

A Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Evaluation of Railway Passenger Satisfaction

【作者】 曾庆东

【导师】 严新平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的快速发展,人们出行行为的选择变得更加多元化,这势必造成运输企业之间的激烈竞争。没有客源,运输企业就失去了存在的根基,因此,运输企业通过降低票价、改善服务环境、增加附加值等措施吸引更多客源,提高旅客满意度,以获得市场竞争中的优势。铁路是国民经济大动脉,是大众化的交通工具,有着独特的资源节约型和环境友好型以及大重量、高速度、全天候的优势,铁路旅客运输是铁路运输中至关重要的组成部分,要真正实现“人民铁路为人民”的服务宗旨,就必须大力改进服务质量,提高旅客满意度。研究铁路旅客满意度的理论及测评方法,对保持铁路运输企业持续的竞争力具有重要意义。论文综述了顾客满意度研究历程,定义了铁路旅客满意度的内涵及其特征。将服务质量理论与旅客满意度理论引入到铁路旅客满意度的研究中来,建立了铁路旅客满意度测评指标体系。运用顾客满意度指数模型的研究成果,构建了铁路旅客满意度指数概念模型,探讨了模型中结构变量间的相关关系,并根据铁路旅客运输的特殊性,提出将感知质量分解为规范服务、运营秩序、运行安全、服务环境和特色服务等5个隐变量。为方便对铁路旅客满意度进行计算,对构建的指标体系进行了量化并对建立的铁路旅客满意度概念模型进行数学表达,解决了旅客满意度测量指标的量化问题。为最终获得满意度测算值,提出了旅客满意度指数赋权方法,指出了客观赋权法的优点,计算出了各指标的权重,并采用信度和效度检验的方法对指标体系的内部一致性进行检验。最后,以武汉铁路局17对“三进列车”为研究对象,开展铁路旅客满意度指数模型的实证研究,获得模型变量间的相关性系数,并通过共同度等指标对构建的模型拟合优度进行检验,获得了良好效果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the economic society, people’s choices of travel behaviors are increasingly diversified, leading to the fierce competition between carriers. As carriers survive on passengers, they try such measures as cutting fares, improving service environment and increasing added value to attract more passengers and improve passenger satisfaction, so as to gain competitive edges. Railway is a major lifeblood of the national economy and a popular transportation with the advantage of particular resource-conserving, environmental-friendly, heavy load, high speed and all-weather mode. Passenger transportation is a vital part of railway transportation. To serve the people, railway service quality and passenger satisfaction must be improved. Studying the theories and evaluation methods regarding railway passenger satisfaction is significant for maintaining the sustainable competitiveness of railway carriers.This paper reviews the historical origin of customer satisfaction studies, explores the connotation and characteristics of railway passenger satisfaction, applies service quality and passenger satisfaction theories to the study of railway passenger satisfaction and establishes an index system for railway passenger satisfaction evaluation. More specifically, a conceptual model of railway passenger satisfaction index is established using the research findings of customer satisfaction index models, the correlations between the structure variables in the model are discussed, and perceived quality is broken down into 5 hidden variables, namely, standardized services, operation order, travel safety, service environment and special services, based on the specific characteristics of railway passenger transportation. To facilitate the calculation of railway passenger satisfaction, the established index system is quantified and the established conceptual model of railway passenger satisfaction is expressed mathematically. To get the estimated values of satisfaction, the method of weighting for the passenger satisfaction index is studied, the advantages of the objective weighting method are pointed out, and the weights of indices are obtained. In addition, the internal consistency of the index system is tested using reliability and validity tests. Based on the 17 pairs of trains heading for Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou under Wuhan Railway Bureau, an empirical study on railway passenger satisfaction index model is carried out, thus obtaining the correlation coefficients between model variables, and the goodness of fit of the established model is tested to be high using communality and other indices.

  • 【分类号】F224;F532.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】675
  • 攻读期成果

