

Research on Coupling Characteristics and Integrated Optimization Model of Energy and Environment Based on DES

【作者】 林世平

【导师】 龚文琪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着电力需求的增加和世界能源危机的加剧,调整能源结构,提高能源利用率,改善能源安全,解决环境污染已经成为我国能源战略的重点。分布式能源系统作为一种新型能源供应模式,以其节能、经济、环保和供能可靠等优势,在我国有着广泛的发展前景。分布式能源系统是一种建立在能量梯级利用理念基础上的多联供总能系统,通过在需求侧根据用户对能源的不同需求,实现“温度对口、梯级利用”的供能模式,将输送环节的损耗降至最低,从而实现能源利用效率和环境效益的最大化。如何借助能源系统的集成和耦合,实现不同能量利用系统之间物质和能量的优化配置,以有效提高能源资源的综合利用效率,同时减少化石燃料利用对环境的负面影响,是分布式能源系统研究的前沿课题和发展趋势。此外,对于分布式能源系统的用户,特别是对建筑能源用户,其终端负荷需求随季节、昼夜和使用时间呈现多周期的变化规律,因而对系统的设计提出了严格的要求。一个优化的分布式系统应该充分考虑这些因素,对能源系统进行优化选择,使得该系统能够在满足任意典型工况的能量需求前提下均能够实现经济、高效的运行,以实现全生命周期内的经济、能源和环境目标函数。常规分布式能源系统,在发达国家已经取得较成熟的研究成果并得到推广应用,但是在我国的研究还处于初级阶段。本论文的研究以基于能源与环境耦合的分布式能源耦合系统为主要研究对象,探索中国特色的分布式能源发展道路,克服常规分布式能源系统的缺陷,在能源技术和利用方式上综合考虑能源、经济和环境因素,实现能源系统的耦合平衡及能源与环境的最佳匹配融合,更好地实现能源、经济和环境效益。首先进行了分布式能源耦合系统的概念性研究。在对分布式能源系统概念、组成及基本原理阐述的基础上,对分布式能源系统的技术方案进行总结,分析了常规分布式能源系统发展研究存在的问题,创新性地提出分布式能源发展趋势—分布式能源耦合系统的概念,指出基于能源与环境的耦合特性是分布式能源的本质特征,明确提出耦合特性研究是中国特色分布式能源的发展途径。系统地进行分布式能源系统中能源与环境耦合特性研究。这是本论文的重点,分别就常规分布式能源系统与环境、可再生能源、常规能源系统、信息系统、以及煤化工多联产集成耦合系统的耦合特性进行系统深入的研究,从各层面阐述耦合系统的内容、机理和特性。其中,与环境的耦合包括环境影响评价、与环境技术的耦合、与区域能源规划的耦合;与可再生能源的耦合,包括太阳能、风能、地热能、生物质能以及其他低热值燃料的耦合;与常规能源系统的耦合包括与蓄能系统、烟气余热回收系统的耦合,以及与电力、热力和燃气系统的耦合;与信息系统的耦合包括耦合型DCS系统和耦合型智能能源管理平台的研究。深入地开展分布式能源系统中能源与环境优化集成模型研究。提出反映耦合特性的优化集成方法、与优化运行相结合的优化集成模型,以及优化集成的数学模拟方法。分布式能源耦合系统的优化集成模型,主要采用数学模拟的方法,实现分布式能源系统的系统集成、负荷分析、经济型计算及数值模拟,达到分布式能源的最佳经济性、环境性、安全性。这是本论文的又一重点。最后进行分布式能源耦合系统实例研究。结合作者本人主导规划、设计、建设和运营的长沙黄花国际机场分布式能源耦合系统项目实际,进行分布式能源耦合系统实例分析,将本论文所研究的分布式能源系统耦合特性及优化集成模型理论与项目实践相结合,建立新分布式能源耦合系统示范项目,推动探索中国特色的分布式能源发展道路和分布式能源在中国的发展。分布式能源是世界能源工业发展的重要趋势,是人类可持续发展的重要组成部分,它作为一种新型科学用能的最佳方式正得到世界各国广泛重视和应用而蓬勃兴起。我国“十二五”规划纲要明确提出“大力发展新能源,促进分布式能源的推广应用”,相信随着我国国民经济发展和可持续战略的深入,我国分布式能源尤其是新型分布式能源耦合系统将得到长足的发展。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of electric power demand and world energy consumption, regulating energy construction, raising energy efficiency, improving energy security and solving environmental pollution have become the emphasis of the energy strategy of our country. A new energy supply mode, distributed energy system (DES), shows a promising future in China because of its unique characteristics, which include energy efficiency, economy, environmental protection and reliable energy supply. Distributed energy system is a kind of multi-generation system based on the establishment of energy step utilization. According to the different demands of customers, energy supply is carried out with the match of temperature, energy loss during the transportation decreasing to the lowest and energy efficiency increasing to the highest.One of the advanced subjects in DES field is to realize the optimizing configuration of material and energy among different energy utilization systems in virtue of system integration and combination, to improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy and resource, and to abate the negative effect of fossil fuel utilization on the environment. In additional, for the users of distributed energy systems especially for the building users, with the variation of season, day and night alternation and the time of day, its terminal load requirements vary greatly and periodically, which makes the design of distributed energy systems a difficult task. An optimized distributed energy system design should fully consider these factors and favor the economical and efficient system operation under any working conditions, and the objective function’s accomplishment of economy, energy and environment.The research and development of integrating distributed energy system with environment, renewable resources, compound energy-saving technology and coal chemical industry were firstly overviewed in this paper. The evaluation of environmental benefits was used to identify the differences between distributed energy system and traditional energy system. Integrated effects between distributed energy system and denitration technology were mainly investigated. By the example of Guangzhou Asian-Games City and Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, the applications of integrating distributed energy system with renewable resources and compound energy-saving technology were demonstrated in detail.A set of mathematical models established from the point of view of system engineering were used to analyse distributed energy-environment integrated system qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the engineering technology model, the programming model was set up to characterize and imitate the distributed energy-environment integrated system and to evaluate environmental impact, combining with technologies through energy consumption and energy production. Multi-objective programming models for distributed energy system were established to support optimal operation and configuration. Furthermore, the related analysis conclusions and suggestions were put forward. Based on an overall consideration of various factors, the programming model focused on the interaction and the integrated characteristics between distributed energy and environment.Considering actual districted energy systems with their input energy prices and external climate conditions etc., the optimal design of the integrated gasification multi-generation system under energy, economic and environmental multi-objects functions was investigated, and optimized schemes under different combination, and the influences of time of use prices and cool storage equipments on energy, economic and environmental performances in the life cycle were analyzed.


