.The knowledge of the customer is an important source of top service enterprise knowledge resources, with a series of features of value, value-added, complexity, and so on, to become the decisive factors for enterprise compete for success. The acquisition of customer knowledge, transfer and sharing should be considered and management in the system framework. The concept of the customer knowledge interface is the description and generalizations of customer knowledge management activity. Because the customer knowledge interface activities are carried out in the whole society contact system, so it is imperative to examine and research from the social network perspective.This paper will combine theoretical research and empirical analysis, the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and statistical analysis and management analysis, comprehensively utilizing management science, systematics, statistics, mathematics, and other aspects of the theory and method to explored the theory and empirical analysis for top service enterprise application customer knowledge in aspects as connotation, motivation, the interface of the process, the factors, the theory model and so on, to provide the theory basis and the practical guidance.In this paper, the main achievements include the following aspects:Firstly,to offer concept definition and supplement for the top service enterprise, pointing out that its essential character is relying on the modern information technology and management technology service enterprise, top service object and process with dense and the radioactive knowledge.Secondly,to take system theory as a foundation, the high service enterprise integrates the process of obtaining customers knowledge, transferring knowledge and sharing and application of knowledge into a process for interface, and conduct an insight and illustration of the docking port connotation, interface mechanism, the interface management system, the interface periodical management and implementation method.Thirdly,to consider from the social network perspective the essential elements of the interface management of top service enterprise and customer knowledge management, with the dominant influence as with the social network (network connection strength, network range, network density), strategic (feasibility and validity), the customer (provide knowledge intend to send knowledge with the ability), enterprise (interface intend to interface with the ability), customer knowledge (knowledge tacit, sticky and complexity), management (management methods and means), interface situation (organizational culture and learning ability, the structure of the organization), and other factors. Through the establishment of top service enterprise customer knowledge interface theory models, as well as specific and real data analysis, the hypothesis can be tested by the basic argument interface theory modelFinally,concerning social network environment, to well conduct the top service enterprise customer knowledge interface management work, concrete suggestions are put forward in this paper, on the level of the following aspects as creating social network atmosphere, strengthening the analysis of social network, perfect ing the interface organization, implementing strategy management, stressing the benefit drive, to set up a learning organization, interface incentive mechanism, the situation mechanism and harmonizing mechanism.


